Can I tell you something

Wura's heart stopped beating as Mero moved closer to her and used his thumb to wipe off the stain that was on her chin and instinctively Wura's eyes landed on Mero's as his eyes were looking elsewhere, Wura could feel her breath hitching as she was just stuck in a frozen state.

"It looks like paint my Queen" came Mero's voice as it seemed to be enough to snap Wura out of her frozen stupor as his thumb left her chin to inspect the stain he had wiped off.

"Ahhh yes I... I must have gotten paint on my face unconsciously" said Wura as she snapped herself out of it and she tried to calm herself down and act normally.

"It seems to" replied Mero as he wiped off the paint from his thumb and he looked at Wura who seemed flustered, which was strange and that led him to believe that maybe she was feeling some sort of discomfort in her foot.

"My Queen, are you okay?" asked Mero as his voice snapped Wura out of her thoughts while she was busy scolding herself and trying to calm herself down internally.

"Ah... I...I am fine Mero, why do you ask?" asked Wura as she mumbled and looked at Mero.

"You seem flustered, are you sure that you are alright?" asked Mero in a worried tone as he took a step forward as Wura shook her head.

"I am fine Mero, really" said Wura.

"Does your foot hurt?" asked Mero as Wura shook her head.

"I am just fine Mero, really" said Wura as she smiled, finally able to compose herself.

"Alright my Queen" said Mero as he took another step forward in an attempt to check her body temperature just to be sure, you could never be to safe, maybe she was coming down with a cold and that was why she was behaving so strangely.

"Mero what are you doing?" asked Wura in a panic as her eyes darted from the window to Mero's face.

"Checking your temperatures my Queen, you can never be too safe" said Mero as just as he was about to touch her forehead Wura dodged him and pushed him away.

"No!" she said as Mero stopped and looked at her strangely.

"No?" asked Mero in confusion.

"No, do not come any closer Mero" said Wura as seeing that totally confused look on Mero's face, she knew that she needed to explain further.

"I say that because I have my paints all over, on the ground and on the bed, if you were to come any closer you could accidentally step on one of them and that would be quite unfortunate considering that I do not have any more paints left" said Wura as she made an effort to explain as best as she could.

"I see my Queen..." replied Mero as it was clear he did not believe that excuse, but he did not say that at all, he was sure that maybe she was indeed feeling uncomfortable and she just did not want to tell him.

"Yes" said Wura.

"Alright then my Queen, as long as you do not feel hot or any discomfort that should raise an alarm" said Mero.

"I am perfectly fine Mero, thank you for worrying about me, it means a lot to me actually" said Wura as she smiled.

"It is my duty to worry about you my Queen, Liam would expect nothing less of me" said Mero as Wura smiled.

"I know so..." said Wura as she smiled helplessly.

"Can I tell you something Mero?" asked Wura as Mero nodded.

"I miss him more everyday..." said Wura.

"We all do my Queen" replied Mero as Wura smiled at him.

"I must go now my Queen, I have a lot of work to do" said Mero.

"I know Mero, take care" said Wura as she smiled.

"I will my Queen, take care as well" replied Mero as he gave a soft smile and Wura smiled back at him as he left the room.

Wura sighed a deep sigh of relief once Mero left the room as she plopped back on the bad in a fit of stress.

"Just what is wrong with you Wura?" she asked herself.

"Why are you overreacting every moment that Mero does something??" she asked herself as she shook her head and groaned, this was just too much for her, there was seriously something wrong with her.

"Mero is just being himself, and yet you are looking at something else? Stop it, stop it" said Wura to herself as she scolded herself intensely, this could not continue.

How embarrassing and wrong for her to freeze up, or for her heart to beat uncontrollably just because of Mero, it was not supposed to be like that at all, why was she misbehaving all of a sudden?

"When did I get so easily flustered like this around him?" asked Wura to herself, deeply thinking and bringing up several memories, she needed to get to the root of this.

"I know, it was during the Knight's Summer Festival and that stupid kiss, ever since that stupid kiss nothing has been the same" said Wura as she groaned and covered her face with her hands.

Oh how much she hated that one silly mistake that she made, kissing Mero that night was the worst mistake she had ever made in her entire life, it caused her to be change in the way she looked at Mero.

But Mero on the other hand didn't seem affected at all, maybe it was only her that was causing a big deal out of nothing at all, he even agreed that they would never speak of the kiss which they did not.

"You are just overreacting Wura, you are overreacting" said Wura to herself as she sighed and tapped herself on her cheeks.

It was not like Mero was not an attractive man, no, he was indeed very attractive, and Wura saw nothing wrong in admitting that, the problem here was that she was suddenly affected by his presence too much now.

It would not be a problem if not for her position, she loved Liam, he was her lovely wonderful husband, there was no doubt about that, she loved him, and now why would she be so flustered around another man? She hated that she was so easily affected, it made her feel bad.

"No matter what I am faithful to Liam, my heart is with him" said Wura as she seemed to be reassuring herself more than anything.

"Mero is just... I just need to calm down, because it is clear that I am the only one feeling this way" said Wura as she sighed she was just tired of this whole thing.

"*Ugh* I want to get out of this bed so badly!!" said Wura as she groaned throwing a fit, she was frustrated, she had been stuck in this room for two days now, she hated this, she hated being in one place.

This was what caused her to let her thoughts run wild, it was just horrible, she wanted to go outside and take a break, go to the stables, do something, but until her foot was healed, she would not be able to.

Wura sighed as she groaned once more, all alone in her room, Nora would not be returning for a while and the silence and loneliness was torturing her.

Just as Wura was busy sulking, suddenly an idea popped into her head out of nowhere.

"According to what the Physician said, I am only not allowed to put pressure on my hurt foot" said Wura as she sat up straight in bed and a happy smile crept up on her face, she knew just what to do.

Wura removed her covers as she attempted to stand up from being in bed, but she did not dare put pressure on her right foot, instead she put all her weight on her left foot as she stood up and hopped carefully to the window so as not to fall.

"I should have done this earlier" said Wura to herself as she finally reached the window and she sighed looking outside at the beautiful peaceful meadow below.

Wura took in a breath of fresh air as she closed her eyes and she made sure to keep her right foot elevated, after all, she was not prepared to accidentally harm herself any further.

How would she explain to Nora what had happened? Besides, she was very lucky that Nora had left to run some errands and that she would not be back for a long while, or else, she would have not been able to do this.

Wura took another deep breath and kept her eyes closed, she had guilt eating her from the inside.

"Liam I really am really, really sorry for what I did...I did not mean it at all, I promise you I will tell you the truth once you return, I promise" said Wura as above all, she felt as if she had betrayed Liam, which in a way, she did.