Cleaning up

Two days later.

Wura was all smiles as she finally was able to get out of bed and walk normally, she was finally back on her own two feet, and it made her feel overjoyed.

No more staying in bed all day, no more asking for permission before she got out of bed, no more wallowing in nothing but her thoughts all day, it just felt so good to be free, and Wura was sure she would never get herself into the same situation again, there was no way she would hurt herself again, no way.

Wura smiled happily as she looked out the window and breathed in some fresh air, it was time for her to return back to her office, as much as she did not like being in an office working all day, it sure was better than being in bed all day.

Wura walked away from the window as she looked at her reflection in the dressing table mirror as she fixed her hair a bit and smiled at her reflection, she had already eaten breakfast and she was ready to start her day.

But she was a bit sad, Nora had taken the day off to go visit her parents, and even though Wura did not want to be left alone for the day, she knew that it would be wrong of her to try to stop Nora from seeing her family.

After all, she knew that if her parents or her Aunt Tessa and Uncle Richard and baby Lily were in the capital she would waste no time at all and go spend the entire day with them, she just missed them so much.

Wura turned around and decided that it was time to head to her office, or more like Liam's office, she was sick and tired of seeing the interior of this room, it could get awfully boring after four whole days stuck here just because she could not sleep one night.

Wura stopped blabbering in her mind as she opened the door and walked into the hall, making her way to her office.

On her way there she could not count how many maids and guards had greeted her, to which she replied with a smile, it seemed that they were very happy that she was back on her feet, and she was too.

She was happy, everyone asked her how she was, and it made her feel nice that everyone truly did care about her, and it was not just because she was their Queen.

Wura walked into Liam's office as she realized it was in the exact same state that she had left it in, papers piled on the desk, several books on the couch and hanging on the shelf, it was not like she was an untidy person on a usual day, but she had just been too tired to arrange everything back in its rightful place.

Wura shook her head as the first thing on her mind was to tidy this place up, so she started with the couch and the shelf.

She picked up all the heavy books placed on the couch, she sorted them out and arranged them one by one as she placed them back on the shelf.

Once she was done with that she moved on to the desk, she sat down and started to arrange all the parchments, letters and archives that she had been reading, and she placed them in an individual pile at the edge of the desk.

Wura was almost done cleaning up when a letter with a strange seal caught her attention as she picked it up and frowned, she did not remember seeing this letter the last time she was in here.

Wura opened the letter, curious to find out what was written inside, after all, it was on her desk, if it was not meant for her to read then it would not have been here.

Wura skimmed through the contents of the letter as she realized it had something to do with the troops, and it was addressed to Mero and not her, that explained the strange seal.

"This does not belong here, it was supposed to be delivered to Mero" said Wura as she folded the letter and sealed it back, it was not like she had done something wrong by reading it, no she was Queen, she was mandated to read lots of letters, but she could tell that this was something that Mero was more skilled in.

Wura did not waste any time at all, she stood up with the letter in her hand and she left her office, if this letter was urgent then a response was long overdue, especially if it had been on her desk for the past four days, Mero needed to respond to it.


Mero had just entered his office after an early morning training with the troops, he drank a glass of water before proceeding to sit at his desk where he could see that he had some letters to attend to, they were probably from the troops at the outpost.

Mero picked up one letter and started to read it when he heard a knock on his office door as he and he answered that the person come in.

"Mero, good morning, I am lucky to meet you here" said Wura as she smiled and entered his office.

"Good morning my Queen, I can see you are feeling better" said Mero as he gave her a soft smile.

"I am feeling more than better Mero, I feel like gold now that I am back on my two feet" said Wura as Mero laughed with her words, he could tell she was overjoyed this morning, and he liked that, she deserved to feel happy for once considering everything that had happened.

"It is the truth Mero, nothing can compare to how grateful I am that I feel better, I seriously thank everyone for their well wishes" said Wura as she smiled.

"And so do I my Queen, I am happy that you are feeling better" said Mero.

"So what brings you here my Queen?" asked Mero.

"Ahh I found this letter among some other letters on my desk, and I read it, it is addressed to you" said Wura as she handed the letter to Mero as he opened it and he read it.

"Ah, I see, it is a letter from one of the outposts" said Mero as Wura sat down across him.

"Is it important?" asked Wura.

"Well not really, this seems to be the first letter sent from the outpost, It must have been mixed with letters that were addressed to you, so it was not delivered to me" said Mero.

"Oh no, that is a problem because it has been on my desk for over four days now" said Wura.

"There is nothing to worry about my Queen, I was sent another letter which I received, this one is really not important" said Mero.

"Well that is a relief" said Wura.

"That it is" said Mero.

"Mero have Zuph and the others returned yet?" asked Wura.

"Yes my Queen, they just arrived this morning" said Mero as he nodded.

"Oh I see that is good" said Wura.

"So are things at the outpost doing well?" asked Wura as Mero nodded.

"Very well actually, they all gave me a good report, which is a relief, in the past I was the one tasked to go there, but I have not been able to since I need to stay here to ensure that you are assisted in anything you may require assistance with" said Mero as his words caused Wura to smile.

"Thank you for that Mero, you know, I do not know what I would have done without your support" said Wura as she smiled.

"I really value your support and belief in me" said Wura as she smiled and Mero smiled.

"It is my honour my Queen" replied Mero.

"Well let me leave you to work now, I will see you later" said Wura as she smiled and stood up.

"Alright my Queen, take care" said Mero as he smiled and Wura turned around to leave when her eyes landed on the ground and she saw something small, furry and black moving speedily on the ground, she did not need anyone to tell her what it was as she let out a screeching scream and she jumped back in fright.

"My Queen, are you alright?" asked Mero in worry as he stood up, wondering what caused her to react so extremely.

Wura on the other hand did not seem to hear him as her eyes were fixed on the ground and the small, black, furry creature continued to move towards her feet.

This caused Wura to enter into a panic as she let out small screams and she ran away from the creature in order to get to safety.

Mero was confused on what was going on, so he walked closer to her.

"My Queen, are you alright, what is it?" he asked in worry as he was behind Wura who once she heard his voice she forgot everything and jumped into his arms in fear.

"My Queen, what is wrong?" asked Mero calmly as Wura looked at him.

"Mero, Mero, look there is a spider on the ground, a big, black, furry, hairy spider" cried Wura in fear as she pointed at the creature and Mero followed her finger pointing down.