
Mero looked at the ground, and then at the cowering Wura who had jumped into his arms, and then at the ground again, and then finally at Wura.

The levity of the situation finally clear to him as he blinked in a mix of disbelief and confusion that were only showed in his eyes if you looked close enough.

"Get rid of it Mero! Get rid of it, it is coming back this way, get rid of it!" cried Wura as she held him tighter as if she wanted to sink into his chest, and her action was enough to snap Mero out of his confusion.

"My Queen, please relax" said Mero as he was resisting the urge to laugh, it would be highly insensitive considering how genuinely scared she was in the moment.

"I cannot relax Mero, I cannot relax! Not until you get rid of that thing, get rid of it!" said Wura as it was clear she was totally scared out of her wits right now.

"My Queen, please calm down, I will get rid of it, I assure you, calm down first please" said Mero as Wura looked at him, her eyes filled with fear as she nodded.

"Good, now let me slowly approach the creature and then I can throw it out the window" said Mero as Wura nodded and Mero stood there unmoving, which confused her.

"My Queen, you will need to let go of me first before I can get rid of it" said Mero as Wura looked at him in confusion, not realizing when he meant until she looked down to see that he was sort of carrying her in the weird position she jumped onto him in.

"Oh... sorry" said Wura still with a bit of fear as she reluctantly let go of him as he smiled and walked to the innocent spider on the ground as Wura moved to the furthest part of his office just to be safe.

Mero bent down and looked at the innocent little spider, aimlessly looking for a way out of his office, this made Mero smile, this little creature was far from terrifying, it was cute in a way to say the least, but it was clear that Wura harshly thought otherwise.

Mero carefully picked up the spider as Wura moved further into the wall as Mero walked past her with the spider in his hand and he opened the window and set it gently on the dry branch of the tree that was right outside the window and then he closed the window and turned back to look at Wura.

"Is it gone now?" asked Wura as she looked at Mero and he nodded as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank the heavens, that scary thing wants to give me a heart attack, why was it following me?" asked Wura as she mumbled to herself, trying to calm herself down while Mero looked at her strangely.

"My Queen, you are afraid of spiders?" asked Mero in uncertainty as she looked at him.

"Of course I am, I am absolutely terrified of them, they are nothing but horrible, hairy, scary creatures!" said Wura with so much certainty as Mero could no longer hold himself as he burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Wura in confusion as she did not get what was funny at all.

"Please forgive me my Queen... I..." said Mero as he continued laughing, he could not just help himself, the whole situation on its own was really funny.

He would have never guessed that the brave, courageous, stubborn Wura was afraid of a simple, little harmless creature, it would seem that it was her weakness.

She was totally destabilized once she laid her eyes on that spider, she was crippled in fear over something so little, Mero could not believe it.

"You what?" asked Wura as she was starting to get that he was not just laughing, he was laughing at her, and it made her feel vulnerable and embarrassed right now.

"I..." said Mero as he laughed and Wura frowned.

"You what Mero, are making fun of me?" asked Wura in anger as she walked closer to him and hit him on his chest as he kept on laughing.

"No my Queen, not at all, the whole situation on its own is funny" said Mero as he laughed softer.

"Oh really? In what way??" asked Wura as she looked irritated more than anything.

"The spider was nothing but harmless, in fact it was lost" said Mero.

"Lies! Those are nothing but lies, spiders are horrible, horrible creatures, they are so scary, even thinking about them makes me shiver" said Wura as she shivered and her ears caught Mero laughing once more which caused her to hit him again.

"Can you stop laughing Mero! it is not funny one bit!" she said as she was embarrassed to say the most, there she was cowering like a little girl and hiding behind him, jumping in his arms over something that appeared so little and harmless in his eyes, oh, she had really embarrassed herself this time.

"I am sorry my Queen, it is not my intention to laugh, but I just cannot help it" said Mero as Wura groaned in frustration and she started to hit Mero's chest continuously, hoping it would hurt him.

But he remained unfazed and unmoving as he continuing laughing, which made her feel more embarrassed and irritated as she increased the force of her punches, hoping to inflict some form of damage on him.

Mero realized that if she was to continue doing this she would end up hurting her knuckles, and he did not want that so because of that he caught her hands before she could punch him again.

"Let go of me!" said Wura as she looked at Mero who looked like he had no intention of doing so, but at least he had stopped laughing.

"I am sorry my Queen, it was insensitive for me laugh at you, you are really scared of spiders and I am sure that you have your reasons, I apologize, please forgive me my Queen" said Mero sincerely as he looked into Wura's eyes and Wura felt her heart skip a beat as she was unable to look away.

"I..." said Wura as she did not know what to say.

"So do you forgive me?" asked Mero genuinely as Wura doubted that she could stay angry at him so she nodded and gave him a soft smile.

"I do... I do forgive you Mero, and I apologize for overreacting" said Wura as she smiled.

"It is only expected my Queen, you were faced with something that unsettled you" said Mero as his grip on her hands loosened as Wura quickly pulled them out of his hands when she got the chance.

It was torture having Mero hold her hands so tightly, and being so close to him.

"Thank you Mero" said Wura as she smiled and she took a step back, she needed to create some distance between them, their closeness was starting to affect her too much.

"No need to thank me my Queen" said Mero as he smiled softly as her as she returned his smile.

"Oh my, this is so unexpected, I was on my way out when all this nonsense spiraled out of control" said Wura as she laughed and Mero laughed.

"That is true, who would have thought that you would be scared on your way out" said Mero as he laughed and Wura laughed.

If she could say that there was something she and Mero shared a lot of it would be moments like these, it was better when they were not arguing with each other, it was not reasonable for the both of them when they were on opposite sides.

"Oh I only just recovered, I do not want to end up hurt again, It would kill me if it happened again, literally" said Wura as she sighed and shook her head, she could not imagine getting hurt again only after just getting better, she would be sure that she had nothing but bad luck and she needed to be cleansed from the spirit of clumsiness.

"I doubt you would my Queen" replied Mero as he raised his hand to itch it and Wura's eyes landed on his right hand as she gasped.

"Mero your hand" said Wura in worry as she quickly held Mero's right hand in hers and she looked at his palm that had now turned red and sore.

Mero looked down at his hand, noticing the strange change for the first time as he browned.

"Oh my goodness, you were bitten by the spider and now you are reacting negatively to it" said Wura as she quickly put two and two together as she looked at the Mero's hand in nothing but worry, and no wonder, she had warned him that spiders were dangerous, now just look at what had been done to his hand, she was right.