Say thank you

Wura could not lie that she was taken aback by the woman's offer, it was completely unexpected and she was surprised to say the least.

She had never thought that she would be invited to dinner by anyone, but the sheer look of honesty and respect in the woman's eyes made her unable to doubt her intentions.

Wura could tell that the woman only meant well and not evil for her, which made it hard for her to reject the woman's offer.

"My Queen, I know that it must surprise you, and it is very okay if you cannot accept my offer, I know that you are a very busy woman, but it would really make me happy if you could have dinner with me and my children" said the woman.

"I want this to be a way for me to say thank you to you, you have done everything for us and you get nothing in return, it would make me very happy if you accept to come over for dinner" said the woman with a sincere smile as Wura could not help but smile.

"Thank you for being very generous with me, and for inviting me to have dinner with you and your children" said Wura as she smiled.

"It would be rude for me to decline your generous offer, so yes, I will have dinner with you tonight" said Wura as she smiled.

"Oh my Queen, I do not want you to think that you are obliged to attend because I asked you to, it is alright if you cannot make it, I do not want it to seem like you are being forced" said the woman as much as she wanted Wura to come over for dinner, she had to remember that this was the Queen, she was a very important woman and she certainly had very important things to do.

"No, no, not at all, I am not being forced, if anything I am very grateful that you have invited me, and I would certainly love to meet your lovely children, so believe me when I say that I will be there" said Wura as she smiled.

Initially she had wanted to decline the offer, but that was before she thought about what she would be doing tonight, and then she remembered how awfully lonely it was being all alone in her tent. She did not want that to repeat itself again in the evening.

She would prefer being surrounded by people rather than being on her own, and this lovely woman had graciously offered to host her for dinner, it would be rude not to accept, and so she did.

"I am sure that they are very lovely children" said Wura as she chuckled and the woman chuckled.

"Oh they are, but they can also be exceptionally naughty at times" said the woman as she laughed and Wura laughed.

"All children are, so I will be coming to have dinner with you and your family tonight, how does that sound?" asked Wura with a bright smile.

"Thank you my Queen for accepting my offer." said the woman as she smiled.

"No, thank you for inviting me." said Wura as she smiled and she suddenly remembered something or rather someone important.

"May I ask you for a favour?" asked Wura as the woman looked at her attentively with her bright brown eyes as she nodded.

"Anything at all my Queen" said the woman.

"Can I bring my personal guard Mero along?" asked Wura as she smiled, even though Mero was not here now, and she had not discussed this with him, she knew that he would undeniably follow her, so it was best to alert the woman of his presence now.

"Of course my Queen, he is more than welcome." said the woman as she smiled.

"Thank you, then we will certainly be there for dinner." said Wura with a smile as she could see the look of pure delight on the woman's face.

"I cannot wait my Queen, but I have to go now, take care my Queen, and my tent is right at the edge of the valley." said the woman as she smiled and Wura nodded.

"Alright, take care and see you soon" said Wura as she smiled and the woman smiled once more before she turned around and left.

Wura smiled happily to herself, feeling very happy, so she was not as useless as she thought, there were certainly some people who thought highly of her, and that made her feel very nice on the inside.

If one person thought like that about her, then several other people shared the same ideas. It was nice knowing that all your efforts were seen and appreciated, and this only made Wura want to do more, she just wanted to do so much more.

She knew that there was so much more that she could do, and it would all start once they found a way to end this war.

Wura was deeply engrossed in her thoughts that she did not notice when Mero returned and tapped her on her shoulder.

"My Queen I am back." said Mero as Wura flinched slightly as she was surprised but her fright response stopped when she heard Mero's voice and she turned to look at him.

"Oh Mero, welcome back, that was quick? Did you handle the problem?" asked Wura as she smiled at him and he nodded with a frown on his face.

"I settled the important disputes, the people responsible for sharing the aids will have to handle the rest themselves." said Mero as he did not like having to settle menial disputes, they were annoying, people could be so unreasonable at times and hence why he looked annoyed.

"I see... if any more problems continue then that means that something has to be changed" said Wura.

"I guess so." replied Mero as he really did not want to continue thinking about that.

"Enough about that, how are you? Did something happen while I was away?" asked Mero as he could see that Wura's countenance was much more brighter than when he had left and for one she had been so deep in her thoughts that she did not notice when he had called out to her the first time.

"I am very fine Mero, and yes, something did happen while you were away." she said, replying him with a smile.

"Judging from the way you are talking it must have been something good then" said Mero.

"Yes it was very good" said Wura as she smiled.

"You and I are invited to dinner tonight" said Wura happily as Mero frowned, he could not hide the look of suspicion and displeasure in his eyes.

"Invited by whom?" he asked very cautiously, could you blame him? Wura's safety was his top priority and he would never let anything bad happen to her, but she could easily make his duty ten times harder if she herself did not value her own safety the way he did.

"By this nice woman, she approached me and we spoke for a while, and she is very lovely, she invited me to dinner." said Wura.

"And...?" asked Mero.

"And we are going Mero, I already accepted her invitation, it would be rude to cancel, and I am going Mero, do not try to stop me" said Wura her tone very serious, judging from the look in his eye he was clearly not pleased and she did not blame him.

He had every right to be displeased, she was invited by a stranger, someone she barely knew, but she counted on him to trust her and realize that she could take care of herself, she would not just accept anyone's invitation just like that.

"So before we start arguing, I am telling you that I am going, you are coming with me, or if you do not want to go, send other guards to accompany me, I know what I am doing Mero and if I had sensed the slightest bit of danger with this woman that I am talking about then I certainly would not have accepted her invitation." said Wura.

Mero looked at her as she looked back at him, unwilling to back down until she heard Mero sigh.

"Alright fine, as you wish my Queen." said Mero as Wura smiled in relief.

"Thank you Mero." she said, she was thanking him for not arguing and trusting her, after all, she knew how dangerous it could be, but she felt at ease here, and she wanted him to be with her, if that was not enough indication that she was taking her safety seriously then she did not know what was.

"I am going to my tent now, I need to rest, I will see you in the evening." said Wura as she smiled and signaled to the guards set to watch her to follow her as they did so and they followed behind her and Mero sighed.

It was always one thing or the other with Wura and he was starting to wonder if he was being too hard or if she was being too soft, regardless he was following her, there was no way that he would ever leave her on her own.