Play with us

"Yes, you are right my Queen, I should not have been rude to my sister." said Alver as he immediately admitted to his faults, after all, he did not want the Queen to be upset with him over something this silly.

"Lorian I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you." said Alver innocently as he turned to look at his sister and apologized.

Lorian on the other hand was completely shocked, Alver rarely apologized to her, and when he did, it was not done as simply as he just did now.

She did not know what made her shocked, whether it was the fact that he was pretending right now to be such a good, obedient lovely boy in front of the Queen, or the fact that he thought he would be aura to get away with this.

Lorian looked at Wura who was smiling happily, obviously pleased by Alver's display of maturity and she was sure that if she was to expose him for the pretender that he was, she would end up the one being called immature.

Lorian could see that Wura was looking at her, waiting for her response, and for the sake of her good manners and keeping the peace, she would play along with Alver just this once. She would report him to their mother once they got back home.

"It is fine Alver, I know you did not mean it." she replied as Wura's smile became brighter.

"Thank you my dear sister." said Alver as he walked to Lorian and stretched out his hands for a hug as Lorian looked as if she was prepared to push him away, just what sort of good boy game was he playing right now?

Lorian once again looked at Wura who was looking at the both of them with so much adoration and she sighed internally, reluctantly stretched her hand and gave her older brother a hug.

She patted him on the back and added a swift pinch before letting go and Alver could not say anything because the look on her face was rather serious.

"That is so cute, well that settles that." said Wura as she smiled and she looked at the other children that were running around.

It always made her smile how even in the worst of situations children never seemed to be bothered, as long as they were alright and they had food to eat and a roof over their heads, they did not aspire for more, they were perfectly content with what they had and they made each day count.

That was what she admired so much about children, she wished that life could remain like that, but alas, the more you grew up, the more you got to see the several problems that lingered around.

"Can I play with you children?" asked Wura as she smiled and heard gasps of shock coming from the children as she chuckled.

She knew that she had just asked a bizarre question, but the truth was that she had nothing better to do inside her tent, she said that she would rest today and she was tired of sleeping, and even if they did not want her to play with them, she would love to just stay and watch them play.

"Of course you can play with us my Queen." said Alver with a smile as he was the first to respond as the other children agreed with him and nodded their heads.

"Thank you." said Wura as she smiled and Emond ran to her and touched her.

"Now you have to run and touch someone else." he declared quickly as he rushed off and Wura laughed understanding the game already as she looked at the other children who started to run as well.

Wura ran as she touched a little boy with shot legs who could not run as quickly as the other children and he frowned before taking off in the other direction and Wura chuckled, she felt bad, she was technically cheating in this game since she was obviously taller and faster than the other children, but it was fun to participate though.

Wura did not even realize when the sun had set, she had spent so much time playing with the children, telling them stories, exchanging songs and just laughing that she was very shocked when she looked up at the sky and saw that it was already getting dark.

The children said their goodbyes as they rushed to their tents for dinner and Wura returned to her own tent.

She smiled as she sat down on her bed and sighed. Her dress was a but dusty, she might have accidentally fell a few times. She was sure that she would need to take a bath tonight, but she did not want to trouble anyone, so she decided that she would wait till tomorrow.

Wura laid her head on her pillow and smiled as she stared up, she could not help but wonder what she and Liam's child would look like.

She had not really given it any thought or consideration but they would eventually have children, in fact, if not that they were separated at the moment, she was sure that she would at least be with child by now.


If you loved someone and you were already together, of course you would desire to have children together, and there was just something about seeing these children and playing with them today that made her want a child of her own.

She kept on imagining how her life would be if she had Liam's child, if she had a child, she would be less lonely, she would have someone else to pour all her love and time on. In simple words, she wanted a child.

Mero frowned as he walked into Wura's tent, he had asked for permission to come in thrice but he had heard no reply, he thought that maybe she was not here, but then that made him worried, if she was not here, where could she be?

So imagine Mero's relief when he saw her in her tent on her bed, she seemed to be lost deep in thought.

"Wura." called Mero once again as Wura seemed to hear him this time as she was startled and she jumped up.

"Sorry, I did not mean to startle you." said Mero as he apologized and Wura looked at him and tried to calm down her racing heart.

"Oh Mero, gosh, you really did scare me." she said as she laughed.

"I called for you before I entered but you did not answer." he said as Wura finally calmed herself down.

"Oh really? I am sorry, I was lost in thought." she replied with a smile.

"I can see that." he replied as Wura smiled at him.

"Did I disturb you?" he asked.

"Ahh, no, not at all, I was actually waiting for you." she replied cheerfully and Mero was sure that something had happened to make her happy while he was away.

"I see... so how was your day?" he asked, he did not want to directly ask her why she was so happy, he did not feel like it was in his place to, so he would rather hear about her day.

"Well it was fine, I slept for most of the day and woke up at noon." said Wura as Mero nodded while she described her day.

"And then I went outside and the children happened to be playing in front of the tent because they wanted to see me, and oh they were all just so cute, so we played together for a while before they had to leave." said Wura as Mero now knew why she seemed so happy.

"Ahh I see, so you played with the children all noon?" asked Mero as Wura nodded.

"You seemed to have enjoyed that very much." said Mero as Wura nodded excitedly.

"Yes I did, you cannot imagine how fun it was Mero, it was nice just playing like a little child again." said Wura as she sat down.

"I can imagine." Mero replied, even though he doubted that he could play like that, even when he was a child, he rarely played anywhere.

"But enough about me, how was your day? You were gone longer than I expected." said Wura as Mero sat down.

"Yes, but there were some important things that I had to take care of." said Mero.

"I know." she replied.

"Have you eaten dinner yet?" he asked as Wura shook her head and smiled sheepishly.

"Well your food should be here soon." he said.

"Can you please have dinner with me?" asked Wura as she smiled, since he was here, and it did not seem like he had anything else to do, she would like for him to stay here with her and they have dinner together.

"Sure." replied Mero with a smile as Wura smiled at him.