
"Ohhhh Nora, you don't know how good this bath feels." said Wura as she groaned sinking into the warm bath that Nora had speedily prepared for her.

Nora walked into the bathing room with a chuckle as she set down wooden buckets full of steaming hot water next to the wooden bath that Wura was in.

"I am glad you think so." said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh you do not know how glad I am, it has been a while since I have had such a warm bath." said Wura as she groaned closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth of the water.

"Since you like it so much should I add some more hot water?" asked Nora as Wura nodded instantly.

"Oh yes please Nora, the water is already getting cold." said Wura as Nora laughed and poured some more hot water in as it steamed.

"That feels even better!" exclaimed Wura as Nora just chuckled.

"You must have been really stressed my Queen." said Nora as Wura opened her eyes and nodded.

"I tell you Nora, I was seriously stressed, and as quick as the journey was, my behind is really sore and I feel pain everywhere. Honestly I just want to eat something and go straight to sleep." said Wura as Nora nodded.

"I can understand my Queen, that journey really is stressful, I am glad that you are back." said Nora as she smiled.

"And I am glad too Nora." replied Wura as she smiled.

"My Queen, would you like me to help you wash your hair?" asked Nora as Wura nodded excitedly.

"Oh yes please, thank you Nora." said Wura as she sunk deeper into the water wetting her hair.

"It is my pleasure my Queen." replied Nora as she smiled and she walked to the wooden bath and knelt down at the edge as Wura raised her head, as her wet curls dripped water everywhere.

Nora began to gently untangle Wura's hair with her fingers while she applied some oils. Nora hands were so soft and gentle that Wura could not help but close her eyes sinking into the nice feeling of being taken care of.

She had to admit that she had missed all of Nora's pampering and the way she took care of her, and she had just simply missed Nora's presence, and hearing her sweet voice.

"Nora I really missed you a lot. I was so lonely being alone." said Wura as Nora laughed.

"And I missed you too my Queen, you do not know how worried I was, especially when word came that you would not be returning soon because of the East troops, I was so worried, I never ceased to pray for your safety and safe return." said Nora as she smiled.

"Aww Nora, that was so sweet of you." said Wura.

"I was seriously worried my Queen because before you left, I already had somewhat of a bad feeling about your journey to Windharm, and imagine my thoughts when I heard about the ambush, I just was unable to not worry." said Nora as Wura chuckled.

"Well I am fine Nora, and everyone is fine and I returned safely and I am sure that it is thanks to your prayers." said Wura as she smiled and Nora smiled.

"So tell me my Queen, how was the time you spent in Windharm?" asked Nora.

"Well it was fine, for the first few days, and I met a lovely woman and her three children who invited me for dinner and we became very good friends." said Wura as she smiled.

"I am happy to hear that my Queen, I was so worried that you would be alone." said Nora.

"Well, no, I was not alone most of the time...I had Mero, but I was still lonely, I missed you and I missed being here." said Wura as she smiled.

"I can imagine, everyone missed you here as well." said Nora as she smiled.

"Oh and I was able to meet so many new people who knew me while I did not even know them. And everyone was so nice to me and they treated me with so much kindness." said Wura as she smiled.

"Everything was perfectly fine until the ambush and then until the sudden evening rain that destroyed the tents of some people. What am I even saying? It was not just casual rain it was a full blown storm." said Wura.

"It rained in the valley? In summer?" asked Nora in confusion as Wura nodded.

"Mhmm, it did Nora, it simply shocked all of us, we had not seen it coming and we definitely were not prepared for it. Luckily there was only minimal damage, but Mero's tent was unfortunately carried away by the strong winds." said Wura.

"Oh no, that is terrible." said Nora.

"Oh it was, luckily my tent was right next to his, or he would have had nowhere else to go in such harsh conditions." said Wura.

"That is very lucky, I cannot imagine being drenched in water from head to toe, and especially not in the night where it is dark everywhere." said Nora.

"I hope that Mero did not catch a cold." said Nora in worry.

"Oh no he did not, you do not have to worry Nora, he is perfectly fine. I made sure that he did not downplay how cold it was." said Wura as Nora smiled and nodded.

"So what happened after that?" asked Nora.

"Well we talked a little about some...things..." said Wura as her voice trailed off, realizing that what happened next was not something she could share with her lovely Nora.

"What things?" asked Nora in curiosity as Wura cleared her throat and smiled.

"Oh nothing...it is really nothing serious Nora, just some boring things that I would rather not worry you with right now." said Wura as she laughed and Nora smiled.

"Well alright then my Queen, if you say so. Your hair is very tangled, I can see that you have not brushed it properly." said Nora as she laughed.

"Guilty as charged Nora, you know me, I really cannot deal with my hair sometimes. I would rather not bother with it. You are the only one I trust to handle my hair, that is why the best thing you did for me was braid it up very nicely before I left, or else I am sure that my hair would have resembled a bird's nest." said Wura as she and Nora laughed.

"Oh my Queen, but seriously, it is really dangerous for you to leave your hair unkept for a long duration of time, it can get really tangled and that is not good at all." said Nora.

"I know, I know Nora, oh I really wish that we were still in the Yonder realm." said Wura as she smiled.

"But why my Queen?" asked Nora in surprise.

"Well because, with the help of a little magic I could have my hair straight even if it is only for a little while." said Wura as Nora burst out in laughter.

"Oh my Queen, I thought that it was something serious and not because of your hair." said Nora as she laughed causing Wura to laugh.

"Well maybe it is not that serious, but you do not understand, your hair is very straight, it is easy for you to just tie it up or leave it down without having to worry about it tangling." said Wura as Nora laughed.

"Well maybe I truly do not understand, but I do know one thing, your curls are very beautiful my Queen, and they make you stand out. They might be difficult to take care of sometimes, but they are part of what makes you, you." said Nora as Wura felt her heart melt.

"Aww Nora, you do not know how sweet you sound, thank you." said Wura as she smiled, she felt like giving Nora a hug if not for the fact that she was currently unclothed and wet.

"You do not need to thank me my Queen, I am only telling you what you already know." said Nora with a smile.

"But still, you do not have to say such nice things to me, thank you." said Wura with a smile.

"I am done with your hair my Queen." said Nora.

"Thank you Nora. I think that I should get out of the water now before I become wrinkly all over, besides, the water is starting to turn cold." said Wura as she chuckled and Nora laughed.

"Alright my Queen, I will leave you to finish up here while I go bring your food." said Nora as she smiled.

"Thank you so much Nora, for everything you do for me. Thank you." said Wura as she smiled and Nora stood up.

"You are welcome my Queen, you deserve all the kindness in the world and more." Nora replied smiling before she left the room.