Really that obvious?

Wura sighed in sadness as she sank deeper into the water. Nora was wrong, she did not deserve all the kindness in the world and more, not at all, especially not now when she was in a relationship with the man Nora loved at the same time that she was.

Wura just felt terrible, she was a terrible friend and a terrible person. How could she have been so selfish? She had almost everything she could have asked for while Nora was managing what she had, and yet here she was, giving Nora a hard time, being the other woman in the relationship. She felt like such a wicked person at the moment.

What in the world was she thinking when she agreed to such a disreputable agreement with Mero? Her mind must have been clouded by very strong emotions, but now that she was back, she felt so terrible, Nora did not need to suffer like this, no one did.

Wura groaned as she decided to get out of the bath, she needed to start thinking straight or else she would cause so much pain to the person she never intended to hurt.


"How are you enjoying your meal my Queen?" asked Nora as she walked into Wura's tent with a pitcher of water as she placed it on the table and poured Wura a glass of water.

"Mhmmm it tastes wonderful Nora, you do not know how much I have missed your cooking." said Wura as she laughed her mouth partially full as she chewed.

"I am so happy that you enjoy it, and I have to admit that I have missed feeding you." said Nora as she laughed and Wura laughed.

"I really missed you Nora, really..." said Wura as she smiled.

"And so did I my Queen, I kept on having this bad feeling about the journey you and Mero took. I do not know why but I kept on feeling like something terrible would happen, but I guess that it was just fear since you would be going alone without me." said Nora as Wura smiled softly.

Well something terrible did truly happen. She had kissed Mero...again, and now they even had an arrangement to be together in secret. The more Wura ran the thought in her head over and over ago, she felt worse and worse. Just what was she thinking?

"I was also afraid of being without you Nora, but I am surely glad to be back, and I am still exhausted though." said Wura as she and Nora laughed as everything suddenly went silent and Wura was left staring blankly at her plate.

"My Queen, what is wrong? Something is bothering you." said Nora as she noticed Wura's absentmindedness.

"Is it really that obvious?" asked Wura.

"Well no, not to people that do not know you, but I know you, and there is something on your mind. Please tell me, you know that you can trust me and tell me anything. Your secrets are safe with me." said Nora as she smiled gesturing that her lips were completely sealed, causing Wura to laugh.

"Oh Nora, you do know me well, and there is truly something bothering me." said Wura as she smiled with a sigh.

"Then tell me, maybe I can help." said Nora as she sat down beside Wura as Wura looked at her.

"Alright Nora, you know that I trust you a lot." said Wura as she smiled and Nora nodded her head.

"Nora, what would you think if I was to start seeing someone else?" asked Wura as Nora looked confused by the question.

"Seeing someone else?" she asked confused.

"Yes, as in, what would you think if I started to see another man? If I was to start a relationship with another man?" asked Wura as Nora still looked very much confused.

"As in romantically?" she asked.

"Yes Nora, romantically, what would you think of me?" asked Wura sincerely as Nora took a moment as she began to think.

"I mean Nora, I ask because, lately I have been feeling very lonely. Please do not misunderstand me, I love Liam, with all my heart and soul, and I have no doubt in my mind that one day he will return soon, but I just do not know when, and I am honestly tired of waiting, I am tired of feeling helpless and lonely, and I need someone...someone to rely on, and it is not like you are not more than enough of a confidant for me...but I feel like my heart wants to give someone else a chance." said Wura as she watched Nora's face fill with confusion and yet understanding.

"Oh Nora, I know I must sound like a crazy woman who has no self control. I should have never asked you such a difficult question." said Wura as she sighed and shook her head.

"No my Queen, no, not at all, I do not think that at all." said Nora as she smiled and she took Wura's almost empty plate and placed it on a nearby table as she held Wura's hands in hers.

"I would never think that of you." said Nora as she smiled.

"Really?" asked Wura in doubt as Nora nodded.

"Really." said Nora as she nodded.

"I understand you my Queen, I know that you feel very lonely, and everyone needs someone to love them and for them to love. And I know that you love his Majesty, there is no doubt in my mind about that." said Nora.

"Alas, it is unfortunate that you and his Majesty have to go through such difficult periods of your lives alone. I know that it is hard to be separated from a spouse, or someone you really love." said Nora as Wura nodded.

"If you ask me my Queen, I of all people know just how much you have suffered, and how you deserve to be happy and how you deserve much better." said Nora.

"I am loyal to his Majesty my Queen, but I am first and foremost your friend above everything else." said Nora as Wura smiled.

"Honestly my Queen, if you want to pursue a relationship with someone else, I will not judge you, however I know how this is not supposed to be done, but I understand you, and I support you regardless of anything you decide to do." said Nora as she smiled.

"Thank you Nora." said Wura as she smiled and held Nora's hands tighter.

"You do not need to thank me my Queen, I love you like my own sister, and regardless of what happens, all I want is for you to be happy." said Nora as she smiled.

"Although my Queen, we cannot forget that many people will not understand your reasons." said Nora.

"To them, you are married to the King, and he is still currently on a peace keeping mission, if they see you with another man it will raise suspicions and they will deem you as an untrustworthy woman, and we cannot let that happen." said Nora.

"I know that Nora, I know, and I know that I have to be very careful because everyone watches my every single move whether I am aware of it or not." said Wura as Nora nodded.

"So I suggest that it is best you keep whatever relationship you want to go into a secret." said Nora as Wura nodded.

"But Nora... are you sure that this is really what you think and you are not just telling me what I want to hear?" asked Wura.

"Not at all my Queen, my loyalty is to you and no one else. To me, you are more than my Queen, you are my friend, and I only want the best for you, and although Liam is my King and I am loyal to him as well, I understand your reasons, and I know more than anyone else that you love him with all your heart and your mind." said Nora.

"Oh thank you Nora, thank you, you do not know how much this means to me." said Wura as she hugged Nora and Nora smiled as she hugged her back.

"You are welcome my Queen." said Nora as she smiled and Wura broke the hug.

"I am happy that you trust me enough to confide in me honestly." said Nora as she smiled.

"Of course Nora, I do trust you, and I love you so much." said Wura as she smiled.

"My Queen may I add something?" asked Nora as Wura nodded.

"Of course, go ahead." said Wura.

"Is there someone that you are currently interested in? I mean someone you like?" asked Nora as Wura froze at that question.

She felt as if a sword had been pointed directly to her neck and if she did not tell the truth her head would have been cut off.

Wura looked at the smile on Nora's face and instantly felt extremely guilty.