Body refining

On the way to the elder hall . . .

So the second elder ,Hu Long, of the outer sect has taken this boy in when he was a baby because his parents were killed by the demons.

In the elder hall . . .

"Have you heard, the demon race is about to make a comeback. They want to revive the demon lord but they need many bodys and souls to do this so they are on a killing streak." an elder whispered.


The door was opened and Zhu Tian Jing went in.

Elder Hu Long was surprised that it was Zhu Tianjing who opened the door and said with a smile "Zhu Tian Jing is there anything you want or need?"

He respectfully bowed and then said "Second Elder, I'm here to temporary say goodbye."

"Ohh why do you want to leave?" he replied surprised.

"I want to go to the Bai ye forest and mountain to train and improve my cultivation."

"Okay do as you please but be cautious, the demons are plotting something and are on a killing streak to revive their ancestor, also take this jade token with you, when you are in danger you can crush it and i will come to help you."

"Many thanks, I won't let you down." Zhu Tian Jing said with a happy face.

As Zhu Tian Jing opened the door and left a girl around his age bumped into him.

"Can't you see where you are running to?!" she angrily shouted.

She had brown hair with blue eyes and about 170cm tall.

Not even two seconds after that she looked at him and was stunned. She had never seen anyone so goodlooking and handsome as this guy. He was tall around 190cm had white long hair with eyes as black as the space and he wore a black robe.

"Huh? Didn't you run into me?

"Who run into you?" she said with a red face.

Zhu Tian Jing laughed and ignored her.

"Hey you, stop!"

In this moment he jumped and immediatly vanished.

The girl was shocked and said "What? I've never heard of something like this! I'm at the astonished stage of qi refining and he is in the early but i couldn't even see how fast he was! I have to tell my grandfather about this!"

A few days later on the mountains . . .

Splash! Splash!

Under a big waterfall, Zhu Tian Jing is sitting and refines his body using the force of the waterfall to strengthen his body.

After 10 days he finally successed

"Puh, this wasn't easy. The force of the waterfall is overwhelming to my current strength. My phisical Body now is at comparable to the advanced stage of Qi refining but if I use my qi too i can easily crush anyone below the peak of qi refining. Not bad for the beginning i guess."

Next i should go to the Kunlun City and find a few materials to improve and maybe do some missions to train.

On the way to the City . . .