Unexpected encounter

It was night

Zhu Tian Jing was on his way to kill a few beasts to satisfy his hunger as he noticed a small black fox with purple eyes and three tails.

It was injured and couldn't move on it self. He decided to help him as he noticed. "What? That's not right how could this be here? This little guy is actually from the Purple Fox race. But how can it be here, the location of this race is in the Upper World."

Anyways now I have him as my pet. he silently thought.

In the morning . . .

Zhu Tian Jing woke up to some unnatural noices and saw that the Purple Fox was licking his face. "Oh it seems like you have recovered from your injuries."

The Purple Fox slightly nodded.

"Huh? You actually understand me even though you are so young?"

He nodded again.

"So do you have a name or surname how i can call you?"

He shook his head a few times to clarify that he doesn't have a name.

"That's not really a problem I'm just going to give you a name. How does Zu Yi sound?"

As soon the Purple Fox heard that he jumped and licked on Zhu Tian Jing what means that he liked the name.

Although Zu Xi can't talk yet because he has to reach the Divine realm at least, he has intelligence and can think of other ways how to express his feelings.

"So why are you here? You are from the Purple Fox race aren't you? Your race is located in the upper world and usually beasts or cultivator can't descend unless they have reached an extremely high cultivation level so that they can ignore the Heavenly Dao and descend without any problems. But you definetly don't have such a high cultivation level."

Zu Yi was shocked after he heard this.

How can he, a mortal in the lower world, know about our race, the upper world and the rules of the heavenly dao? Zu Yi thought with a worried expression. This guy was definetly some kind of bigshot.

"If you ask yourself how I know about you and the upper world, I'm going to tell you when you reach the Divine Realm.

He couldn't understand how he knew about the upper world but he was looking forward the day he would reach the divine realm.

Both of them walked quite a few miles until . . .

"There's a strong smell of blood, what happened here?"

"Zu Yi, come lets go find what happened there."

With that said both of them were as fast as the wind and vanished on the spot.

A few minutes later in the forest . . .

"Yao'er you have to run and seek help. I can't hold on for much longer." an old looking guy covered in blood said to a girl around the age 16 to 17.

She had light pink hair and blue eyes and was as beautiful as a fairy.

"No, Protector Yuan you are the family's protector and like a second father to me how could i abandon you just like that." she screamed with tears flowingover her face.

Zhu Tian Jing saw all of that as he was hiding behind a tree.

"Hmm, four bandits on the astonished and one of the peak against one of the astonished qi refining stage isn't quite fair. Should I help them?" he thought.

"No this is their fate and it has nothing to with me, I'm just going to Kunlun city and improve my cultivation."

With that said he walked away but . . .


Sh*t I stepped on a branch. he silently cursed.

"Who is there come out!!" one of the bandits screamed.

Zhu Tian Jing comes out from his hiding spot and said "Ups you got me. Can you let me go, I dont really want to fight and was just passing by."

All of them got nervous and thought why they couldn't sense his presence, he is clearly at the early stage of the qi refinement realm.

"Hey Kid, run for your life, you aren't their match." Elder Yuan said.

"Thanks for your good intentions old man, but if they really want to fight nothing but death awaits them." Zhu Tian Jing said with an arrogant smile on his face

Protector yuan could only sigh and quietly said "So young but so arrogant. What a shame."

All the bandits were extremely angry at him and one of them shouted "Who do you think you are? A mere early stage qi refinement cultivator doesn't even have the right to speak with us!"

Just as he said that he ran at Zhu Tian Jing with an extremely fast speed prepared to kill him.

Protector Yuan and Xi Yao closed their eyes with terrirfied expressions on their faces.

White Soul Qi shot right at the bandit so that he couldn't even have time to react.

He instantly died.

All of them were shocked but Elder Yuan and Xi Yao were shocked the most.

"How could you have Soul Qi and white one at the same time?!"

All of them except for the on of the peak were extremely shocked and didn't know what to do.


"Run for your life, this guy is too terrifying!!"

Soul qi represented the strength of ones soul. Because Zhu Tian Jing has lived once before and he nearly reached the peak in cultivation, he naturally has a strong soul qi but because he is just in the second realm he cant fully display his strength. The attacks just know were only representing one thousandth of his original strength.

"You aren't that bad for an early stage qi refining cultivator but you can't kill me." the last bandit said with an arrogant smile.

He is right. I can't easyily kill him but that doesn't mean that I can't kill him, Zhu Tian Jing silently thought.

He may be at the peak but it's not impossible.

At this moment


Sword qi shot out of the bandit's sword and was directed at him.

Close, I barely dodged. Zhu Tian Jing tensely thought.

"Why aren't you just kneeling? You may be useful to me in the future. If you surrender know, I might spare your life."

Zhu Tian Jing calmed down and didn't say anything.

As the fight continued protector yuan yelled. "Hey Kid, take this Sword to fight him!" with that screamed protector yuan threw a mid-grade sword at Zhu Tian Jing.

Hmm? A mid-grade weapon but a protector in the qi refining realm? Ohh right, here in the Yungxian continent it was really hard to improve oneself due to the lack of spiritual qi. The best realm here is the Divine realm which was merely the fifth one.

As he ctached the sword, Zhu Tian Jing ran towards the bandit as fast as he could.


Both swords collided and exuded an extremely strong qi that both, Protector Yuan and Xi Yao knee's weakend in an instand which caused both of the to fall to the ground.

"Such strong qi!" both of the were astoned.

After a few Sword slashes Zhu Tian Jing finally won.

He spat out a moutful of blood and fell to the ground.

Xi Yao was stunned. Such a handsome man, she thought. In the whole City I've never met someone so handsome and goodlooking as him.

"Are you okay?" protector yuan said worried.

"Yes, thanks."

"No no, we are the ones that have to thank you, without you I may be dead by now and the young miss were kidnapped." he said.

"Kidnapped? Who would kidnap

From the look in her eyes, Zhu Tian Jing knew what she felt, if he had lived for a few million years but didn't even know the feelings of humans what would he have lived for so long? Even though he knew how she felt and he didn't think she was bad looking either he just didn't care for the time being. He doesn't want to fall in love as long as he wasn't strong enough to protect himself in the lower world.

"Young hero, how may i call you?" protector yuan said with a shocked expression.

"Zhu Tian Jing." he said calmly.

"Where are you headed?" Xi Yao said in admiration.

"To Kunlun City, I need to improve my strength and buy a few things there."

"We are also headed there, do you wan't to travel with us? We have a carriage, with that it's faster to travel."

"If you don't mind, then yes." he said in gratitude.