Chapter 1
The place was so dark, it has a pitch black surroundings but the moon shine's brightly in the sky.
The moon is alone in the vast of darkness, not one star can be seen beside it. Even the clouds is not there.
A shade of blue in the center and black covers the whole sky.
The surrounding is too silent, silent in a creepy way. The only thing that you can hear is whispers of crickets. Their sound adds up to the thrill that I'm feeling.
Then, a wind blow.
The wind give chills the moment it touch me. From my hand it travel throughout my napes and it also travel downward towards my toes. I clenched my hand to ease a bit the cold that I felt.
The wind blow again.
I moved my hands to collect my hair that was blown by the wind and put it in the other side of my head.
My white dress also swayed with the wind. It dances to the beat the wind made. I scanned myself and saw that I'm wearing all white, from the dress to the shoes.
It was confusing to felt the cold wind eventhough wind doesn't touch any the parts of my body. It's warm enough for me. I then felt again the chills but not to the point that I will freeze and shiver.
The wind blown again. I noticed how the trees dance to the beat of the wind. The tress that doesn't have even a single leaf, just it's branches.
It is dancing on the music of the winds.
I put my hand on my arm. When it touches my arms, it is cold but I am not that cold.
My arms is legit cold, like it's really super cold.
But I wasn't feeling any cold at myself.
A howl covers the land which made me turn my eyes to the places where it possibly came from.
I turn my eyes at the sky and the moon now has a companion. A cloud, one cloud nearing it's place towards the moon. The cloud shape is like a car. It reaches the moon slowly that I was abled to be mesmerized by it's shine. It's yellowish and it's clear.
"Where am I?"I whispered to myself. Suddenly, questions after questions came that I know I can't find an answer.
Who would I ask here?, There's no one around except me and the trees and the moon doesn't talk. And it will be really creepy if they will suddenly talk.
But why am I here? More importantly what am I doing here?.
I tried to recall things.
What did I do before I came here?. As I tried to remember things a pain attacks my brain.
I put my hand on my head because it suddenly aches. My eyes swelled up and my heart felt like being pierced by a needle.
Tears cascaded to my face while I put and clutch my other hand on my chest near where the heart was place.
"I... can't b-breath"I started to pant.
My hand is placed on my chest. I slumped down on the ground. I clutch the ground to get some support.
It is moist and only soil.
I can see white behind my eyes.
Heart, what's happening to you?.
I can't even move my hands away from my chest, afraid that the pain will be greater if I put it away.
Something was pulling me. Something was piercing my heart. Something was pulling down my gaze.
Red and yellow. I saw this colors flashed in the dark of my eyes.
A blast of sound erupted.
My eyes automatically open. My hands dropped on the ground. My heart stop it's searing pain.
A gong was heard.
A sound that stopped everything that made me suffer. I don't know where it comes from, but I am thankful fo that. It stops everything that I felt.
I stood up and brush away the dust that sticks in my clothes.
I turn around to leave this place only to be halted. A house was placed in front of me.
A house that was made of wood. A bungalow type. The roofs are made of bricks. The windows are all shut close. Even the door that has intricate design of some figures is closed. A porch was the first to land when you try to enter. A rocking chair is placed in the side and beside it is a plant, a cactus plant, I think, I can't see it clearly and fully because the place is dark. The only thing I've notice is the thorn in the plants.
There is no one here aside from me. There are a total of six windows and two of them only has lit of light, the rest are black.
The porch has a dim light directed to the rocking chair.
I start to walk my way up to the porch only to stop when I felt something that touch my nape.
I put my hand to my nape to check what it was. But I found nothing, that's why I turn around again. To see if something was behind me and just circled.
It's still the same to what I saw earlier.
"Maybe it's just the wind"I said then turned my back.
Only to face a black.
I blink rapidly. It disappeared. Almost I believe that it was just my eye.
But in the corner of the house, I saw a movement. It looks a shadow.
I tried to call it but before my voice came out, it disappear again. I scanned the whole place. Maybe that shadow knows what's happening and how can I go out from here. I badly need to go home, Mom is surely waiting for me.
Mommy?I have a Mom?.
I'm kind of distracted because of my sudden thoughts and late to notice that a man is standing near the rocking chair. I can't see his face, even his clothes because he's directly stopping the light to give bright to him.
"Aahh... Hi" I waved and moved forward. "Did you know the way to leave this place?", I ask again, but that man doesn't answer.
Suddenly my back feels cold. I don't want to stare at my back. I don't want to lose sight of this man that was infront of me.
The coldness gets high. If I compare it, we can say that a block of ice was put in my back.
"Please, I need to leave this place. I badly needs to go home.", I pleaded while enduring the cold in my back.
I'm dedicated to not let the coldness stop me from staring at him. But the sudden heat that I felt made me turn around.
It's just weird that after that dropping of temperature, a heat will hit my back.
As I turn around, I keep my eyes to him. I can still see him at my peripheral vision.
When I can fully see the place that is in my back, my forehead creased when I saw nothing that can bring and let me feel that cold and hot in my back a while ago.
"What just happen?"I ask to myself and turn to face the man again.
But the man wasn't there anymore. I want to smack my head but I need to find him first.
"Oh my gash, Niña, you're so..."I whisper to myself as I scan the outer part of the house.
But my eyes stop at the middle of it. The door was now open.