
*The 24th of December*

"Jingle bell jingle bell, jingle all the day Santa Claus is coming around riding on his sleigh ..."

Each final second week of every year is etched by this very harmonious and enchanting melody humming all over the globe like a celebration it has been placed...

Everyone decorates their homes to exemplify the not so awkward warm essence of the forging frostiness and the sanity of this exceptionally auspicious time of the year when centuries back a child named Jesus who has been recognized to be the son of god and end all the hardships of humankind, was born at the midnight in the twinkling lights of that north star marking it's auspiciously to the all mighty.

Well, it doesn't feel so ancient like so century back, it's like it was there yesterday but now it's gone...leaving a new hope for the upcoming year to all may it be adults or kids...

Although their view of prospective may differ,

for grown-ups it is holidays and the greater time of year to spend for their vacations with their family and friends.

but to the children, it's their like result time, where they will get a report card which says, Have you been a good kid this year?

And surprisingly, whatever remains the answer, they get their good gracious gift from, as they were made spoonfed ' the Santa Claus ',

The Santa Claus or Man in red who has been generally depicted as a portly, jolly, white-bearded man, often with spectacles, wearing a red coat with white fur collar and cuffs, white-fur-cuffed red trousers, red hat with white fur, and black leather belt and boots, carrying a bag full of gifts for children. He is commonly portrayed as laughing in a way that sounds like "ho ho ho".

well, if you even have seen him then also it may sound like a funny cartoon but still, let's try to stay focused

Even after various artistic modifications, He owns to be called the Father of Christmas frankly who brings gifts for everyone on Christmas eve as per their count of deeds they do.

Mark my words!!! everyone!!!

Although, Only grown up knows the true secret of Santa, that he never really exists in reality just stories and fiction holds him yet it has been like a legacy which has been transferred from older generation to new ones.

Like a fair hope of inhabiting their innocence under sone fantasy and a fairy guardian as they believe.

This was why to say it either a myth or hope, ' No one stays unhappy during Christmas '


in the snowy yet cozy bright warm El paso of Texas,

All the sky has been covered with a dark blanket over the whole city and slowly unique trigonometric and geomatric slow flakes descend down with the rise of chilling But All the people laugh and glow in the spirit of Christmas Eve however in these twinkling almost blinding lights what we couldn't see existing is those endless miseries and sorrows for which That young child who was born at the midnight sacrificed himself for....