
Where all the jolly and happiness breaks off then there all the darkness dwells at the visionless spot of the eye.


And here, Shrillly and vociferous yet non-understandable screams were echoes in those opaque frosted lanes of that part of NYC which Common people know exists as a dungeon of wild beasts.

These cries were intaglio not just for this festive season of the year but for the 24/7 year in these residencies.

However, these screams become much loudest at night and this was all known but the things going on here is much more terrifying than anyone could ever imagine.

As the darkness sheds off, a child figure emerged from nowhere in that eternal darkness, A little maybe 6-7 or even less year old girl who was bedecked in an old oversized ruddy-red slim jacket which was almost ripped crying loudly racing away from some of the varmint guys who stay in those shadows and were consistently seeking for Young-defenseless newcomers for some extremely evil assignments of them.

Her non-understandable words, which was either hardly heard or were ignored by these residents of that street lives who have seen and gone through all this.

"Missy, We are not here to harm you!!!"


"Come back to daddy...."

As she gallop away more sardonic words followed where wasn't sarcastic to her but she didn't even tempt to seek 'How many' people were behind her?

she could hear the non-stop chattering of many feet driving to wards her ...say it her young blood or her fear which was helping her run away from those soulless men.

the darkness that has fallen so vividly over the whole region that she was just running like blindfolded rubbing of all the glitters that has arised in her eyes because of that flood of all the miseries she has been going through...

A little one running on a street that mothers descorages them to go in but due to some unskipable reasons that child has been unexpectedly moving end up in gigantic black holes.


Then There is a light, as she saw, a fire flame so massive that the heat and the flames seem to warm her cold frightened little innocent heart.

It felt like that flame was calling her, as she heard....

'Mijita, ven a tu madre.....'

As she run towards it in a jet speed...