Chapter Nineteen

I want to take a moment to appreciate you my lovely readers. Please let me know if you have any ideas or comments about my story. Positive and negative included so I can improve. Thank you...!

Okay, I do not know what happened back there but seriously, did empress Nesari not feel offended at all that my royal Queen's guard killed one of her men? Believe me when I say her reaction was very unpredictable. It was not what I expected but thankfully it was very much better than what I expected and I'm glad. Not glad in an insensitive way but glad that Ghandi's action did not jeopardize our mission... Yet. Yes, I said yet because I do not know what in the light's name I'm doing in Empress Nesari's dungeon, and not just dungeon but a special dungeon where Empress Nesari detains her prisoners. Okay, let's see why she brought me here.