Chapter Twenty

There are always three sides to every story, the teller's side, the listener's side and the actual truth. Although we always take one side, yes we do and that is our side. We believe what we chose to believe whether it's the truth or not, but then how can we ever know the truth? Especially when we are not an eye witness of that event. We sit and listen to people who we think know the actual truth, they tell us what they believe, that is the teller's side of the story, we listen to them and interpret it in our own terms and it becomes the listener's side of the story. Although we sometimes hear the truth or understand the truth but it's still a side. 

Now I've listened to empress Nesari's side of the story and I don't even know if it is the actual truth but it sounds like it, I mean seeing Gazura's condition, I'm sure that even if Nesari did not tell the entire truth, there must be some truth in what she told me. Well, let's see how far this takes us.