Chapter one

Five years later...... Melbourne, Australia.

"Having a job after college is very tough," I said, adjusting the collar of my blouse.

"Hurry or you will be late, you haven't even had breakfast yet," Leah said, leaning towards the door of my room.

I glanced at my wristwatch. And I had just 30 minutes to make it to the interview. I took my handbag and a file containing my details, then made to leave.

"Don't forget your coat, its cold outside," she said as I rushed downstairs.

On my way out, I grabbed my coat from the rack next to the door. I flagged down the first taxi I saw, and luckily it was free.

"De Bryon Company at Little Collins Street," I said to the chauffeur as I got in.

Not long enough we became stuck in traffic, which was great! I had only 15 minutes to get to my interview on time. I yelled at him to drive faster when the traffic started moving. I need to get a car I muttered.

After a while we got to the company then I paid the chauffeur and rushed to the reception where I found a lady whom I assumed was the receptionist. She was on the other side of the counter writing something in a long notebook.

"Good morning…sorry to interrupt you…but I'm here for the interview," I said.

She snubbed me for a while before she informed me that the interview started a while ago and the company had rules which were not supposed to be broken and coming late on the day of my interview meant violating the rules.

"I will give you the directions only, and in case you get this Job put it at the back of your mind that we strictly follow everything done here," she said.

I apologized for the inconveniences and thanked her after she gave me directions then I raced to the elevator. I kept clicking the button for the elevator to open because it refused at the first click. When it finally opened, I got in wondering what to expect next. Maybe the elevator getting stuck halfway up. But then, the elevator stopped a few minutes after I got in and the doors opened shortly.

As the door of the elevator opened, I peered through the open doors at the people on the hall way. They moved documents here and there; they fascinated me with their actions that I forgot I was still in the elevator until the doors started closing.

"No! No!" I screamed as I continued pressing the button to stop it from closing, but it didn't work because the doors shut right in my face and the elevator started moving down. So much for making it to my interview on time, I muttered.

The elevator started moving up again shortly after it tried to trap me and make its way downstairs. Thank you, whoever it is up there. When it eventually stopped, I opened the doors to a pair of grey eyes that met with mine. I scanned through his perfect body, which was before me. His cologne was mildly intoxicating and I could feel my face heating. He walked into the elevator wearing a plain face and I walked out immediately, snapping out of my fantasy while regretting what just happened. I'm sure he noticed me blushing. I pray I never meet him again, and even if I do, I will make sure I ignore him. I'm glad the company is big, plus he probably won't even remember me.

I walked to my right as directed by the receptionist. I met a queue of ladies and all of them sat down, waiting on their turn. I walked towards them and took a seat beside the last person.

"Are you here for the interview?" she asked in a surprised tone.

"Yea," I said, starring at the cute brunette in front of me.


"They numbered you guys; the company is strict," I completed.

"Yea," she said in a surprised tone.

"Well, there is no harm in trying," I said.

She introduced herself as Lauren and I told her my name too, only because she wore a pretty warm smile. A classy name for a pretty classy lady, I thought. She seemed way out of class for this job, if I had seen her on my way before getting to this place, I would have assumed she was the manager or something better, like the owner of the company except the fact that everyone knows Mr. Bryon has only one child and the child isn't female.

The interview seemed to be on a hold because I noticed the line hadn't moved since I got here, this prompted me to ask Lauren. She informed me that the chief stepped out to clear his head and would be back any moment. I was about to say something when she said "There he is! He is coming,".

I turned to catch a glimpse; it was the guy I met at the elevator. I looked away immediately so he wouldn't notice me.

"He is the chief?" I asked as soon as he walked past us.

"Yea... I know what you're thinking."

You do?

"He is damn hot, but he is a lot of trouble," she said with the typical black American accent.

I gently smacked my head and rolled my eyes after hearing this. Yes, he is hot, but who is talking about that? First, I'm late; I don't have an interview number, the guy I met at the elevator is the boss! I really can't wait for him to use all these points against me during the interview, universe; one, Paige; zero.

"Next!" I heard him yell from the room in a mean tone.

The lady who was inside walked out with a gloomy face, it wasn't too late to go back, I could hear my subconscious say, but then I wasn't a quitter, so I just sat down there waiting on my turn and the worst that could happen.

After hours of waiting, it finally got to Lauren's turn. She wasn't even in the room when he yelled.

"Number 30 last person on the list. Please don't waste my time; I'm too busy for that. So just get on with whatever you have to say. Why do you need this position? Convince me, say something,"

I muttered a brief prayer as the interview was still on. If he could speak to her in that manner, then I'm doomed. The odds were already against me. It wasn't long before he instructed her to stop speaking.

"You've successfully wasted my time; you may take your leave." I heard him say in a very mean tone.

She came out of the office and gave me a faint smile. Then she walked away, probably looking for somewhere to cry out her guts. She put in a lot for this interview, I could tell. After Lauren left, I stood up and took a deep breath then I walked towards his office. I gave the door a faint knock, and I walked in when he ordered me to.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Uhm, I'm here for the interview," I said, almost stuttering.

"Name?" he demanded.

"Paige Ryan," I said.

He checked the list of compiled the names for all applicants.

"There is no such name on my register," He said.

"I got stuck in traffic; I was a bit late... or maybe pretty much late,"

"There is nothing I can do, because there are rules here and......."

"You strictly follow everything done here". I said before he could complete his statement.

I thought I had screwed up when he paused for a moment after I cut his speech short. What's the big deal? Not like we purposely get ourselves stuck up in traffic. I waited for him to talk about the elevator episode or further press on me being late, but he didn't. He just stood there, gazing at me. I felt my legs getting all sweaty and shaky as it begged for support. His looks were killing me! Why was he doing this? He should just ask me to leave because this was torture. He stood up from his seat and walked towards me, then he stopped in front of his desk and he sat on it.

"Your documents," He said, stretching out his hands to collect them, and then I handed them over without hesitation.

With crossed fingers and half-opened eyes, I waited for his judgment

"Impressive!" He exclaimed.

Wait, what?

"Does that mean I'm getting the job?" I asked.

"No!" He said, still looking at my documents.

Of course, what was I thinking? I would get a job in a place like this by flaunting all the rules. While I was still having a silent argument with myself in my mind, he spoke again.

"Finally, I've found the perfect person for the job."

"What job? But you said I don't have the job."

"Yes. But, you majored in business strategy in school, so I'm guessing you know about product marketing?"

"Yea," I said in a confused tone.

"Long story cut short, I'm the next CEO to this company and I know nothing about marketing, but I couldn't turn down the offer as the acting CEO while my dad is away and unfortunately we will have external visitors in few weeks and I'm expected to convince them to buy our products which I do not know how to."

"I'm hiring you temporarily for the job, and you can keep it, if I'm impressed."

"So, that's why you are giving me the job after turning down 30 worthy applicants?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Yes, I hire you. Be here first thing tomorrow morning or I fire you," He said, giving me back my documents.

"Thank you," I said, and walked out of the office.

I was happy and confused at the same time because I didn't have to sweat for that; it was like taking candy from a baby. I felt my stomach rumble as I stepped out of the company. That was when I remembered I had eaten nothing since morning.

"Taxi!" I called out waving my hands for the taxi near bye.

I got home on time because the traffic wasn't so congested. I walked in smiling, and then I noticed Leah had finished preparing lunch. She is my guardian angel after all; I mean it's been 5 years, and although I was stubborn at first, she still accommodated me.

"Did you get the job?" she asked and I nodded in affirmation.

"Tell me about it, we'll talk over lunch," she said, dishing the food.

I narrated everything, from the traffic problems, to the receptionist that didn't want to lose her job, to the applicants and then the lazy CEO. I took the entire lunch hour because I didn't leave out a single detail.

"Rich kids are so unbelievable," she muttered.

"But I got the job," I said with a grin.

"Nonsense! Kids of this generation are so lazy, they just sit down doing nothing and pray to have rich parents, so they would inherit their properties without working," she said.

"It would have been my fate too if what happened hadn't. I wouldn't have to go to work for any reason," I said, putting the dishes into the dishwasher.

"I'm happy you got the job; the bills were getting bigger than my weekly sales at the restaurant," she said, walking upstairs as I trailed behind.

When I got to my room, I turned on the light to find the most beautiful pair of cooperates lined up on my bed. I unconsciously dropped my handbag on the floor and rushed to my bed. I fell to my knees, and I picked the clothes one after the other. What if I didn't get the job?

"You save them till you get a job," I heard Leah say.

I turned to see her leaning on my door with her arms crossed. I abandoned the clothes and attacked her with a hug. She said she hated hugs and the sound of girl's awwning; it made her sick, she would say, but deep down she was the sweetest person I had met, aside my parents. She always looked out for me, no matter what. I could remember when I was still in college she did extra jobs to pay my fees before she got her restaurant.

"Thanks, Leah."

She said nothing; all she did was part my back gently.