Chapter three

I forgot I didn't get adequate sleep last night because I was apprehensive about the meeting. All I did was pace around my room all night thinking of the mistakes I could make in the presence of prominent individuals, and before I could tell, it was morning. I had to rush to work to beat the traffic, and Miles wasn't even here yet. Great!!! Maybe I could take a quick nap before Miles shows up, I thought. I was about to wrap myself up like a burrito on the couch when my door opened, I looked up to see Miles standing in front of my door.

"Meeting's in five," He said and left.

I won't term it unfortunate, but the universe is definitely against me. I forced myself up from the couch, adjusted my cloth and took a glance at the mirror in my office before I stepped out. When I opened the door, I saw Miles waiting in the hallway. Well, that was new.

"Here is the template for the meeting," he said, handing over a file.

He walked off and I followed. He walked too fast and I almost tripped, trying to keep up with his pace. I knew I should have worn flats instead of heels. I snapped quietly to myself.

We finally got to the boardroom after what seemed like forever. I took a moment outside to catch my breath from all the walking. When I walked in, I saw that there were many people and they sat around the U-shaped table that was at the centre of the room. Their focus was on me, probably because I was the last to come in, and the room was extremely silent that you could hear a single pin if it were to be dropped on the Calacatta gold marble floor.

I tried closing the door quietly by turning the doorknob gently and as quiet as possible to maintain the silence. After that, I looked around for the only empty seat left. Seeing it was at the end in the same row where Miles was sitting got me more uneasy, and my breathing increased as I made my way to the seat.

The room had its air conditions on so it was cool but yet I felt hot. As I walked to the seat looking downward, all I could think of was why the door had to be in front. The thought of everyone in the boardroom looking and waiting for me to get to my seat made matters worse.

I kept cursing my heels for the echoes it made whenever it hit the tiles and I couldn't tell if it was me or if time was passing slowly because it seemed like I had been walking for ages. It's supposed to take just a few seconds to get to my seat but I was still walking. I made it to my seat after a million years, and the meeting started almost immediately.

Taking down minutes was the worst thing ever. The meeting was super boring and becoming longer than I expected, plus it was a must for me to be attentive to get every detail correct.

"With all been said, I declare this meeting over," the project manager announced.

Shortly after that, the members started exchanging greetings except Miles who didn't say a word to anyone, including me. He stood up to leave, and I followed. Some men stopped us halfway to the door, and he exchanged pleasantries with them. I could recognize the project manager whom he greeted shortly. He didn't even bother introducing me to anyone, he just walked off, and I followed as usual till we got to the front of his office.

"Paige!" I heard someone scream my name as I was about to walk into Miles' office. It was Bryan, don't do something stupid please, I said to myself.

"Hey," Bryan said to Miles, waving his hand for a moment.

Miles snubbed Bryan and asked me for the template. When I handed it over to him, he walked into his office and shut the door on our faces. Well, that was rude! I said out loud and I knew he could hear me but I didn't care because what gives? He could have replied with a smile or something, maybe a nod.

Bryan was here to remind me of his lunch proposal which I totally forgot, thanks to Miles. I said yes to him since I had nothing to do at the moment, I just didn't want to sit idle starring at Miles' door from my office.

"Great," he said, and then we walked to the elevator together. The cafeteria was on the second floor so we were going down. When we got to the elevator, someone was already in there so we had to wait for whomever to get to their destination before it would get to us. We got in shortly afterwards when it got to our floor, since no other person was getting in it was going to be just Bryan and me in there.

"You seem to get along with your boss," he said, stressing the b word

"Yea... I guess so," I replied in a casual tone to wave off whatever he wanted to say about Miles.

"So... Do you like the company so far?"

"Kind of, I mean it's my second day here so I'm supposed to like the company right? "

"Yeaaaa," he said stressing.

The elevator made a stop on the second floor and we got out. Since I didn't know where the cafeteria was, I followed closely behind. I need a tour around this company. All I have done since morning is follow. What if I end up where no one can give me directions?

"I need a tour around to get myself acquainted with the environment," I said aloud to remind him of his proposal to show me around, and that did the trick. He offered to show me around after lunch.

When we got to the cafeteria, it was almost full. There were many people everywhere. The company is enormous, yes, but I didn't expect such a number at the cafe it looked more like high school.

We walked over to a table where two guys were seating and the server came around to take our orders.

"This is Liam and Jason," Bryan said after we ordered our food.

"Hey" Liam said waving.

"Damn! When Bryan told us you were hot, we thought he was just bluffing." Jason said, then I turned to look at Bryan and in my mind, I'm like okay what else did you say?

"Yea, because we are used to him referring to everything on the skirt as hot." Liam continued.

"That's okay guys," Bryan said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Not long enough, the waiter brought our food, and we started eating.

"Is the cafe always this full?" I asked.

"Yes, we cannot leave the company till work is over, so this is where we hang out when we are less busy or hungry, "Liam said.

"More like high school. I hope the food is free too," I said.

"No, silly," Liam replied with a chuckle.

"We should have lunch outside tomorrow, the coffee shop across the street," Bryan suggested.

"Are you trying to get us fired?" Jason asked.

"No one is getting fired, not like anyone will notice us leaving. You all are just too scared." He said.

"The receptionist, "I replied.

"She is always sleeping on duty, so she isn't a threat," Liam said.

"But she is," Liam said again, pointing at me.

"How?" I asked surprised.

"You are Miles' secretary, you can't even breathe without him noticing," Jason replied.

"Miles can't do anything; his father is still in charge. He will have to cry to his daddy to get us fired," Bryan said.

"And if his daddy listens to him, what next?" Liam asked.

"Forget it. Times like this I wish the A in my name would change to an O," Bryan said, taking the last bite of his meal.

The waiter brought the bills later on and Bryan paid for my meal. That was nice of him. Liam and Jason left after a while because they had work to do which left Bryan and I in the cafe for long talking and I didn't even realize we had spent so much time till the cafe was almost empty.

"It's almost 3, I should get going," I said, checking my phone.

"Let me walk you to your car," he said.

"What car?" I asked, laughing.

"Oh, I could take you home then. What do you say?" He asked. With the way he sounded, I could tell he felt bad for making me state the obvious.

"Sounds great, but first you have to show me around. Did you forget you promised?" I asked.

"Oh, the tour, I forgot about that, let's get going then," he said.

The sixth floor was off-limits so we started the tour from the fifth floor. It was where everything about the company's finances took place. After that, we moved to the fourth floor where my office was located. We continued until we got to the ground floor.

"Did you like the tour?" He asked me while I was busy admiring the furniture at the reception as we walked to the door.

"You bet... Even though the company is so big, and it would be difficult to memorize everything at once but it was worth it I guess," I said in an excited tone which I tried to subdue when I felt it was getting too obvious that I was excited.

"I'll always be here in case you need anything," he said.

"Thank you," I replied, facing him while I backed the door as we walked outside.

"Watch out!" Bryan said, pulling me closer to him, and then I turned to see Miles walking towards us with his aides whom I would have collided with if Bryan hadn't pulled me away... That was a close one, I said to myself.

We walked to his car after that, and then we drove off to my house.

When we got to my house, I took a moment to thank him for the ride. I was about to step out when I looked up to the window of Leah's room and I noticed the curtain was parted slightly so I knew she was peeping. I shook my head in amusement, and I got out of the car.

"Maybe I'll come over someday, probably on a weekend. What do you say?" Bryan asked.

Well, I would love to, but you see Leah is going to kill both of us! But how do I talk to you without sounding weird, I wasn't like the normal twenty-two-year-olds you meet on a regular?

"I will be busy during the weekend. I usually help my mum out with her weekend sales," I said, shooting him a fake smile.

"Maybe some other time," he said, then I shut the door of the car and waved him goodbye.

I walked in, waiting for what Leah would say.

"I'm home!" I announced when I got in. Well, that was a tradition to show you were back, so whoever is around would be aware. I still don't know why we are doing this but she makes the rules and I follow.

"Who was that?" Leah asked, coming down the stair.

"Bryan, he gave me a personal tour around the company today, treated me to a meal, and was kind enough to take me home," I said in an excited tone, but Leah didn't seem excited at all.

"Dinner is ready," she said, pointing at the dishes on the dining table, and she walked upstairs. I walked to the dining to eat. What I said must have gotten her upset and I don't know why. Since I was too tired to ask, I just sat down and had my meal then I went to bed after.