Chapter seven

Wait, what? "I don't know what you are talking about, "I said, almost laughing.

"Don't play dumb with me Paige. I told you, it's really difficult to hide your emotions. The way you behave when you are around him and all. You fucking ditched us to have lunch with him."

"Is this about having lunch with Miles? Just once, Bryan once! And it was a thank you gift, not like it meant anything to either of us. I can't believe you are still on this issue and what about not picking my calls on Saturday night, at least Miles answered." I retorted in anger.

"I was away during the weekend and I forgot my phone at home. How was I to pick your calls? "

"And you were still away till Monday afternoon? You couldn't even call back?"

"I was going to explain over lunch but you didn't show up," he said in defense.