Chapter Twenty Five

Leah slumped onto my bed when she heard those words. She stared at me in utmost confusion.

"How did this happen?" she managed to say.

"I don't know, today he came to work very late than he wanted to see me, and suddenly I don't have a job anymore and we broke up," I said, trying to hold back my tears.

"He was late to work, huh?" she asked, standing up and pacing around my room.

Exactly what was going through my mind that must be why he came to work late, someone must have fed him with information about me; but who? I waited for Leah to say something, maybe her usual confusing clues. I would take anything at the moment because I was desperate for answers. If they've found me, then they should take me. Being alive now wasn't even worth it.

"We are in danger. Here isn't safe anymore. Miles couldn't have discovered by himself, someone must have told him and that someone is still out there in the streets of Melbourne."