Mafia princess 2.6

On our way home, I pondered on what happened in the grocery market. I made up my mind to heed Mile's advice and let the past be. Lauren must have moved on with her life, and everyone knows the chip was destroyed. So she couldn't possibly want anything. Right now my family should be the onlu priority, I said to myself. 

As soon as we got home, I took the bag of groceries to the kitchen. Then I unpacked them, and put the items in the right places. While Ophie continued with her cartoon. I tried my best to shove off every thought of Lauren or anyone from the past. Even though it was difficult, because every single thing reminded me about them.

When I was done unpacking, and placing the stuff from the first bag in the right place. I proceeded to the second, until I got to the last. As soon as I took out the first item which was a jar of milk, a piece of paper fell out.