Mafia princess 2.13

Lauren and I agreed to meet at Loeb boathouse. It was a bit far from our house, but distance wasn't my problem, leaving the house was. I thought of what to do, and when the idea struck me, I gave it a try.

"I need to go to the pharmacy for the vitamins prescribed for me," I said to Miles who hadn't left the couch since yesterday.

"Vitamins for what?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant, remember? I need vitamins to keep the baby healthy," I replied.

"Okay. Since it's vital, you'll go in the company of Bailey's men and Mikhail," he said.

Nodding in agreement, I walked upstairs to freshen up. When I was done with bathing, I called Lauren to know if she was already at the boathouse.

"Hello," I said immediately as she picked the call.

"Are you there yet?" I asked.

"Almost, where are you?" She asked.

"Getting ready. It's going to be a tough one. If I don't make it, my plan definitely failed," I replied.