mafia princess 2.15

Bailey and I looked at Miles when he ended the call. He walked away from the table, and sat on a couch in the living room. I felt betrayed at the moment. He said he had gotten rid of the chip, and I believed him, because I trusted him. But here I was about to listen to another story. How could he jeopardize our lives for something worthless. 

"Mr. Miller is there something you ain't telling us?" Bailey asked, walking up to him.

"Let me rephrase that, where is the chip?" She asked.

Miles looked at me for a moment. Seeing the disappointment written on my face, he looked back at Bailey. Who was waiting on him to answer her question.

" The thing is I sold it after the procedure," he blurted out.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

Waking towards him, I was about to rant, but Bailey stopped me in my track. Then she asked him to continue speaking.