mafia princess 2.17

After Bailey interrogated Bryan, he let him go back to the lounge. Then she came out to face both him and Miles.

"Since Bryan is here, we should work on getting to the buyer," she said.

"We already know that," Bryan replied.

"Shut it," Bailey said to him.

"I'm not planning to give them the chip. When we get it, we will destroy it for good, and not stupidly sell it off," she said to Bryan's face, mocking him for being stupid.

Bryan had no choice than to shut his mouth, like he was ordered. 

"That'll be all for today. My men are still working on the best way to get into their hideout. We'd add tracking down the guy with the chip to the list," she said.

She was about to leave, when I rushed downstairs in a rush to meet her.

"Hadley is on the phone," I said, trying to catch my breath when I got to the foot of the stairs.

"Take care of it," she said nonchalantly.

"On a video call," I said when she pulled the front door open.