mafia princess 2.20

The protection program was supposed to move us to an unknown location, maybe a totally different city, but we kicked against it. We couldn't leave our Ophie all alone in the big city. So, we found a way to convince Bailey to keep us here, while we were heavily guarded. Cole and his family were also under the protection, so their house was guarded too. 

After the murder of Pegas, Bailey decided she'd run things her way without a word from us

"Listen up people!" She said, storming into our house a day after Pegas was kille

"I lost a very good man yesterday, and I'm angry about it. All this madness has to come to an end," she yelle

Miles and I rushed downstairs together in our night robes, when we heard her yellin

"Pegas is dead?" I asked in bewildermen

"You heard me right lady, so go pack your bags," she yelled agai

"Why?" I aske

"Because, we are raiding the den as soon as y'all are gone," she sai