mafia princess 3.7

"Phoebe, I've found him" Ophie says. But he already knew that. Ophie thinks.

"I know, where was he?" Phoebe asks.

"With his friend, Chase" Ophie says.

"I know but where exactly?" Phoebe asks and Ophie glances at Fin who shakes his head.

"Uh…at some random bar" Ophie says. Phoebe knows that Ophie wouldn't lie to her so she believes her but there are still loopholes.

"What were they doing?" Phoebe asks.

"They said they were having a drink" Ophie says.

"Why wasn't he with his car or his phone then?" Phoebe probes.

"Because-" Ophie begins.

"Can't a guy have some privacy in the this town?" Fin says to Phoebe, interrupting Ophie.

"Fin, how are you?" Phoebe asks.

"Why the fuck do you care, you're only doing this because you were paid too" Fin says.

Okay clearly he's talking crazy right now.

Ophie glares at Fin. "Phoebe what he means is that he's tired right now, let's all just be glad he's okay" Ophie says.