Mafia Princess 3.11

The cat needs to get out of the bag. Ophie thinks.

Everyone's silent. Fin clears his throat.

"I thought you said you wanted to be one?" Miles asks and Ophie shakes her head. Lauren smiles.

"You don't have to be a doctor sweetheart there's other thin-"

"Police academy" Ophie says, shutting Lauren up. "I want to go to police academy and become a detective" Ophie says more calmy and Miles groans.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me" Miles says. He can't believe his ears. Lauren isn't saying a word.

Fin is watching it all like a TV show.

Miles has heard Ophie talk about this "detective busllshit" when she was little. Ophie used to watch a lot of crime shows, once he heard her say that she wants revenge on her grand aunt Hadley but Miles thought that Ophie was just being a kid and playing around. Now, it's really happening.

"I'm not" Ophie says. "I want to join the police" Ophie adds.

"The answer is no" Miles says and Ophie frowns.