mafia princess 3.30

"He's been at that table for ages" Chase whispers to Ophie. They made it to Tom's house and now they're behind the bushes close to the kitchen window and spying on him.

"Ssh" Ophie says. "It's literally been ten minutes" She adds. Tom's wallet is on the table and he's got a salad and some meatballs in front of him.

"So detective, what's the break-in plan?" Chase asks as they turn their backs and sit on the floor. It's inter-locked and not so dirty, or maybe she is too engrossed to notice.

"Uh…I think I'm gonna use the back door" Ophie says, looking in the direction of the back door that leads into the kitchen.

"What?" Chase asks. "Don't you see Tom there?" Chase asks. "And how are you going to get in, it's probably locked" Chase states looking at her with a confused look on his face.

Ophie smirks. "That's why I carry this around" Ophie says as she takes out a pin from her hair.