mafia Princess 3.32

After Ophie's discovery of Justin, she vowed to stop at nothing to uncover the mystery behind the madness in her family. Justin looked exactly like Miles and a little bit like Mia, plus Miles had already confirmed that Mia was pregnant before her death, or voluntary exit, Ohpie thought. But then, she didn't understand why Mia would do such to them. Her exit was the reason everyone's mind was messed up, except Finlay. His own case was more intense. 

Ophie's alarm clock went off immediately, and she pushed open her eyes. It was just thirty minutes since She had had enough of stalking her perceived brother, and now it was time to dress up for school. She cursed silently for the time moving too fast, then she dragged herself out of bed to get ready for school. She hated her life now, but all she could hope for was something better. Maybe if she solved their whole family mystery, Miles would key into her idea of becoming a Detective.