Mafia princess 3.48

After what happened at Ophie's place during the sleepover, she became more troubled. The notion that Justin was her brother was what kept her going. She had to find a way to inform him about Naomi. She needed to tell him that she was evil and not as lovable as she portrayed— the girl he sat with at Terrence the other wasn't who he thought she was. He had been offline for a while, this made her more uneasy, she had to find out if something terrible had happened.

Today Justin was finally getting his phone back from Mia, she relieved him of his grounding. As she had decided to go easy on him and allow him to live freely as a teen. But then she didn't just leave him off the hook, she promised he would be grounded until college if he ever took the car out with him. If he wanted to visit Naomi, she would take him. As she didn't see any need for a fifteen year old to impress a girl. They were still young, and still learning to love which was enough.