
Chapter 6 Elemental Academy

"Alright we're here" "Okay thank you" I stepped out of the car and thanked the driver. It was most likely someone I'd never see again so I didn't bother remembering his face but then again I don't do that at all nowadays. The campus was big and beautiful, as you would expect the most funded school in Gehenna. It had a statue of the two Gods in the middle of the campus the grass was all the perfect shade of green. It was beautiful, to say the least. When I got to my dorm I realized it was already packed with stuff. "It looks like I'm gonna have a roommate." I sighed to myself I got to my bed and put on the sheets when I was done unpacking my stuff(which wasn't a lot) I layed down on my bed and just looked up at the ceiling. The paint was jagged and imperfect it wasn't a flat terrain like the walls were, you could also tell it was old that the paint must have been there for a long time maybe a decade or two. The color was ugly too, they picked a terrible shade of gray for the ceiling it was terrible compared to the walls. *click I got up quickly to look at the door standing there was a kid around the same age as me he had short brown hair with bangs. He looked pretty muscular(at least compared to me) and was pretty tall, he was already wearing the school uniform even though our classes haven't started yet they'd be starting in about an hour. "Hello, you must be my roommate nice to meet you, my name's Itami nice to meet you" "Hi" I just layed back down after saying that and ended the conversation there "What's your name?" why won't he shut up can't he see the conversations over. I ignored him and just rolled over looking at the wall now. It was perfect in every way the paint job was great so it was all flat, you could tell they applied this paint job not too long ago. It also had a nice color, it was a navyish shade of blue it looked calming compared to the gray on the ceiling. Huh, I haven't heard that kid in a while has he taken the hi- "Woah!" "What's your name?" The kid looked like he has just been sitting there this whole time waiting for me to turn over, it was only like a minute but still, give up dude! "Helloooo" "Luck" I grunted out of resentment trying to show him that I don't like him. "Like the four-leaf clover type of luck!" Why was he so excited about this? He was really weird despite looking pretty good. "Yeah" "Oh, then can I call you Lucky?" "Hey Lucky wanna play hide and seek?" "NO!" That brought up memories I didn't want to think about, at least not right now. "Okay, sorry." After that my weird roommate left, guess he didn't like this awkward atmosphere. I don't like this place already, if everyone here is like him I pray that no one talks to me while I'm here. On my alarm clock, I quickly set a timer for around 45 minutes then I just rolled over and tried to get more sleep. *Ring *Ring *Ring "uuaah I sorta woke up and got out of bed I looked around the room for a couple of seconds looking for a bathroom I found one quickly since it was pretty much one room. I went to the bathroom and washed water over my face to wake me up. When I looked at myself in the mirror I realized how unhappy I looked now. There were bags under my eyes despite me sleeping so much. And my hair was grey now. I'm guessing it was because of me losing control of my element. I didn't care all that much about it because I didn't really know whether I looked better or worse. I never held my looks in high regard but I've been told I looked good before and I liked this look better so maybe I looked good with it. After I looked at myself in the mirror for a couple of seconds I put on my shoes and walked outside. It was bright outside probably because it was 7 in the morning so that should be normal though so I don't know why I thought it was brighter than normal. I walked over to where the classes were. I was given the school uniform before I came here so I was already changed and ready for class. I was given a piece of paper earlier that showed me where my class was. "Room 117 this should be it" I quietly said to myself "Oh we're in the same class!" I already knew who it was by the sound of the voice but I didn't want to believe who it was but I was hoping it wasn't him. I turned around slowly and low and behold it was my roommate. "Hey you're in this class right!" he said with a stupid smile on his face. How can he always be so happy? I ignored him and just turned around and opened the door to answer his question. The classroom was pretty big compared to my old classroom. I looked around to see what type of people were in our class and I didn't notice anyone special in the class. I didn't really care if they were stronger than me or not no one just piqued my interest. "Hello?! Huh, ooh he's stupid, ...I forgot. "yeah" "Awesome! Come on let's sit next to each other!" Did he just forget about this morning or does he have a selective memory? I completely blew him off. I mean I made it pretty obvious that I didn't want to be friends(at least I think I did). He's really weird, it's like he has an overly happy outlook on life and can't read the mood. I should probably try to remember his name since I feel like he's gonna be bugging me all year. But how should I do it if I just straight up ask him he'll probably think I'm rude I mean how can you forget someone's name when they literally told you an hour ago. So I probably shouldn't ask him what his name is. With his personality, I wouldn't be surprised if he just screamed it out to the entire class. So should just rely on that and hope for the best? No that's a stupid idea why the fuck would he announce his name to the entire class that's just retarted. So then.. What should I do? I mean attendance happens in every school, doesn't it. What if our teacher is one of those teachers that already memorized all of our faces. No, I mean what are the chances of that I mean a lot of teachers don't do that cause that's stalkerish right? What should I do then I can't ask him, he most likely won't announce it, and I can't rely on attendance. No, you can rely on attendance I mean most teachers don't do that they just call out the names all year round. Yeah exactly! So I'll just rely on attendance. Wait no we all sign in when we walked in didn't we with our school ids they sign us in whenever we walk into a classroom. So now what do I d- "My name is Itami just in case you forgot" How…How did he know was it showing on my face that much I don't think I was showing anything on my face. Maybe it's his element like it's the element of mind or some shit like that. If it is that's sorta Overpowered don't you think? I looked over to Itami and he was looking right back at me with that stupid smile stuck on his face "You sure like smiling huh?" "No, I think I do it the normal amount, I think you just don't do it enough" "No you just do it a lot" "You sure I mean look around the classroom everyone is smiling aren't they?" I looked around and he was right everyone was currently smiling besides me. Maybe it was because everyone was happy to go to this school. "yeah" "What?" "I said yeah" "Ha ha" I hate you. *RIIIIIIING The bell to homeroom rang and our teacher was, no where to be seen. What a great start to school, not that I cared all that much about our teacher I was only here cause I didn't want to go back to that biased town. A second later the door opened and we all finally got to meet our homeroom teacher. He was was muscular he looked like he worked out a lot he was muscular enough that you could tell through his shirt but not enough that he could flex and the buttons would come off. "Hello students my name is Sukamu but you will all call me Mr.S and I will be your teacher this year." Our teacher was someone who was young but has probably worked here for a couple of years, if I had to assume his age, I would probably say in his early thirties. "So since this is your first year and I would like to get to know you better were gonna play an icebreaker. It'll be a simple one you will just tell your name and your element nothing crazy. Alright so who wants to go first?" "...." I don't know what he was thinking asking who wanted to go first especially because none of us knew each other. I mean who would want to volunteer on the first da- "Oh I'll go first" and of course I forgot I was sitting next to an idiot. "My name is Itami and my element is the element of thought. I can pretty much hear what people are thinking." Oh you got to be fucking kidding me! He's been hearing my thoughts this entire time! "yep I have" Itami said to me quietly "fuck you" "Alright so who's gonna go next." Naturally no one volunteered because who would want to. "Alright since no one is volunteering, Itami you can choose who goes" "Alright! Then I choose Luck" You motherfuc-"Alright Luck go ahead" *sigh "My name is Luck as you just heard and my element is grey." "Alright what does it do?" uuaah why does he have too be pushing so many questions. "I can form stuff out of this grey material." "Alright now your turn to choose someone." I chose someone random and pointed at them. They were probably cursing me inside their head, To be honest I didn't want to hear what they were thinking of me. So you better not tell me! "Alright" I didn't really pay attention to anyone else's introduction or there elements cause I didn't really care. After everyone was done Mr.S announced something. "Alright even though its your first day of school Were gonna be having a test." Uuaah everyone sighed since it was our first day of school. "Relax it isn't that type of test it's simply a test to see how strong you guys are, so lets go outside."