
Chapter 7 Class Leaders

As we went outside it looked like a lot of people were nervous I wasn't all that nervous it didn't look like Itami was nervous either. "Yeah, I'm not that nervous either." yeah thought so "Alright stop here." Mr.S told us to stop most likely because this is where the test would be. What the fuck am I talking about this is obviously where the test is at. I looked around to see where we were and there was a lot of stuff to take in because it didn't look too different from a normal school except for these weird dummies in the middle of the field and these crystals oof at the side otherwise it was completely normal there was a track around the field, goal post near the end of the field it was pretty much just like a normal school. "Alright, now that we're here I'll tell you all about the test. Well, pretty much we'll be testing your elements. Right now we will do a simple test that tests your element so based on your element go to one of these places people with physical enhancement elements go to the track, and people with projectile elements go to the dummies over in the middle of the field people with elements that don't have to do with either of those go to the crystal." The only time I used my element was the knife and it was a projectile so I went to the dummies. "Alright see you later," said Itami I didn't respond since I didn't care about him and just walked to the dummies I turned around to look where he was going and he was going to the crystal which I guess made sense since he is simply able to read minds. As I went to the projectile I noticed a lot of people were coming here too. About half of the people were coming here and the other half of the class went to the track only about two people went to the crystal including Itami. First Mr.S went to the track so everyone else just watched from a distance it looked pretty simple it was just a race around the track. The only thing that wasn't normal is that people were running the track in about 10 seconds they were extremely fast for it being one of their first times using their elements especially since they were all most likely weak compared to the elemental knights. So this is the type I should expect for the rest of my years here I don't know if I can compete. After he was done with the track students he made his way over to us and tested each of us by three since there were three dummies our test was simply seeing how far away we could hit the dummies. I was in the last group of three to go and by then the farthest distance was around 50 meters and to be honest none of us knew if that was above or below average when it came to distance. I just decided to see how strong I was compared to my classmates so I tried my hardest we started at 10 meters and all three of us hit the target and then 20 then 30 and at 40 both of the students going with me couldn't hit the target so I kept going 50..60..70 at 70 I finally missed. A lot of students were amazed with me thinking that I was extremely strong or something. At least that's what I think they are thinking I have no clue since I'm not Itami. After that, he went to the crystal and tested those two the kid beside Itami went first and when he touched the crystal it changed color it was originally a light blue but it changed to a green color. I don't really know if that's good or bad but I think it's most likely good since that's what people think when they see green then Itami went to the crystal and it turned red. Shit that's not good that means he is most likely weak after he finished the test with the crystal people we went inside and Mr.S told us something about Elementals "Alright well now that you all realized your position in class I will tell you all who the three-class leaders are the class leader are the strongest Manipulator, Enhancer, and Conjurers." "Excuse me Mr.S what are those?" "Those are the three types of elementals you can be The Enhancers were the people at the track Conjurers were the ones at the dummies and Manipulators were the ones at the crystal the strongest from each of those categories will be the class leaders." So I was and the kid who got green the green crystals were two of the class leaders and whoever was the fastest on the track were the class leaders "pff" "what's so funny Itami?" "nothing" why was he laughing did someone make a joke in their head or something whatever "Alright the three-class leaders are Luck, Fukkatsu, and Itami." What? how is Itami a class leader "The further away the color is from blue is the stronger you are? It wasn't a green or red thing." Ooh that's how he is one but who is Fukkatsu I looked around the classroom but I couldn't find anyone that looked happy. "Will the three-class leaders stand up please?" Ugh, what a bother me and Itami stood up then right after this kid who looked to be about the same height as me stood up he had hair that was blond at the top of his head and brown at his bangs. It looked like he played sports because he looked like he had a good build I think I couldn't really tell but I couldn't really imagine him not having a good build while being the strongest. "These students will be the class leaders I suppose you would call them the student representatives in your old schools there's basically that but more powerful in terms of pull in this classroom. They are the ones who will decide who will fight in school tournaments and other stuff. Now that's all I wanted to get through today so you are all dismissed." All of us students were left confused, to say the least, we didn't know what to do with the information about the class leaders and the tournaments too but I was too tired to care all that much so I just left as quickly as I could "Hey Luck" ugh not again "Let's walk back to the dorm together." "No." "Well, we live in the same room so I'll just walk to my room then." "Fuck you" "Love you too" ugh "So how do you feel about being one of the strongest in the class along with me." he said it so full of himself it made me sick "I don't care" "Of course you don't. Oh yeah, we should probably try to get to know that Fukkastu guy" "You can do that I couldn't care less about him or you." "You know I really hate that your telling the truth." "Deal with it" After that, we arrived at the dorms we went to our room as soon as we walked in I just went to sleep immediately, not trying to strike up a conversation with Itami again. "Hey come on let's go." "what?" I was about to fall asleep so naturally, I was pretty pissed "We're going to meet up with Fukkastu I set it up in the class group chat." "What class group chats?" "The one your in" "What are you talking about" "You know the one that was made yesterday during orientation" "I got here today." "Oh, I'll add you in a sec" "Don't." "Can I get your number then" "No" "Please" "No" I mean I don't even have a phone but I wouldn't have given it to him even if I did "Oh so that's why?" Fuck I forgot he can do that "Alright let's go" Uann I moaned and got out of bed reluctantly and got dressed out of my uniform. After that, me and Itami left and he brought me to this restaurant called Mirandas Italian(I know really creative). When we got inside it looked like Fukkatsu was already there he was sitting at a table for four by himself and it honestly looked really sad. Me and Itami made our way over to him when we sat down Fukkastu started talking to Itami nearly completely disregarding me I didn't really care I just looked around the restaurant specifically the food it looked pretty good definitely edible "And this is Luck" "Huh" Itami suddenly brought me into the conversation when I wasn't ready which wasn't really fair but whatever "Nice to meet you" said Fukkatsu "Yeah" "He's not the nicest guy" "Wow thanks" "No problem" "Alright so my element is the element of thoughts as you both know and you two are the strongest in the class so you two should probably get to know each other and your elements. You go first Luck" "tch My element is grey and can basically make elements out of this grey material" I wrapped it up quickly but he should have gotten the gist of it "My element is the element of strength I can pretty much just make myself stronger than normal" Another simple one huh he's simply able to control strength hormones. It's not really surprising he got first with that type of element. "Alright now that you two know each other, let's talk about the class leaders" "I wasn't paying attention what do we do again," said Fukkatsu "We're just like class representatives but better, stupid," I said the stupid part quietly so I didn't seem like a shithead. But I wouldn't be surprised if he heard it "You're so mean Luck" said Itami I'm pretty sure he was saying it jokingly though. After that, we just talked about our classmates and about our teacher. To be honest, it was a waste of my time I would have rather been sleeping, it was good to get to know Fukkatsu though. After that, me, Itami, and Fukkatsu walked back to the dorms where none of us said a word it was just quiet it wasn't all that fun to go to the restaurant. I was tired at the end of this long day, I just wanted to go to the room and sleep but I needed to shower and brush my teeth. So as soon as I got back I quickly showered and brushed my teeth and then I went to sleep to end a long day honestly this school will probably be annoying. Man, I wish I could go home and just go back to my normal life instead of this hell.