9: Hunter, Hunted

The pressure of her clothed attacker's body is gone so quickly she collapses into the water disoriented.

Getting it together, Umeko swims closer to where they stand at the path's intersection, peace washing over her at the sight of Tsukiyomi pinning her molester.

Driving the beast's body into black, porous stone by its face, she marvels at the sight of his perfect timing.

~ He came! Just before I—he came. …how did he know…? ~

Shaking her head with tears of joy, the comfort in watching her new master inflicting physical pain on a creature that previously attacked her makes her chest warm.

~ Either by his power or Izanagi-sama, thank you so much! ~

Tsukiyomi's silky hair brushes ivory skin as he kneels over the creature, his very sight capturing her in a daze.

Inching closer to the spring's boulders, she notices the black stone beneath her savior and the attacker buckling.

~ (o.o') ~

Bones CRACK under the weight of Tsukiyomi's vice-grip palming its face; witnessing its skull sink into the ground brings a tiny grin to Umeko's supple lips.

Coughing up blood, tiny droplets stain the corners of its mouth as tears stream down its face.

Crying in distress, it kicks its legs in a frenzy while digging its claws into Tsukiyomi's forearm.

Nails breaking as they fail to draw blood from scales, the razor-sharp talon of the mountain's lord strikes its left eye socket.

Arching its back while struggling harder to escape, Umeko gasps at the shrill horror resounding around them.

Sanguine streams burst from the orbit and down the side of its face into matted hair when all three talons finger his eye socket.

The creature's blood stains Tsukiyomi's star-studded sleeve as gruesome screams bounce off the walls of the cavern like a shrill, haunting song.

"You molest what is mine, in my hearth, whilst I am in it?" Tsukiyomi seethes through gritted teeth, an abysmal crimson blaring from his eyes as fangs elongate from a contorting muzzle.

Rainbow scales appear across the bridge of his nose when he snarls, the chilling sound comforting Umeko as it reminds her that she is safe with the man she has sworn servitude to.

~ That almost sounded like he felt something about me… Or was it just a snarl? (>_<) How do I have the mind space to think about what he thinks about me?! ~

Tilting her head, she is so focused on the scene with her blue-haired hero that she doesn't fully process Sanemaru wading through the water to get to her with the softest fabric in existence.

"I am so, so sorry. I was summoned and I-- this is -all- my fault," stammering in disarray, "I swear I'll protect you from here on out," stretching his hand out and looking off to the distance, he brings it together when he crouches to check her face for harm.

~ He -did- say…'mine'. I'm -his-...and somehow…I like the sound of that... Why do I like the -sound- of that?! ~

Confused by her own emotions, curious thoughts disappear when his firm voice penetrates all other sounds.

"A creature as vile as you deserves no mercy," withdrawing his fingers from its eye only to smother its nose and mouth with his dragon claw, a broad ivory palm suffocating its screams.

Umeko crouches out of the water shielding her privates to confirm sightings of an orangish red light illuminating the yokai lord's cheeks while his eyes darken to a hellhound's snare.

The hollows of his cheeks round before he parts his lips and liquid magma spills onto the crotch of his prey.

Umeko notices Sanemaru when he embraces her with the towel, the girl freeing her arms and tightening it around her body with a nod of thanks.

The beast trembles and screams, kicking and clawing at everything nearby but incapable of inflicting any damage as its body is slowly cooked, charred, and devoured by the pooling magma spreading throughout its torso and down its limbs.

Tsukiyomi, immobile, holds it in place, watching it feebly writhe and squirm in a futile attempt to escape.

Umeko finds an unexpected joy consuming her as she watches the monster suffer for its actions.

~ I wish the men that hurt my mother got it this bad... At least none of them can ever hurt anyone else again... ~

Fighting to keep up gurgling, groaning wails until its hands fall from Tsukiyomi's wrist and continue to melt.

Shortly after, its gnashing teeth disappear into the luminous material and nothing is left.

Shifting back to his terrifyingly benevolent appearance, Umeko's mouth falls open when the pool of molten liquid lying in place of her attacker hardens into a lumpy, black mass.

"Hn," Tsukiyomi sneers.

Standing gracefully and glancing at the girl, she grips the towel around her to keep her bearings.

The more she looks upon him, the more she is drunk on his intimidating grace.

"Are you intact?" he examines her briefly and she nods with a shaky gulp.

Turning his side to the pair and looking forward, "Bring her to my quarters after she is prepared."

Tsukiyomi exits as blurry as he entered, the damaged floor swallowing the black mass left behind before shifting back into place and removing all traces of the gruesome death.

~ That's...spooky… Wait! Prepared? (o.O) Prepared for what? And how? ~

"...he wants me in his bedroom?" she ponders aloud, looking to Sanemaru for guidance at the unanticipated turn of events.

~ He killed another yokai over me even though I'm just a -human-. (o_o') What if I disappoint him? I have no idea how to be with a guy like -that-…this is too much too soon! ~

"Sane...I don't think I'm strong enough..." Leaning into her only other known ally, pecan fingers lose circulation amidst the grip of her towel.

"Hey," he coos while stroking her back, "You've got nothin' to be scared of. You've got your big bro now," he points at himself with his free hand.

"And Tsukiyomi-sama's over-protective of everything that's his-- like a dragon with its treasure," he snarks, "No tolerance for threats to his home, or the people in it," he rocks her gently with a reassuring smile.

"The moment you stepped into this mountain," he circles an index finger in the air, "You became -his-."

He points to her chest, "And it's my guess you'll be staying in his quarters 'cause that's the safest place for you."

Pointing down in front of them, Umeko follows his finger to unsuspectingly find him fully clothed in the hot spring.

~ Sane…are you really that worried about me so fast?... ~

"The level under this one has his private chambers and the throne hall," he pauses, a flame igniting behind his eyes, "...which is pro-ba-bly where I was supposed to take you to begin with... Ugh! I'm so stupid!"

He punches the side of his head and kicks the water.

"Oh," he stops mid-dramatic outburst and his ears twitch, "And sorry to disappoint you but," he leans in close enough for his breath to tease her ear, "You won't be sleepin' in his bed-- hehe, unless you wanna."

Pulling back, his eyebrows wiggle playfully during the aggressive nudging of her frail form with a teasing grin.

"Let's see… There's about eleven servants that usually work and live on this level-- not including his army or concubines in the other mountains..."

~ …he has all that? Who is this guy and how'd I get saved by him twice already?! ~

"Me and Mizu are the main ones to go into his private quarters. So, between the three of us, you'll be -fine-," he fans his fingers and spreads his hand across the air.

Sanemaru steps over the low wall before lifting her up and out of the water then setting her on solid ground.

The water drips down her legs and puddles around her feet, the dripping black fabric of Sanemaru's clothes clinging to his bulge when he steps out the water revealing muscular thighs that steal her breath.

~ I can't believe men can look like this. Bua.Ha.Haha! Humans don't. Big bro might be a bad title… ~

Biting her bottom lip to hide a grin, Umeko's attention shifts with surprise to another presence joining them.

"Sane, who is this girl?" Sanemaru stiffens before sheepishly side-stepping from Umeko and facing the woman with open arms.