10: Estrogenic Encounter

"Mizu! This is the new servant," Sanemaru gestures with a guilty smile, "Umeko."

Sidestepping closer to Mizuki, "I tried to tell you before, but you--uh--y'know," broad hands fumble through fiery strands of red-orange silk as his ears lower to the sides of his head.

"You must have really hit it off, embracing like that," she drops her fan open and hides her lips, "naturally, with her scent all over you, I assumed you were trying something out of -boredom-."

Mizuki's violet eyes examine Umeko from head to toe, making the girl uncomfortable.

Closing her fan and pressing the end against her chin, "Has the sinisterly, ambrosial Lord Tsukiyomi truly allowed a -mortal- to serve him?"

Mizuki's eyelids lower as she stands inches taller than Umeko, peering past her nose and grasping the girl's chin to gain a closer look.

Umeko winces at the sharp, uninvited touch. Avoiding eye contact to control herself from lashing out and getting herself accidentally killed, she sneers in the woman's icy clutches.

~ Don't touch me, wench! ~

"Don't you know you'll die before he -ever- finds use for you?" The demoness addresses Umeko with the confused excitement of a thousand, blaring suns before releasing her.

~ Now I know he wasn't being mean… Yokai really care about serving a purpose. …Are we really THAT useless compared to them? ~

Holding her head up to keep from shrinking under the woman's opinion, "Lord Tsukiyomi saved me so…I begged to serve…" Umeko swallows hard, finding herself entranced by the pillowy curve of Mizuki's defined lips.

~ And I had nothing better to do with nowhere else to go… (>_<') I'm a stupid little wimp! ~

Nearly choking on the unscheduled sahara storming her throat, she looks away with a raspy whisper, "It's nice to meet you, Lady Mizu. Sane paints your beauty with his words."

~ I bet she'll like that one. Geez, how can someone so young and beautiful be soooo scary? ~

Clicking the inside of her cheek, "this one is so formal, perhaps out of fear?"

Entertainment dances over Mizuki's features as she peeps at Sanemaru, "She's brighter than she looks."

Lulling her gaze back to the girl, "My name is Mizuki. Only Sane calls me Mizu. I, too, serve your new master," tucking her fan into her belt, "So calling me 'lady' is unnecessary," dissatisfaction oozes from her voice.

~ I hope she isn't crazy enough to think I'M competition for -her-. How can I compete with a body like that? ~

"I'll help you get ready for Tsukiyomi-sama. I will try to make you look as pleasing to him as possible," she gently pats her cheek and looks away, "But it's been a while since I've faced such a challenge."

A toothy grin reveals pearly fangs when Mizuki side-eyes Sanemaru and flashes her eyebrows up, "This should be fun either way!"

~ You monkey's a--! ~

"But," Mizuki waves her index finger left and right in front of Umeko's face, "Don't get too comfortable, little human."

~ Get your finger outta my--! ~

"There's no telling how long you'll last," Mizuki's luscious lips form a delighted pout as shifts away to approach the vanity table.

~ *shudders* So I've been told. This sucks melons…and not in a good way. ~

Exhaling sharply while flaring her nostrils and balling her fists to remain silently poised, Sanemaru jumps to defend Umeko after witnessing the tension filling her frame.

"Mizuki! Be nice. She went through something awful before she got here and I think that makes her exactly like us," he points from Umeko to Mizuki, "Right?" Sanemaru scowls Mizuki into a kinder disposition.

The peachy woman peeks at Umeko with a hint of empathy, leaving his question unanswered.

Sanemaru steps in front of the plum blossom child, blocking Mizuki's view of the girl in the mirror with his chiseled back when he cups her shoulders.

"You can trust Mizu with anything you can trust with me."

~ You really don't believe that, do you? ~

"She's very special to us and I know she wouldn't actually hurt you," he glances back at Mizuki and Umeko follows his line of sight, the duo watching the voluptuous curves of her body shifting until purple silk with every step to the vanity to gather folded linen.

Grinning swiftly, "She's all bark and no bite," he whispers.

Straightening, the steed puffs his chest and smoothes his clothes, "I'll keep guard from the inside so no one can pull me away," nodding to each girl respectively then the door, he zips away.

Umeko stares at her reflection with unease, chewing her bottom lip and fidgeting with the towel covering her body; concluding that her act of voluntary servitude has bound her to everyone that serves Tsukiyomi, she is forced to accept their help.

Entrusting the character of yokai with her life, she breathes deep knowing she has what it takes to persevere through this place's definition of 'home'.

Feeling eyes on her, Umeko glances at the movement in her peripheral vision; following Mizuki, the luscious woman steps behind her to gather dripping, raven hair and squeeze it out with the cloth in hand.

Relaxing at the lack of aggression in the yokai's touch, Umeko glances around the room to focus more on the detail in everything when she notices a white bundle resting on the vanity in front of her.

~ I'm -mostly- sure that wasn't here before Tsukiyomi. ~

Pulling the package close to the edge of white wood to reach the bow with minimal movement, she unties the cord.

Umeko is so amazed at peeling back linen layers, that she fails to see Mizuki watching her in the reflection while drying her hair.

Uncovering the most beautiful dress she has ever seen, Umeko gently turns thick, ornate fabric in her hands. Smiling wistfully, she delicately traces over stitched, red plum-blossoms on black branches in a sea of glittering, platinum silk.

~ How am I touching something so pretty?... *mental tears of joy* This must be what royalty feels like. ~

Stroking the satin fabric, a sneaky gasp of glee slips past her lips as she squeals inwardly, knowing this dress is all hers.

"Well now, isn't that a pretty dress?"

~ Ooo, that's the voice of a 'Mātsarya' (the feeling of jealousy when 'someone else gets ahead of us') to me. ~

Umeko nods with a quiet 'yes', brushing off Mizuki's fishy tone as a dreamlike daze overpowers her senses.

As though the maker captured an entire scene of nature, falling petals dance from flowers blowing on the breeze carrying them down long, cascading sleeves.

Beneath the gown she finds a black belt with red edges and long, white socks. Releasing the dress in a hurry, she slaps her hands down on her thighs and clenches her jaw.

~ Will I have to do something as thanks for this? ...Everyone else's clothes are plain… ~

Mizuki combs through Umeko's hair in a rush, carelessly pulling knots apart and jarring Umeko's head back to reality.

~ …I don't care. This is my first gift in this new life *heart eyes* I'm going to cherish it for the rest of my days! ~

Mizuki styles Umeko's hair in an updo bun with fringe bangs and a braided crown, interwoven with red and white ribbon from a wooden trinket box hidden in a drawer.

~ I'm so glad she moves fast…I think I'm going to sleep soon…"

Jarred from a slumbering daze as the time in peaceful, relatively safe company has caught up to her nervous system and allowed her the time to breathe, Umeko is instructed to stand before Mizuki yanks her towel away.

"I could've done that myself…" Umeko speaks quietly, holding her confident stance while Mizuki gives her a once over; the girl shiver's under Mizuki's invading touch as the vivacious woman explores her body for flaws.

~ I know I'm beautiful! I'm not going to look scared by her! ~

"And spoil my fun of unwrapping something new?" Mizuki chuckles like a snob before dressing Umeko in the new gown using superhuman speed, stopping from a blur to tie the belt in a bow over her stomach as the finishing touch.

"All done," the violet-eyed woman pats Umeko's belly, a smile of satisfaction painting her supple face upon stepping back to admire her work.

Mizuki's face shifts in an instant, the bear yokai closing the distance with her words flicking Umeko's nose and filling it with honey and jasmine, "If your human ass brings discord into my home, I will end you -despite- what Sanemaru has told himself about me."

~ She's so rotten but smells soooo nice… Breath still hot though. ~

Mizuki's unprovoked words come with a graceful smile before she turns the girl to face the mirror, standing behind her and cupping her upper arms, mauve-painted lips near the top of Umeko's ear.

~ I knew that was coming. Sane, you have no idea who she really is! ~

Umeko double blinks before staring at her reflection in awe, stunned by her transformation via styled hair and royal clothes.

~ She is the nicest and best at this in the world! Is that even me?! ~

Nearly reaching to touch the mirror in disbelief of her undiscovered radiance, brown eyes find Mizuki's porcelain smile reflecting near her toffee cheek.

The moment brown eyes shift up and connect with violet irises in the disc, "My true form is an enormous bear that could devour you in one bite," she snaps her teeth shut next to the girl's ear, coaxing a cringe.

"If I wanted to," Mizuki steps around to face Umeko, pressing the side of her hand against her jaw, "but, I won't," she pauses.

"Unless you give me a reason to, of course," with a gentle tone and a harmless wink, Umeko musters a tiny gulp for the yokai with a somber nod.

~ Got it. Be everyone's lap dog and keep my head down and mouth shut. That shouldn't be too hard… *gulps* ~

"Now," Mizuki places her hand at Umeko's lower back and ushers her to start walking, "hurry to Sane."

Shooing the girl with a grin until she gets moving, Mizuki faces the vanity and starts cleaning.

~ That lady changes color faster than a sunrise. I hope we can find a way to get along. I do NOT want -her- as an enemy. *shudders* ~

As Umeko reaches Sanemaru, she watches his tail curl and sway while humming and dancing in place facing the door.

~ (o.O') A man with a tail… ~

Sanemaru spins around and mouths a dazed 'wow', "You look amazin', sis," he circles her in adoration then grabs her hands and pulls her into a rugged embrace.

~ Woah! ~

Clutching the fabric at his sides and instantly surrendering, she rests the side of her face against his chest and breathes in an alluring, spicy warmth.

~ Mm…hugs… ~

The vibration in his chest from his deep voice gently penetrates her ears, "If you find yourself in the presence of danger, announce yourself as Kjernmawati Umeko," with reverence and pride, he beats a fisted palm against his left pec.

Pulling back slightly to look down at her, "And they'll leave you alone," flashing a toothy grin, "If they know what's best for 'em."

His energy brings a smile to her face.

Cupping her cheek, "Finally! So you -can- do that if you really want to," licking his lips with a nod, "I hope I get to see it more."

~ *tiny mental squeal* You're so sweet! I'm so glad I don't get red like Rin and the others. …They used to be so jealous they couldn't tell when I was shy or… ~

Sanemaru slides the door open with a THWACK, sending away bittersweet memories to guide her into the hall and shutting it behind them.

Turning right and heading for the door Tsukiyomi disappeared behind earlier, "Oh," she inhales through a sniffle.

"Sane, how can I use that name when I don't know what a Kern-nap-ta-mactki is," she walks alongside the dashing yokai, sucking her bottom lip at the sound of his soft chuckle after her attempt at a new, foreign word.

"K-yer-N-ma-wah-tee," he licks his lips and nods with half-lidded eyes and a reminiscent air around him; catching the girl's perplexity out the corner of his eye, he shakes his head.

Umeko raises her eyebrow with a deeper curiosity, "Part of the Kjernmawati territory it is known as Kerma to the humans now."

~ Is he going to dodge answering another one of my questions? ~

Suspiciously examining Sanemaru, he slides open the massive, wood and rice paper door hiding a stone tower, "We made it inhabitable before the humans migrated to us."

He leans against the door frame crested between wood and stone when Umeko gently tugs at his sleeve and opens her mouth to talk until he looks away, "It's my family name."

Pursing lips and narrow gaze, stuck in a scrunch, "Sanemaru…if you're a servant," swallowing hard and presenting her question as cautiously as possible, "Why would your name protect me from -anyone-?"

Sanemaru grazes her elbow, leading her across the threshold and onto the stone landing, remaining on wooden floor panels draped in woven bamboo.

White socks slide from smooth wood to porous, mountain stone before she turns around sharply to look at his face, ribbons of silk falling past full lips.

Stroking her stunned cheek and firing a smoldering wink, "Because I am the true king of the Kjernmawati Clan."