Morality Test

Junya knew something like that would have been too much.

Having a blessing that was centred around killing was considerably more dangerous if others knew. This was the only thing Junya felt comfortable taking.

"*Sigh*" Murray rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Fine, Since it is your right then do as you please, we will begin the psych- I mean Morality test soon"

Murray made a note on his tablet while getting up, muttering an argument with himself. Junya could tell Murray was visibly upset with this decision.

After he left Junya was left to finally think.

'What the hell is going to happen in this Morality test? I have no idea what to expect I just hope I do the right thing. I would have to be blind to not see right from wrong, so surely this will be a piece of cake"

They said it would just be a selection of scenarios, so really, I just need to choose the best possible outcome. There's no way I can fail if I just do the right thing and don't listen to my emotions.'

While Junya was distracted by his thoughts, the door creaked open, catching his attention. A man who he didn't recognise entered the room.

That man was Troy who Junya never had the pleasure of meeting conscious. While Junya assessed the man's features, Troy introduced himself.

"My name is Troy Gwent, I will be the investigator for the Morality test, This test will determine whether you live or die along with a little tampering with your emotions," he informed, flashing an almost cheeky smirk.

"Wait what do you mean tampering with my emotions?" Junya sounded worried.

His concern drew from his desire to kill. Being able to control it if his emotions weren't in check was not something to fuck with. His feeling of rage could be falsified and it wouldn't take a mastermind to know what that meant.

While the way Junya imagined his murderous rage would look is ten times less serious than what he's already done. But fortunately, he had a minimal recollection of his previous outburst.

Faint pieces could be recalled but his memories consisted of only sounds and fury. What concerned him more was his levels, considering he was already a level 3 it was common sense to recognise what he must have done to reach that point. The possibilities were near endless.

Sweat began pooling in his hands, making them clammy and uncomfortable. Junya rubbed then against his flimsy hospital down and brushed his hair off his face.

Troy glanced back at him and reminded, " y'know if you don't wish to participate in the Morality test, telling us your blessing would be a hell of a lot quicker. You can fake your way out of this one. You will be put through conditions to see how you tackle and behave in them. It's for your own safety, of course, your emotions are only going to be a gateway to your true self

"Is that really fair-" Junya wanted to argue but that in itself would lead to suspicions. "Just explain the process, I need some sleep"

Troy nodded, then continued. "You will be placed in a simulation of the real world and you will be faced with 3 scenarios that are likely to happen. You need to deal with them any way you see fit that's all"

"So what about toying with my emotions..."

"That is up to you" Troy reached into his pocket and took out a test tube filled with liquid. "After you drink this, a hyper-realism helmet will be attached to your head, it'll monitor your progress and present you with scenarios of our choosing" he indicated toward what appeared to be a pile of colourful wires

"Drinking this will put you to sleep, it's easier to make a connection that way. While we can't see what'll be happening in your head, we will be able to monitor crucial points like who is dead or alive. Do you understand? If so then make a decision quickly"

Junya looked at the serum with anxiety, 'Ah fuck it' Junya cursed before grabbing the tube and gulping down its contents.

"Good now follow me," Troy placed him into another chair that faced the one-way window and slanted him at 60 degrees. While he was being helped on the chair Troy placed the helmet over his head.

"Just close your eyes and we will take care of everything else. Remember that all the scenarios created are purely for testing purposes," Troy's words started to sound distant and echoey as Junya slipped into sleep.

He opened his eyes and appeared to be outside.

"Junya help me please!"

The familiar melancholic voice which now haunted his heart. His neck moved like a crooked door when he looked toward Imani being held at gunpoint by a Ghost Knight.

Its appearance was quite daunting with the smoke that billowed from the openings of his armour-like a ghost was sealed inside. Their aura was cold by nature and they sported a long two-handed sword, with a wide blade, held over Imani's neck.

She looked toward Junya with eyes yearning for his help, a look of shock and panic was plastered over her face.

"Junya! we need to go back and help the people at the North gate, Hurry Junya!" Russel appeared behind him, tugging on his arm, pointing in the distance to buildings that were set ablaze. The atmosphere was chaotic and fear-filled the air.

"If you don't go now we are going to lose all hope of defending the town!" Russel urged.

Junya took a deep breath to assess the situation but on his exhale he couldn't breathe anymore. Panic pulled at his chest. Tight but not claustrophobic, Yet.

I can't stay here, they must be urging me to make a decision.

'Stay calm, Save everyone. Don't run off emotions' Junya tugged his arm from Russel and started running toward Imani who was crying to help. His weapon was a katana which had a dark-purple sheen on the blade, reflecting like an oil spill in the rain.

As Junya moved, It felt like there was no limit to his speed. His blade moved fast toward the Ghost Knight. A sudden loud explosion erupted in the earth behind him, catching his attention.

More Ghost knights from the side came and slashed toward Junya with their swords. The force pushed him back dozens of metres through buildings and debris. He stumbled over them as he hurried away from their slashing blades. Dust and ash flew through the air, creating an ominous fog.

"Junya! We need to go! We can't save her!" Russel screamed toward Junya. The scene was chaotic and overwhelming but nothing prepared him for the gut-wrenching scream of Imani whose throat was sliced by the Ghost knight.

It was a slow sawing motion. Despite her fatal gash, the guttural scream managed to leap out at Junya but with the insistent pressure from Russel he turned and ran toward the North gate with Her gurgled screams filling his mind.