Training in Hell with the Devil [2/9]

Junya barely even had time to lift his guard, his hand barely threw up a block and fell during the process. He expected a punch or a kick in some way, but it never came.

He opened his eye to see he was not even in a block, instead, he lay in a fetal position trying to lessen any amount of damage.

"Wha- What did you just do?" Jacob asked slightly haggard.

"I never did anything, I simply stood right here and barely moved an inch," Alice held her hand in the air pleading innocence.

"Then how did you…"

"It's my blessing, if you remember your ability I'll give you a hint, " Alice smiled teasingly. "I have something I've been meaning to try; this would be the perfect time to use it"

Junya scoffed at her offhand manner of things.

'It's my first time fighting with my Elo command, that means I'm stronger now than I have ever been. To be honest, I don't know how why I'm planning to attack her, in reality, I would be lucky just to make it out with a broken limb'

Junya wasn't afraid for the sole reason he believed Alice would not kill him.

'She hasn't even taught me about my weapon. Just what is she planning?'

Junya looked at Alice with uncertainty. She urged Junya to come, prompting him to rush her at an angle.

'Seems he's not dense' Alice smiled at his approach.

Junya was fast, faster than he had ever been able to before. His speed left him stunned.

As he reached full speed, he turned his trajectory toward Alice.

'Running circles around her means nothing, I have to engage her, don't think of winning just do everything you know how perfectly'

Junya told himself this and gripped his glaive while approaching her. His body tingled with anticipation and excitement, this was new, and he loved it.

In a few seconds, Junya was already within 10 metres of her position. He watched Alice's every move warily, never letting her leave his sight.

Then he saw Alice pull something from behind her back. Her motion was quick and sharp, she pointed it at Junya.

'Is this some weapon of hers? What is she planning?'


Junya couldn't even react as he felt something heavy hit his leg. Though he knew he had been hit, it took a minute for the pain to settle in.

Junya quickly halted to a stop and started hitting the hot metal cylinders off his skin like an old man trying to unspill his tea.

'It's hot!' Junya shouted as he swatted them off, to see they left a deep smudge on the suit he had on which fluffed the damage out due to its resistant material.

He looked toward Alice whos surprised look turned to a small grin. Naturally, this meant nothing good.

"Junya this is a gun try not to get hit too much."

At the mention of the words, knowledge came flooding back to Junya.

Guns were abundant before the Eve of Chaos and are famous for being a relic of past humanity. Guns have been replicated with new technology, but the effectiveness vastly down shines compared to the effectivity Elo has on the human body instead.

Advanced reflexes, strength, body and sight just by activating your Elo command. Trying to continue guns when humans at a certain level could crush a howitzer was ludacris. Along with the resources of making guns, the price was exponentially high because of the resources, it would need,

For a gun to be able to kill Mobs It would need a frame that can withstand the force of the bullets with the increase in their harder material. Along with the fact that considering the incredible speed in which mobs travelled, dodging even by an inch was possible if they were to make the most powerful gun they could.

Alice never said another word and released six more shots that were all aimed at his chest. Junya tried to retreat but her shots still managed to land on his feet, providing a stinging sensation.

She continued to pull the trigger a few more times but the gun only clicked.

"Hm, It's the one with six rounds." Alice said in disappointment. She clicked her remote and a large piece of the wall receded revealing a plethora of guns with different gizmos and attachments. She trotted over the display.

"I don't regret going broke buying these. It's fun!" Alice whipped out a gun with an AR-15 and held it to her side.

"Say hello to my little friend!" Alice's words fell with a smile on her face and suddenly the dozens of bullets reached Junya even faster.

'Fuck!' Junya cursed in his head realizing he was in for a painful time. Junya ran diagonally which forced Alice to wave the gun in his direction.

All the bullets followed closely behind him barely missing their target. Junya felt bullets slap his skin like burning flames.

He swung his glaive all around him with little accuracy, but it was bound to hit some bullets out of the way. Every time her bullets ran out Alice would be forced to reload. Unfortunately for Junya she was well practiced and left him little time to recover.

It was almost like she counted bullets and slammed another magazine right after.

She laughed like it was the most fun she had in years.

"Bob and weave!" Junya shouted in his mind, rolling, diving, sliding; just anything he could dodge.

Every time a bullet him a groan escaped his mouth.

The more Junya did this the faster he would get and fewer bullets he would get hit with.

Click Click Click

Finally, the bullets stopped.

Not even being able to hear his own thoughts with his ringing ears. Junya hadn't realized her fire had ceased. He only looked at Alice, panting, as she threw the smoking gun to the ground. She turned and rummaged behind her, presumably to find a new gun.

Junya leapt forward but his moves were stopped when she pulled out a gun with at least 10 barrels and a long belt of bullets running into it.

They both share a glance that was cut short by the sound of 200 rounds per second. His footsteps began faster and heavier as he commanded more speed from his body.

Suddenly the surroundings became a blur and his body moved faster after he took a step which sent him barreling forward into the wall behind Alice.

Ability: Asura Step (Beginner)


17 Days Left Till School