Chapter 2: Ensnaring The Prey

"I don't know. Do you know anything?" Even though she didn't believe that he could predict the future, she still asked, her pink fist clenched.

"Currently, they are traveling towards Glastry Mountain." Zhao Shuman began. Hearing this, Xin Zhuyan immediately calmed down. As long as they haven't crossed the line, she still has a chance. But at this moment, Zhao Shuman continued, "But according to my divination, Meng Xia will be harmed tomorrow by a Heavenly Master Realm beast, and to heal her, Zhou Wuji would sleep with her…"

The more he spoke, the uglier and colder Xin Zhuyan's expression got. Before he finished, she cut him off angrily, her sword embedding a bit deeper into his neck. "You are lying!"

Zhao Shuman was internally sweating crazily. This was too close to comfort. He swore that he will make her bleed twice as much when he got her.

On the surface, however, his face was as calm as an old dog. He replied: "You can find if I am speaking nonsense or not. Since even you don't know that he went to Glastry Mountain, there's no way I should know this normally, right? Let's do this, why don't you use Great Location Talisman and find his location?"

Hearing this, Xin Zhuyan was shocked. "How did you know that I snuck in Great Location Talisman in his storage ring?"

Yes, Xin Zhuyan was borderline obsessed with Zhou Wuji. She has snuck in a Great Location Talisman in his storage ring. Using this, she can find his location anytime.

If others knew that Xin Zhuyan, one of the most beautiful and talented women of Shangaan Peak, a goddess whom everyone thought was as cold as ice and an impregnable fortress was so obsessed with a man, they would probably die of jealousy.

Zhao Shuman himself couldn't help but feel a bit disheartened and jealous. Such a woman was obsessed with a dense idiot like Zhou Wuji, where is justice in this world?

Clearing those emotions, he waited for Xin Zhuyan as she hesitated as to whether she should utilize the Great Location Talisman? After a while, however, she made up her mind!

She took out a Talisman herself and then closed her eyes. Only a second later, she opened her eyes again, looking at Zhao Shuman like he was an alien.

The location that Great Location Talisman inside Zhuo Wuji was sending her was nearby Glastry Mountain. He was moving toward the mountain.

Zhao Shuman was entirely correct!

At this moment, she had no choice but to believe his abilities.

"See, I wasn't lying." Seeing her surprised face, Zhao Shuman said.

Xin Zhuyan grumbled and lowered her sword. At this moment, she didn't know what to do. According to Zhao Shuman, Zhou Wuji would sleep with Meng Xia tomorrow to help her heal.

Should she also go to Glastry Mountain and prevent Meng Xia from being injured? But wouldn't they question how she knew their location? Won't Zhou Wuji be disgusted if he found out that she can find his location whenever she wants to?

Her entangled state didn't escape Zhao Shuman's eyes. Rather, he had tried his hardest to make her reach this state of mind.

"Do you want my help?" Xin Zhuyan suddenly heard Zhao Shuman.

She looked up at him to find that he was holding a jade vial, which was filled with a strange white liquid. The liquid appeared quite viscous.

Xin Zhuyan immediately got wary. She hadn't forgotten that she had almost killed him earlier. Why would he suddenly want to help her?

Also, although Zhao Shuman has tried his best to hide it, she could still perceive heat in his eyes whenever he looked at her. It was a look that she was all too familiar with.

Clearly, he had nasty thoughts about her.

Strictly speaking then, now that he knows that she is heartbroken, shouldn't he try to deceive her into being with him? Why is he willing to help her get together with another man?

Suppressing these thoughts, she tentatively asked: "Help? How? And what is that?"

"Do you know why he wants to be with Meng Xia?" Rather than answering her, Zhao Shuman asked instead.

Xin Zhuyan bit her help and looked at him with a begrudging look. She muttered, "Why?"

"Because Meng Xia had Six Yin Divine Physique while Zhuo Wuji has Ancient Yang Physique, they are naturally compatible."

Yes, that was the biggest cheat of this protagonist. Ancient Yang Physique, a God-Ranked Physique that has too many benefits to count. This is the best Dual Cultivation Physique for men and something Zhuo Wuji used to reach the peak of this world.

But it hasn't awakened yet.

Tomorrow, when he sleeps with Meng Xia, it will awaken completely. After that, he will truly begin his journey as a cultivator, conquer over twenty hot girls, find treasures left and right and become a god at the end.

"What? She has Six Yin Divine Physique and Zhuo Wuji has Ancient Yang Physique?" She was completely dumbfounded.

Her Ice Phoenix Divine Physique was one of the strongest Divine Physiques, comparable to the Six Yin Divine Physique. But to Zhou Wuji's Ancient Yang Physique, Meng Xia's Six Yin Divine Physique is much more attractive.

And while she was surprised about Meng Xia's Six Yin Divine Physique, she was more interested in Zhao Wuji's Ancient Yang Physique. She also understood how formidable this physique that was only mentioned in ancient scripts was.

At the same time, she was very proud. That was her Wuji! Handsome and invincible! No man can be like him! Thinking what their future will look like, she was a bit shy. After all, Ancient Yang Physique relied heavily on intercourse, would they also…

"That is where this comes in."

Zhao Shuman's voice took her out of reverie. She saw him shaking the vial and saying. "Using my divinations, I was fortunate enough to come across Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence."

"Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence!" Xin Zhuyan was once more shocked, even more than before. Nice Saint Ice Lotus Essence was a Supreme Ranked Treasure!

A Nine Saint Ice Lotus has to grow for 1000 years in an extremely cold condition before it releases a drop of its essence. It is extremely precious to Ice cultivators. It's a treasure that could wage war in Eastern Desolateness!

By the looks of it, Zhao Shuman has at least 20 drops. How precious was this?!

"Hmm, with this Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence, you can increase your Ice Phoenix Divine Physique to Ice Phoenix Supreme Physique! Which is compared to Nine Yin Divine Physique. Zhou Wuji will definitely be attracted to you more!" Zhao Shuman said as he smiled, but a hint of sadness was quite visible in his eyes.

Xin Zhuyan wasn't a stupid girl. Contrarily, she was very smart. How couldn't she feel his sadness? She couldn't help but ask, even though she knew the answer: "Why? Why are you helping me?"

Zhao Shuman looked at her with 'emotion', appearing a bit hesitant. But seeing her stern eyes, he sighed and said with a self-deprecating laugh, his eyes avoiding her: "Well, I fell for you at the first sight. But knowing that I can't be with you, at least I want you to he happy."

Although she already has a premonition, but after hearing this clearly from his mouth, Xin Zhuyan was a bit moved, but… that's all. There was no way she would ever fall for him. After all, Zhao Shuman was too average. Other than his divination, there was nothing worthwhile in her eyes.

It did made her feel proud that she can make him fall for her in first glance.

'But… my Zhuo Wuji is much better,' she thought inwardly. This thought was reinforced after she found out that he was the owner of Ancient Yang Physique.

"You know I like Zhuo Wuji, so we can't be together. And this Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence… it's too precious to give away..." She rejected perfunctorily but anyone with eyes can tell that she was tempted.

"It's alright." Zhao Shuman waved this hand and looked at her with 'love'. "This is my farewell gift to you. Don't think too much. You won't be so cold as to reject this too, right?"

"Then… okay." Xin Zhuyan stretched out her slender arms and took the vial very carefully and looked at it with interested eyes.

"I have a request however in exchange."

"What is it?" Xin Zhuyan said warily. She thought that he wanted something inappropriate.

"You misunderstood." Zhao Shuman hurriedly waved his hand and said uncertainly: "I only want to see the moment you transform. Can you take the Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence in front of me?"

"This… fine." Xin Zhuyan thought for a moment and agreed. In any case, he has helped her too much, she can't be too cold. Maybe in the future, she can get more benefits from his divination?

They both went inside his abode. Zhao Shuman welcomed her and arranged the best condition for her to intake the Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence.

Xin Zhuyan herself was excited. If she took this Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence, besides the Divine Physique upgrade, her cultivation and beauty would also take a qualitative leap! After all, this was Supreme Ranked Treasure! It shouldn't be underestimated!

She was looking forward to the moment when Zhuo Wuji would fall under her pomegranate skirt.

With excitement, Xin Zhuyan opened the vial and took a sniff. A flowery smell enters her nostrils. The smell was so wonderful that she was intoxicated for a minute.

Zhao Shuman looked at all this while suppressing a smile.

"You should drink it fast." He advised seeing that she wasn't getting out of her intoxication anytime soon.

Xin Zhuyan's eyes cleared up. A hint of red appeared on her snow-white cheeks understanding that she did something silly. Taking a moment to calm down, she angled the vial against the lower pink lip and then emptied the whole content inside her mouth.

Zhao Shuman's face bloomed.