Chapter 3: Some Rewards

After drinking 'Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence', Xin Zhuyan waited patiently. However, even when ten minutes passed away, she didn't feel any change whatsoever.

"Zhao Shuman, how long will it take…" Xin Zhuyan opened her eyes, and looked at Zhao Shuman in bewilderment, asking, but she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

At this time, Zhao Shuman was looking back at her, but his eyes were completely different from earlier. It was as if a hawk was looking at his prey.

Her pupils shrunk to needlepoint as a realization dawned upon her.

No matter how stupid she was, she understood the ploy at the moment.

She was tricked!

Her reaction was quick. She jumped off the mat and took out her thin sword, aiming directly at him. Her voice was very cold as she asked, "What did you feed me?"

"I didn't feed you, you drank it yourself." Zhao Shuman chuckled without care. Seeing this, Xin Zhuyan was livid. She hated being lied to the most!

Without conversing with him any further, she made her move.

Zhao Shuman didn't show an ounce of fear, even when Xin Zhuyan's figure flashed and her sword tried to penetrate his heart ruthlessly!

Xin Zhuyan's cultivation was phenomenal, and she had reached in front of him at breakneck speed but just as she was about to stab his heart, her mind trembled as a buzzing noise sounded within, it was as if an explosion of the highest degree went off inside her brain.

Her arms lost strength, she couldn't maintain the grip causing the sword to fall down which made a clanking sound. Her body was as limp as a hair as she fell down on the ground without an ounce of strength in her body.

"W-what?" She let out a shocked voice.

She raised her hand and looked at Zhao Shuman who was looking back at her with a playful gaze. She understood that this was due to the liquid she had drank earlier.

"You bastard! What did you do to me?" She struggled to get back on her feet.

"Nothing much, I just made you my slave. No matter what, you can never harm me again." Zhao Shuman replied with an easygoing smile as he licked his lips.

"You are speaking rubbish!" Xin Zhuyan heard that and felt unprecedented anger. How dare he even say that?!

She stood up with difficulty and summoned her sword once more. This time she used Qi and tried to perform a simple martial art called 'Eagle Wing Sword Art'.

When he understood what she was trying to do, Zhao Shuman was a bit nervous. After all, it was the first time he made someone his slave. He didn't know if he can trust system words.

But as he saw her fail once more and fall onto the ground with a painful groan, he heaved a sigh of relief.

In that vial previously was his semen. When he was bounded to Slavery Survival System, his body was transformed by the system. Whenever a woman drinks his semen, she will become his slave, that's it.

System will make sure that his slaves aren't able to take his life. But this won't make them suddenly loyal and he can't change their personality and thoughts. They will still be the same, the only difference is that they can never harm him and he can summon them back whenever he wants to.

However, he can raise their loyalty using intercourse. Out of a maximum of 10 loyalty, he can see that Xin Zhuyan's loyalty towards him was 0. This won't do. She is an important chess piece if he wants to control Shangaan Peak in the future.

Curious, he opened her stats.

Slave Name: Xin Zhuyan (Heroine)

Cultivation: 5th Stage Heavenly Master Realm

Physique: Ice Phoenix Divine Body

Personality: Cold, Straightforward

Loyalty: 0

Affection: -100

'-100 affection? She really hates me.'

At this moment, a series of bells rang inside his mind!

[Ding! Mission Completed: Make Xin Zhuyan your slave within seven days!]

[Ding! Congrats to the host for clearing his first quest and getting his first slave!]

[Ding! Congrats to the host for getting a God-Level Mystery Pack!]

[Ding! Congrats to the host for getting 1000 System Points!]

[Ding! Congrats to the host for getting a Supreme Ranked Elixir: Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence(3 Drops)]

[Ding! Congrats to the host for getting 1x Great Teleportation Talisman!]

Seeing those rewards, Zhao Shuman's eyes brightened up. Sure enough, making the heroine into a slave sure comes with a lot of benefits. He decided to check it out later and focus on Xin Zhuyan for now.

From the moment he saw her, he was already greedy for her body. Now that she has become his own slave, how could he not enjoy her? He hasn't touched a woman in his two lives, it was only natural that he was very hungry for flesh.

After the second shock, Xin Zhuyan didn't dare attack him recklessly. She understood that she wouldn't be able to harm him.

A thought entered her mind as she stood up and looked at him.

Just as Zhao Shuman thought that she would attack him again, her actions surprised him. She ignored him and walked towards the gate instead. It's just that since she was weak, she was struggling to walk steadily.

Suddenly, Zhao Shuman began laughing loudly. "Xin Zhuyan, going back already?" He asked but otherwise no signs of stopping her, making Xin Zhuyan bewildered. Why wasn't he stopping her?

She sneered back, and said: "You can only stop me from harming yourself but you can't stop me from leaving, can you?"

'Just wait for me to go back. I can have you killed in hundred ways without my interference. No, before killing him, I must torture this bastard first, otherwise, I won't find peace in my heart.'

"Well, you guessed right. If you want to leave, I can't stop you." Zhao Shuman nodded.

"Humph!" Xin Zhuyan coldly snorted and walked out of the gate as fast as she can. She didn't want to see him for a moment more.

But before she went out, she suddenly remembered something. She turned around just as she was about to exit the door and said with a sneer: "You said you fell for me at the first sight? I want to tell you that no matter what you do, a disgusting degenerate like you can never be worthy of me."

As she said this, she saw Zhao Shuman's smile receding slowly as his eyes turned cold.

Seeing this, she felt a deep sense of satisfaction in her heart. She had to go through so much pain due to him, and he had even deceived her, why would she miss the chance to vent?

Wanting to make him even angrier, she continued: "Heh, Zhou Wuji is much more of a man than you can ever be. He is stronger, handsome and he can make me and Meng Xia fall for himself just by relying on his charm. A good-for-nothing bastard, toad like you can only lust after our meat. Even if I have to become Zhou Wuji's concubine, it's still a hundred times better and more prideful that becoming your wife! You know what…"

Xin Zhuyan didn't stop there. She continued mocking and humiliating him for the next five minutes. It was shocking, to say the least. Xin Zhuyan was known for speaking one sentence at a time at most but right now, she was being awfully sharp-mouthed.

At first, Zhao Shuman won't deny that her words hurt his self-esteem, he hasn't reached the point that he can calmly dismiss the hurtful words of a beautiful girl easily. But then, he slowly calmed down. At some point, a smile blossomed on his face. The fierce she got, the colder his heart got, but his smile stretched out further.

After humiliating him to her heart's content, Xin Zhuyan finally left. The door to his house was banged shut.