Chapter 4: Enjoying Xin Zhuyan (18+)

"Good, good, good." After she went away, Zhao Shuman smiled brightly but anyone can see how angry he was. Being rubbed on the face that he was inferior to that dense bastard made him very angry.

He called out while restraining his anger: "System, summon that bitch right here."

[Ding! The host has no slave under the name 'that bitch'!]

Zhao Shuman was left speechless. He didn't know if the system was messing with him or it was just simply dumb.

"Grr… you stupid system. Even you are trying to piss me off. Just understand my feelings. I want you to summon Xin Zhuyan!"

[Ding! Summoning Slave Xin Zhuyan back!]

Xin Zhuyan was flying towards her quarters at a fast speed. She wanted to go back and summon one of her juniors to kidnap Zhao Shuman as soon as possible. Even after humiliating him, her anger hasn't gone down a bit.

"To think he dares say that I was his slave. How dare he?!" She snarled with a frosty face.

Regarding his words, she didn't believe him in the least. She felt like he has done something to her, maybe a curse or a weird spell, that made her unable to attack him. But she believed that with the help of her master, she will be free soon.

It has to be known that her master was one of the only two cultivators within Shangaan Peak that was in the Five Changes Realm. She treated Xin Zhuyan very kindly and was one of the reasons why she became so powerful. She also gave her many pills and elixirs, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to go toe-to-toe with Meng Xia.

Thus, if her master helps her, she doesn't believe that she won't go back to normal. When she is able to attack Zhao Shuman, she will show him why roses are red.

Right when she was about to reach her quarters, suddenly, she felt a weird pull around her navel out of nowhere. As she was wondering what is going on, her head felt dizzy, and the next moment, she found herself standing in a familiar place, looking at the hateful face of Zhao Shuman.

"What did you… do?" She asked in a horrific voice as her eyes widened in disbelief. Was she teleported here? That's impossible. Only after reaching King Realm can one freely move between spaces, and Eastern Desolateness hasn't seen a cultivator of this level for over ten thousand years!

"Haha, did you really think I would let you go after you insulted me?" Zhao Shuman sneered as he punched her with every ounce of his strength.

Xin Zhuyan avoided it easily, after all, she was one big realm higher than him. Even if she was weaker, this was a relatively easy feat. But the next moment, she made a mistake.

After she avoided him, she attacked him reflexively. Only when her punch was about to meet him did she remember something.

But it was too late. System felt the threat on Zhao Shuman caused by his slave and enforced punishment.

Xin Zhuyan's mind buzzed once more. Everything inside it went blank as her body limped down.

This time, Zhao Shuman caught her body. He smirked as his plan resulted in success. He was too weak to win against her directly, but the system was a different matter although.

"Dammit, let me… go!" Feeling herself being held by the hateful man, Xin Zhuyan said angrily and resisted. But she has no more strength left after three mental attacks from the system.

Zhao Shuman ignored her resistance. Holding her soft body tightly, he put his face deep in her nape and inhaled the burst of fragrance wafting out of her. The wonderful smell made him intoxicated.

Quickly, his hands began to get dishonest. He embraced her waist tightly with one arm while the other was stretched out to grab a handful of her full buttocks.

He mauled her wonderful peach buttocks which felt extremely soft to touch in different shapes. At the same time, he began kissing her neck.

As Xin Zhuyan felt these actions of his, she instantly understood what he wanted to do and her struggle increased. "No, you bastard, let me go!"

Feeling that her struggles were getting out of hand, Zhao Shuman slapped her buttocks tightly!


An echo resounded in the room.

"Ah! You… you!" Xin Zhuyan was so angry that her words were beginning to get incoherent. When was she ever treated like this? When did someone ever dared to touch her buttocks!

Zhao Shuman stopped embracing her, clutched one of her buttocks with one palm tightly, and with another, he clutched her fair and smooth neck.

He pulled her toward him. Their forehead touched. Looking deep into her cold eyes, he chuckled. "Didn't you say I am a toad that can only lust after your meat? Let's hear you now."

And without waiting for her answer, he kissed her lips forcefully.

"Ummm!" Xin Zhuyan trembled all over as her eyes widened. She didn't believe that he would be so courageous, he actually kissed her! That was her first kiss, something she was saving for Zhuo Wuji! But now it was stolen in such a manner by the man whom she came to hate!

She instantly tried to bite his lips as to show her anger and resistance but before she could succeed, system struck her again.

Her body which was starting to gain some strength went limper than ever. She fell down completely against him, allowing Zhao Shuman to do as he pleased.

Zhao Shuman wasn't shy or merciful. He kissed her pretty, sweet lips and sucked hard on it. While kissing superficially, her let go of her neck that had red imprints of his fingers and held her breast instead.

Xin Zhuyan could only close her eyes in grief as she felt three sacred parts of her body being violated. She has never been touched by any man, not even by Zhou Wuji! To think her first kiss would be with this man!

Her breast wasn't very big but they were enough that Zhao Shuman didn't feel left out. He enjoyed kissing her pretty lips as his finger rolled around her nipples which were beginning to get stiff from arousal.

Suddenly, he parted her lips and stretched out his big tongue. He began by licking her upper jaws and then her gums, making Xin Zhuyan feel weak all over. Then, he started playing with her sweet and small tongue.

Chuup! Chuup!

The sound of two people kissing deeply sounded for quite a while.

Zhao Shuman kissed her for ten minutes while hands roamed around her slender and enchanting body in a ravenous manner. But it was still over the clothes, which made him dissatisfied.

For the most part, Xin Zhuyan was passive, accepting everything that was thrown at her. While she did feel good being kissed, it was only physical. Mentally, she was disgusted. But she still couldn't feel an ounce of strength in her body.

While kissing, she attacked him a couple more times, trying to catch him off guard, only to fail miserably.

Finally, Zhao Shuman stopped kissing her. He looked at her pink lips that were glistening with their saliva and then at her ashamed eyes.

"When I meet Zhou Wuji, I'll surely tell him how sweet your lips taste." He chuckled as moved forward to lick and suck on the petals once more, this time slowly.

"You…" Hearing about Zhou Wuji, Xin Zhuyan's eyes flashed with a deep sense of guilt.

"There's no need to feel guilty. He is also enjoying his life with another woman right now, isn't he?" Zhao Shuman whispered in her ears while nibbling on it.

Xin Zhuyan froze. Now that she thought about it, he wasn't wrong. But she suddenly sneered, "Don't try to sow discord between us. I've known him all my life. As I said, I would rather be his concubine than be your wife."

Zhao Shuman smiled. "Wife? Who asked you to be my wife? You have known him for twenty-some years but for the rest of your life, fifty… hundred… thousand… however long that be, I'll be the one you serve."

After he finished speaking, he stepped back, lifted her body in a princess carry, and walked towards the bed. He then threw her body roughly on the bed. Xin Zhuyan felt her heart speed up in fear. She understood what he wanted to do next.

She again urged herself to stand up and she was met with another failure. She truly didn't have any strength.