Chapter 5: Enjoyed The First Slave (18+)

Zhao Shuman saw the struggling Xin Zhuyan and laughed mirthlessly. That laugh sent shivers down Xin Zhuyan's spine. To her, that laugh sounded demonic, something that will be the source of nightmares for years to come.

Zhao Shuman didn't care much about her. After laughing, he began taking off his clothes. His shoes, then upper clothes, then pants, and finally the underwear. Out stretches the nine-inch dragon.

Seeing that thing, Xin Zhuyan was scared witless. For the first time in her life, she felt genuine fear. Because something like that just wasn't built to be penetrated inside a human female. It was as wide as her arms themselves!

"You! Why are you undressing?"

"Does that need to be asked? We are going to have sex, that's why." Zhao Shuman said as he jumped on the bed, right on top of scared Xin Zhuyan.

Before she could protest, he sat on her stomach, took hold of her arms, and pinned them on top of her head. In the process of doing that, his dick dangled around her chest or neck, which brought goosebumps all over her body.

After pinning her arms, he slid back a bit and then bend down, and tried to kiss lips her again but she quickly turned her face away. Seeing this, he clenched her jaws with his free hand and turned her face in his direction. She tried to protest but was too helpless to stop him.

Once their faces aligned, Zhao Shuman licked his lips and said: "Thanks for the meal." And dived down to kiss her once more, ensuing another kissing session that went on for five minutes.

Leaving her breathless, he began taking off her clothes. The old Chinese clothing was layered and was hard to take off. Annoyed, he directly began tearing and yanking clothes off her body in a savage way.

"No! Stop!" She resisted and tried to stop with her hands, trying to push him off her, but he simply pressed her hands under his legs on either side.

After that, he resumed.

Rrriippp! Rrriiippp!

One layer after another, Xin Zhuyan was ripped off her clothes but more importantly, her dignity. Her rough treatment brought tears to her eyes but Zhao Shuman didn't even look at her or stop.

After a minute, he yanked every article of clothing from her body. Her white, tender, and shapely body sent Zhao Shuman into a daze. Her silky smooth skin was as pure as it could get, devoid of any cuts or scratches. It also felt slightly cold to the touch.

Her breast looked soft and cute with pink nipples at the peak, and at her lower body, a light tuft of hair was present. And just under that was her pussy. Her legs were long and smooth.

Xin Zhuyan bit her lips with her teeth as she saw him looking at her naked body with a hungry gaze. Her face was flushed red, and tears of grief and humiliation flowed down her cheeks.

Unable to withstand the temptation, he bend down and began licking her stomach. At the same time, his hand groped both of her bare breasts.

"Uhmmm…" As that moan flew out of her mouth, Xin Zhuyan was horrified. She wondered what would become of her by the end of this?

Zhao Shuman enjoyed tasting her skin carefully. Her skin tasted slightly sweet and salty at the same time and it smelled like lilies.

After tasting her skin, he moved upward. He observed her breast from a close distance. His breath slightly tickled Xia Zhuyan.

He rolled his finger around her nipple, teasing her slowly, making it stiffen even further. Then he suddenly trapped her nipple in between his index and thumb fingers, playing with them curiously.

He rolled it, twisted it, pulled it, and then pinched it tightly!

"Ah!" Xin Zhuyan felt the pain coming from her breast. Her teary eyes looked down to find Zhao Shuman's face near her proud breast as he played with them discourteously. She felt angry, ashamed, and embarrassed.

After playing with both of her nipples using his fingers for a long time, he let them go. Just as she breathed a sigh of relief, Zhao Shuman took one of them inside his mouth along with a portion of her breast, and then began sucking hard.

"Hiss…" She took a sharp breath as she felt pleasure.

He sucked on it for a few minutes, before switching to another breast and sucking on it. While sucking, he licked and flicked her nipple inside his mouth.

A while later, he got tired of playing with them. He wanted to further enjoy her body but figured that he can always do that leisurely later. First, he should seal the deal.

Thinking of this, he went between long legs.

While he was enjoying her breasts, Xin Zhuyan had her eyes closed. When she felt him moving away from the upper body, she slowly opened her eyes.

She found Zhao Shuman kneeling between her legs while his hand gripped his own core and aimed it at her pussy. She trembled in fear. The struggle that has ceased slightly manifested in full strength.

"No, bastard! Let me go! Release me this instant!" She wailed and screamed and tried to get away from him.

"Haha, sure I'll release… my semen inside your pussy that is!" Zhao Shuman laughed, pushed himself slightly inside her pussy, held either side of her slender waist tightly, and rammed in!

Xin Zhuyan's upper body arched high as she felt a rush of his hot, unimaginably thick, and long dick filling up her insides all the way to the limits in one go!

"Ahh! No! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Her struggle didn't cease but increased further.

Zhao Shuman groaned in pleasure. While her pussy felt amazing, her struggle was surely a cherry on the top. No wonder so many men like to force themselves on women. The thrill is otherworldly!

While she was struggling, Zhao Shuman wasn't idle. He was moving in and out of her pussy in quick successions, making Xin Zhuyan feel an immense amount of pain. Blood oozed down her inner thighs, the amount was much more than average.

"Haah! Xin Zhuyan, remember what you said earlier? You would rather be Zhuo Wuji's concubine than be my wife? Well, guess what? You are going to be neither one! You are going to be my slave forever. I'll enjoy your body the moment I want to. That bastard won't touch a hair of your skin. Just wait, I'll fuck you and Meng Xia right in his fucking face!"

The more he spoke, the more excited Zhao Shuman got, and the more rigorously his waist moved. Not a single care was spared for the miserable yet soul-stirringly beautiful woman lying underneath his crotch as she sniffed her cries.

"Fuck, I am going to cum." All those foreplay made him reach his peak very quickly. It was also due to the fact that the woman beneath him was too beautiful and he was also a virgin. This was only natural.

As Xin Zhuyan heard his words, her heart went cold. Feeling the enthusiasm with which he was pushing everything inside her, she understood that he has no thoughts of pulling out. That thought scared her to the core. What if she got pregnant?

Thinking of this, she tried her hardest to push him away while begging. "Stop! Please… don't do it inside. I beg you…"

Zhao Shuman froze in track. Did she just beg? Just that thought made something snap inside his mind. Not only did he didn't pull out, but he also pushed his waist with even more strength, trying to pierce her womb!

Xin Zhuyan obviously felt this and fear gripped her heart.

"No! No! Stop! You bastard!!"

Her cries were like music in his ears as his heart burned with evil fire. He forced her into a submissive missionary position and forcing a kiss on her lips, he began draining his pulsing ball's content inside her.

Xin Zhuyan struggled, bit his shoulder, and scratched his back but he didn't let go a bit. While holding her supple body, he released everything, grinding his lower body against hers.

At some point, her struggle ceased.

An endless amount of cum went down Xin Zhuyan's tunnel, filling her to the brim. Some even started leaking out.