Chapter 7: Hardworking Zhao Shuman

'Meng Xia, huh? Thought I would go against her with more preparation than this.' Zhao Shuman closed his eyes and thought about what he should do next. His eyes twitched as he came up with several ways, trying to weight loss and gain, trying to find if he can succeed at all!

Finally, a path cleared up!

'Hmm, this can work.' Having no time to spare, Zhao Shuman stood up.

"I have given you ample amount of time to rest, its time to restart." He jumped on the bed and moved towards Xin Zhuyan, who was still curled up at the corner.

Hearing that he was again going to do that, her body trembled as she cried out in anger: "You! You are lower than a beast!"

Her beautiful eyes looked livid as she turned to face him.

Zhao Shuman jumped at her with a smile without any explanation.


She protested but Zhao Shuman simply forced his way inside her body once more.

Minutes later, heavenly moans began emitting out of the abode.

[Ding! The host has contacted his slave Xin Zhuyan at a negative distance. Failed to increase loyalty!]

[Ding! The host has contacted his slave Xin Zhuyan at a negative distance. Loyalty increased by 2 points!]

[Ding! The host has contacted his slave Xin Zhuyan at a negative distance. Failed to increase loyalty!]

[Ding! The host has contacted his slave Xin Zhuyan at a negative distance. Loyalty increased by 1 point!]




[Ding! The host has contacted his slave Xin Zhuyan at a negative distance. Failed to increase loyalty!]




[Ding! The host has contacted his slave Xin Zhuyan at a negative distance. Loyalty has been maxed out!]

As the first rays of sunlight shined through the windows and onto the sleeping master and slave duo, Zhao Shuman's eyes trembled slightly before opening.

He groaned lightly as he felt the pulses of pain emitting from his lower back. In order to subdue Xin Zhuyan completely, he continued having sex with her until 6'o clock in the morning! They had started around 4'o clock in the evening. More than 12 hours of nonstop, raw sex, no wonder he was exhausted!

'I need to get that Ancient Yang Physique, otherwise, I will be drained in the future when I have many slaves. Raising loyalty is truly hard work.'

He looked at the heavenly face lying on top of his chest, releasing fragrant breaths at a steady pace, and wondered, 'I released a ton inside her, she won't be pregnant, right?'

'Well, I'll see things as they come. No use worrying about it now.'

Separating himself from her carefully, Zhao Shuman got out of bed.

"Stop pretending and get up. I know you're awake." He said while picking up his clothes.

The soundly 'asleep' Xin Zhuyan's delicate and neat eyelashes fluttered for a moment before she lifted her eyelids, looking at Zhao Shuman's back with unknown emotions. It was probably a mix of everything: anger, shame, humiliation, confusion, and hatred.

She clearly remembers how he treated her last night and how wild they got. She was a bit ashamed to admit it, but she did begin enjoying herself after she stopped resisting. It was a foreign pleasure, something she had never experienced.

She doesn't know what the future holds for her but she can tell that she won't be able to escape from his claws in the future.

At this moment, she can feel that her own thoughts and emotions are secondary, his well-being, pleasure, and profit came before that. He was in control. While she has her own independent thinking intact, his grasp over her mind was overwhelming, to say the least.

It was as if an invisible hand was hovering over her head that can control her movement at moment's notice. Thankfully, it doesn't seem like he can control her original thoughts and feelings.

She wants to find help and get rid of him but she knew that it is a fruitless endeavor. He can just order her to not ask for help, and he probably will given how careful he is, and she won't ever be able to ask for help. That's how powerful his grasp is over her mind. When one's loyalty reached 10, this becomes the status quo of their relationship.

Master first; slave second.

After Zhao Shuman and Xin Zhuyan got dressed, they went out together. Zhao Shuman decided to keep their relationship a secret so as to avoid trouble in the short run. So he maintained an arm's distance from her.

Earlier, he has also fed her with basic instructions like she can't expose their relationship, and she can't expose the secrets of that liquid he fed her through any method. Of course, there were more minute instructions too.

But it broadly boils down to this: don't talk to anyone about him, unless necessary. In which case, she can claim that he is her friend but under no circumstance can she expose their relationship or talk about his secrets.

While she was acting docile all this morning, Zhao Shuman wasn't negligent.

"Where are we going?" As Xin Zhuyan saw that they were traveling down the mountain ranges where Shangaan Peak was, she asked coldly.

"Guess." Zhao Shuman said with a smile.

"Glastry Mountain." She responded dryly.

"Correct. You don't want to see your sweetheart Zhou Wuji bedding another woman, do you? I'll help you stop them."

Xin Zhuyan gave him a blank look as she snorted, and said: "Are you sure it isn't because you are lusting after Meng Xia?"

"Oh, was I that obvious? Well, you guessed right again, my target this time is Meng Xia." Zhao Shuman admitted with a nod.

"Heh, men." Xin Zhuyan sneered. After a moment, she asked: "Aren't you afraid that if sect master found out that you enslaved her dear daughter, he'll chase you to the end of the earth?"

Hearing this, Zhao Shuman only chuckled. "It is a risky business but the reward is worth the risk." At the end of his words, he squeezed a handful of her full buttocks, making her yelp in surprise. She grumbled and glared at him coldly and then shut up, no longer in the mood to talk.

Shangaan Peak didn't have any restrictions that stopped disciples from exiting so they passed through security gates unhindered. Furthermore, Xin Zhuyan was a core disciple who was famous all over the sect, who would dare stop her?

They exited Shangaan Peak and got en route to the Glastry Mountain. It was nearby so they could run there. After crossing a few mountain ranges, they would reach Glastry Mountain. While she could fly, it was strenuous to fly for a longer period of time. And being an Earthly Master Realm cultivator, Zhao Shuman can't fly at all.

"Okay, let's stop here for some time." After an hour of travel when Zhao Shuman felt that there was no one within ten miles of radius, he suddenly said.

Xin Zhuyan halted and looked at him uncertainly. Was he going to do those unsavory things now? Sure enough, men are beasts!

He didn't know what was going on in her pretty little head. Zhao Shuman simply took out a vial from the System.