Chapter 8: Too Close To Comfort

"What is that?" Xin Zhuyan stepped back in fear seeing a vial appearing in his hands. After yesterday's events, she will forever be wary of vials. It can be said that a single vial had simply flipped her life upside down!

"Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence." Zhao Shuman said simply.

Xin Zhuyan looked at him coldly, inwardly speechless. "Do you think I am that stupid? Do you think you can trick me again? Be honest, what is that?"

Seeing her defensive stance, Zhao Shuman was left dumbfounded. Yesterday when he gave her his semen, she drank it happily. But now that he was giving her the real thing, she rejected?

"Why do you think I need to deceive you?"

"I don't know but only a ghost will believe you that it is Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence."

Zhao Shuman took a deep breath and smiled. "Fair enough. Zhuyan, come here."

As his voice entered her mind, Xin Zhuyan felt a need to obey. She walked in front of him. Zhao Shuman gave her the vial and said: "Sit down there and drink this. While you only need one drop of Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence to upgrade your physique, being a magnanimous master I am, you are granted three drops!"

Of course, he really wasn't being generous. It's just that he remembers reading in the novel that after she drank three drops of Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence, she had transformed massively. As for whether it will work presently or not, time will tell.

"I hate you so much." Xin Zhuyan squeezed out a curse and begrudgingly sat down to drink the liquid in the vial. As she saw the vial in her hands, she truly felt unsettled. Who knows how this devil will pit her this time?

But as this was an order, she can't refuse even if she wants to. She took a deep breath, opened the stopper, and gulped the three drops of liquid in one go.

Instantly, all-around a hundred meters of her surroundings turned into ice. Nothing was spared. Even the ground ten feet deep was frozen! Zhao Shuman predicted this and had already moved far away in advance.

Xin Zhuyan, who was at the epicenter of all this, only felt a sense of comfort. At the moment, her body was covered with ice which made a cocoon-like structure around her.

The three drops of Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence that she ingested quickly started its work. Firstly, it worked on her physique, and then on her cultivation. These two things used most of the Essence. The little bit at the end was used for some miscellaneous things.

The whole process went on for three hours. Zhao Shuman glanced at the system and found that he had less than eight hours remaining before he will lose his little brother and become something he wasn't looking forward to.

Crack! Crack!

Fortunately, right at that moment, a loud crack resounded inside the forest. With his excellent eyes, he clearly saw the cocoon bursting apart but the next moment he was stunned.

What came out was no less than a fairy, an ethereal, and mysterious fairy.

As her figure flashed near him, he saw her clearly. If before Xin Zhuyan's beauty was worth 95 points, then presently she was a solid 99 points. Not 100 because no one is perfect.

Zhao Shuman's restrained the urge to pin her against the near tree, tear off her clothes and turn into a beast.

'System, show me her stats.'

Slave Name: Xin Zhuyan (Heroine)

Cultivation: 10th Stage Heavenly Master Realm

Physique: Ice Phoenix True Body

Personality: Cold, Straightforward

Loyalty: 10

Affection: -10

Seeing the words 'Ice Phoenix True Body', Zhao Shuman nodded with contentment. This was what he was after. Now her Divine Grade Physique has directly become an Ancient Ranked Physique!

He wasn't too surprised that her cultivation reached the peak of the Heavenly Master Realm.

Xin Zhuyan's mind was in a state of disorder. She couldn't understand the man in front of her. He actually gave her the true Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence!

Although she doesn't know what is going on inside his mind, she can tell that she doesn't seem to hate him that much anymore. This feeling made her feel cheap. She was just raped yesterday but she doesn't feel hatred against him? Can a normal woman be like that?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that the world stopped making sense.

Feeling a palm caressing her cheeks, her glazed eyes cleared up. The first thing she saw was the zooming face of Zhao Shuman. Although she could easily turn her face away, she didn't.

Their lips joined together. For the first time, Xin Zhuyan was an active participant. They kissed for around ten minutes before Zhao Shuman forcibly separated, leaving them both breathless.

After the transformation, although her physical beauty has improved a lot, the biggest improvement, however, was in intangible aspects. Her charm, her temperament, and the immortal-like air she exuded were simply too fascinating for any mortal man.

He felt like he would be forced to interact at a negative distance with her if it goes any further.

No, he has to focus. Work first, enjoyment later. In any case, Xin Zhuyan is not going anywhere.

"Thank you." Xin Zhuyan took this moment to voice her gratitude, her voice the softest he ever heard. She understood the gravity of his gift. Now that she has become his slave, he doesn't need to show her any sincerity. But he still did, which made the value of the gift even heavier in her eyes.

"Alright. Let's pick the pace. We have to hurry up." Zhao Shuman nodded lightly and turned around, going ahead. Xin Zhuyan swiftly caught up to him.

Somewhere in the Glastry Mountain

A young man and a woman can be seen walking down the mountain while holding hands. The man is handsome while the woman is beautiful. Together, they seem like an immortal couple.

"Meng Xia, was it really fine to leave Xin Zhuyan like that?" The man asked uncertainly, a hint of guilt on his face.

Meng Xia replied with a sigh: "I also didn't want to be like that but we truly didn't have much time to explain. I am sure if you go talk to her when we return, she will understand."

Hearing her, Zhou Wuji nodded, but he still looked a bit unsettled.

"Wuji, did you not want to come with me? I asked you to come with me because you are the only one I can trust. This treasure is really important to me." Seeing him like that, Meng Xia's step came to a halt. She looked at him and pouted, making her look adorable.

"No, no. It's nothing like that." That face melted Zhou Wuji's heart and he replied hurriedly. Patting his chest, he said: "As your friend, it's my duty to help you. Don't worry, I'll help you get that treasure."

"Wuji, I didn't judge you wrongly. But if you want to, you can go back. Didn't I tell you that a powerful Heavenly Master Realm beast is guarding the treasure? I don't want you to harm yourself for me." Meng Xia looked at him with worry-filled eyes and said.

As a man, no, as a protagonist, how could he back down after hearing this? Zhou Wuji instantly proclaimed, his voice oozing with manliness: "Meng Xia, don't say that. What is a Heavenly Master Realm beast, even if there are ten, I'll still fight them and protect you! They have to step on my dead body before they can think of harming you!"

His manly voice and handsome persona struck deeply into Meng Xia's heart. As expected of the man she fell for, he doesn't back away even in the face of danger!

She put her slender arms on his broad chest and tippy-toed, her eyes closed and her red lips pouted slightly.

"Meng Xia…" Zhou Wuji immediately became shy. He has never kissed anyone before so he didn't know what to do. But as he saw Meng Xia's quivering eyebrows, he understood that he was making her embarrassed so he also closed his eyes and bent down.


Just as their lips were about to touch, a loud roar scared them silly. They instantly separated, hid the embarrassment under their skin, and looked in the direction the noise came from.

"Isn't that?" Zhou Wuji looked at Meng Xia.

"Hmm, that is where I last saw that treasure two years ago. Let's go and check it out."