Chapter 9: Meng Xia Fighting Sky Python


"You despicable beast!"

"Die for me!"

As Zhou Wuji and Meng Xia approached the area from where the noises were origination, they saw one middle-aged man and two beasts fighting without holding anything back.

Meng Xia quickly recognized the two beasts. One of them was the beast who was guarding the treasure.

It was a massive python in Late Heavenly Master Realm known as Sky Python. The beast's scales were grey, eyes predatory, and speed phenomenal.

The other beast was a ten-foot-tall, black-furred lion with two feet long protruding canines. This beast was also in Late Heavenly Master Realm. It was known as Sabertooth Lion.

"Should we go and help him?" Zhou Wuji asked. While the middle-aged man was also in Late Heavenly Master Realm, under the nonstop onslaught of two ferocious beasts, he was beaten back and forth. The only commendable thing was that he didn't seem to give up.

Meng Xia thought momentarily but shook her delicate head. "No, let's observe them for a bit more."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly glanced toward a particular area. She saw a black flower slowly emerging from the ground. Thick Yin Qi surrounded it. The flower was unimaginably beautiful and yet it gave off a deadly feeling.

"Nether Yin Flower!" Meng Xia softly exclaimed, promoting Zhou Wuji to retract his gaze from the fight and look in the direction she was looking.

"Is that what we are after?" Zhou Wuji asked.

"Yeah. This Nether Yin Flower is a very unique and powerful treasure born from Heaven and Earth. If I can eat it, my Six Yin Body will receive a massive upgrade!" No matter how calm Meng Xia normally it, at this moment, her heartbeat quickened up and her sapphire eyes showed hints of greediness.

"Is it really that big of a deal?"

"Of course! Nether Yin Flower is a treasure of Heaven and Earth. It manifests in real-world every 200 years and will only stay there for 10 minutes at most. If we miss this chance then I'll have to wait for another 200 years! What should we do?"

Meng Xia glanced at the fighting trio, the middle-aged man was lacerated and his clothes were soaked with scarlet blood. He did manage to take down Sabertooth Lion.

Before Zhou Wuji can answer, they saw the middle-aged man suddenly maneuvering past the Sky Python and dashing towards the Nether Yin Flower.


How could Sky Python allow this? It has been guarding this place for 200 years! There's no way it would let others steal the treasure under his nose!

It hissed and twisted its massive reptilian body, lunging directly at the middle-aged man with a speed twice as fast as compared past.

"What!" The middle-aged man was taken aback. He hurriedly tried to dodge the lunge but the speed of the Sky Python made it impossible for him to escape unscathed. One of his arms was entrapped by the beast's mouth, which is torn apart with a brutal yank.

"Arreggghh!" The middle-aged man screamed in misery and jumped back. One of his arms was gone.

Seeing this, Zhou Wuji's protagonist self couldn't remain hidden any longer. He said: "Meng Xia, you go and pluck the flower, I'll handle the Sky Python."

"Alright." Meng Xia agreed immediately. She was in the 5th Stage of Heavenly Master Realm so she couldn't really fight against Sky Python. Beasts are innately more powerful than cultivators of the same level.

Hearing her agreement, Zhou Wuji didn't delay further. He jumped out and began fighting the Sky Python.

Meng Xia on the other hand swiftly and silently made her way towards the Nether Yin Flower. Her eyes gleamed in excitement whenever she looked at the flower.

It was no exaggeration to say that this flower could change her destiny. In the future, even when stands in front of saints from other holy sects or sons and daughters of the heavens, she won't be inferior in any way.

She gave a glance towards Zhou Wuji and found that he was going head-on against the Sky Python. This was precisely why she asked for his help. Although he was on the same stage and realm as she was, he possessed phenomenal fighting prowess.

She also noted that the middle-aged man was nowhere to be seen.

After making sure that she won't be interrupted, she hastily approached the Nether Yin Flower. Once in the vicinity of the flower, she could feel the thick Yin Qi present there.

While it may make other cultivators nauseous, for someone like her who owned a Yin-based Divine Physique, this was no less than a heaven. Just by standing there, she could feel her cultivation showing signs of breakthrough!

Excited, she stretched out her fair hand and tried to pluck it.


However, at this moment, another green-scaled Sky Python emerged from the ground out of nowhere and raced toward her at a lightning-fast speed.

Seeing this, her hairs were erected straight. Immediately, she brandished her sword and performed a cultivation art!

A vast amount of her Qi poured out of her body and into the sword, giving birth to an ethereal picture as moonlight sparkled around her. Her sword whistled through the air, coming in contact with the Sky Python!


Right after the impact, her figure was flung away like a broken kite and crashed onto a tree hundreds of meters away. She coughed a mouthful of blood, her expression pale.

Moonlight Thrust was her strongest attack but it was useless in front of this Sky Python. It wasn't that she was weak. Quite opposite actually, she is a prodigy in fighting. She lost because the Sky Python in front of her… it was actually at the peak of Heavenly Master Realm!

"Meng Xia!" When he saw her injured and pale, Zhou Wuji shouted anxiously. He tried to help her but the grey-scaled Sky Python went around him, stopping him from helping her.

Seeing that Zhou Wuji couldn't come to help, she was a bit disappointed but then she quickly focused back on the Sky Python. She briefly glanced at her palm. A pitch-black flower. Nether Yin Flower!

That's right before she was flung by the Sky Python, she had plucked the flower away!

When Sky Python spotted the Nether Yin Flower in her hands, it let out an angry hiss. Its massive body zigzagged toward her agilely.

Meng Xia didn't panic in the face of death. While she was the beloved daughter of the sect master, by no means was she a sheltered girl. She had come across death multiple times in her life. She knew clearly what she had to do to survive now.

From her storage ring, she took out a red talisman. Anyone can tell that it was a highly valuable talisman. At the same time, she pushed against the ground and stood up.


Before the green-scaled Sky Python came too close to her, she threw away the talisman toward it. Qi exploded around her foot. While retreating as fast as possible, she joined her hands to form a set of hand seals.

Like responding to the hand seals, the flying talisman suddenly started flickering with red lightning as explosive Qi started oozing out of it. Seeing this, she took out another protective treasure.