Chapter 16: Confrontation Part 3

Just as his fingers were about to touch Xin Zhuyan's shoulder, she abruptly took a step back.

"Zhuyan?" Zhou Wuji looked at her incomprehensibly.

"Wuji, we will have time for this in the future." Xin Zhuyan said softly as hints of pinkness appeared on her snow-white cheeks. "Also, we are in open. I can't…"

Zhou Wuji immediately understood her. Nodding his head repeatedly, he laughed lightly: "Alright, I won't embarrass you. We aren't some beasts. Naturally, it's impossible for us to do such a thing in the forest."

"Hum," Xin Zhuyan nodded lightly. Her face got even redder.

Zhou Wuji took a deep breath. The more he looked at Xin Zhuyan, the more he realized how stupid he was over the years. He should have just accepted this woman who was throwing herself at him earlier!

But it's fine! She is not going anywhere! She will be his forever!

"Zhuyan, you are so beautiful." He compliments.

Hearing this, Xin Zhuyan got even more embarrassed. While hiding her face with her slender palms, she went and stood behind him, too ashamed to show her face any longer.

"Haha!" Zhou Wuji laughed loudly. How come he never knew that a simple compliment would reduce Xin Zhuyan to this state? It was his first time complimenting her, but it worked like wonders!

After laughing some, his mood was good. But when he looked at Meng Xia and Zhao Shuman, his complexion darkened for a moment. Then, he sneered. "See Meng Xia, you think you are the only woman I have? Xin Zhuyan is much better than you in all aspects! I was really blind to care about a woman like you."

Now the face has been torn, he pulled back nothing and cursed.

Once more, Meng Xia and Xin Zhuyan were surprised. Was this really Zhuo Wuji they knew and loved? They were both smart women and immediately understood that Zhao Shuman was deliberately showing them his true colors.

In fact, they thought too much. Zhao Shuman was simply having fun… As if a master would care about the so-called feelings of his slaves.

"Also, remember my words! You will regret this choice in the fut—!!!"


"Huh?" Accompanied by the sound of a whistle, an icy sword suddenly jutted out of Zhuo Wuji's abdomen alongside a spurt of crimson blood. His pupils shrunk. Before his thoughts caught up with reality, he heard a frosty voice from behind.


With a bang, his Dantian exploded! Additionally, the Qi present inside his meridians also froze. But only a moment later, it unfroze. Although Xin Zhuyan's Ice Phoenix True Body was powerful, Ancient Yang Physique, even in its dormant state was mightier. That was the tyranny of God-Ranked Physique over Ancient-Ranked Physique.

"Traitor!!!" By now, Zhou Wuji understood what happened. He let out a deep growl as he swung his fist backward with all his physical strength.

Zhou Wuji's greatest strength was his physical prowess. That is what allowed him to fight against cultivators far above his level. Yesterday when her realm was at the 5th Stage Heavenly Master Realm, even Xin Zhuyan, a master at the battle, wouldn't want to face him but now… now story was different. Very different.

After eating Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence, her strength has reached 10th Stage of Heavenly Master Realm and, her physique has upgraded from a Divine-Ranked Physique to an Ancient-Ranked Physique, which made all of her Cultivation Art almost twice as strong. Her Qi was also much more rigorous and flexible!

Additionally, under the effect of the remaining Nine Saint Ice Lotus Essence, she was already showing signs of entering the Half-Step Boundless Realm. Compare to yesterday, she was simply on a different level.

Confronting Zhou Wuji right wasn't a challenge at all!

As his fists filled with might raced towards her, Xin Zhuyan snorted lightly. At a lightning speed, she retreated, and her sword alongside came out of his abdomen.

"Ahh!" He hissed in pain.

Zhuo Wuji didn't care that he missed. He simply looked at Xin Zhuyan with anger and confusion. "Why? Why did you do it?!"

He could feel that his Dantian has exploded. That means, unless he found an Ancient-Ranked Pill, he was going to be a cripple for life! And while her stab hurt a lot, his heart was even more painful.

Why? Why? Why?

"Because she is my woman, you dumbass. Haha!" It was Zhao Shuman who spoke after a long time. Seeing that his Dantian was broken, he finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Impossible!" Zhuo Wuji shouted as a pained expression crept up to his face. He held his bleeding abdomen and said: "Zhuyan, he is lying, right?!"

Xin Zhuyan looked at Zhou Wuji's abdomen and bit her lips lightly. She was hesitant for a moment but suddenly, she said: "Idiot. Why else would I attack you?"

Zhou Wuji stood frozen. He didn't believe it for a second. He didn't want to believe it for a second. This blow was too much for him. At this moment, his mentality began collapsing.

[Ding! The host's slave causes major damage to protagonist Zhou Wuji's mentality. Stolen +250 Heavenly Luck!]

Seeing the notification, Zhao Shuman was elated. He quickly commanded Meng Xia to also participate in the battle and provide assistance to Xin Zhuyan. As for him? He was going to be a spectator, watching the wonderful play he set up!

As Zhou Wuji saw Meng Xia standing beside Xin Zhuyan, looking as if they are going to kill him, fury erupted from the bottom of his heart. He roared madly: "Why? What's wrong with you?! What's wrong with both of you?!"

Both women looked at him with a hint of complex emotion without replying. Only a moment later, Xin Zhuyan's figure flashed.


With a loud phoenix shrill, Xin Zhuyan descended onto Zhou Wuji. Her figure was accompanied by a storm of frostiness, which seemed to freeze the whole world. An illusionary figure of Ice Phoenix approx 20meters wide was looming over her. It looked as if it would sweep everything in its path!

"So powerful… is this really Xin Zhuyan…?"

Zhou Wuji was stunned. Under this attack, he looked particularly small and pitiful. He took out his sword and desperately cumulated all his remaining strength and tried to repel her attack.


Their swords collided and immediately, Zhou Wuji's body flew away like a launched rocket while spurting a mouthful of blood. Upon landing roughly, he again coughed two mouthfuls of blood. His long hair was messed up, his clothes were in tatters and his body was covered in dirt, he looked very miserable.

"Meng Xin."

Hearing Zhao Shuman calling her, she knew what he wanted to say. Although she was unwilling in heart, her hand still stretched out.

"Forgive me, Zhou Wuji." She closed her eyes for a moment and then opened it.

She stretched out her slender arm and on top of her palm, dark Yin Qi quickly converged into a single point, looking a bit like a blackhole. It flew towards Zhou Wuji who was struggling to stand up and exploded.


"Ahh!" Zhou Wuji screamed and was again thrown away tens of meters. Seeing Xin Zhuyan coming toward him with her sword in the hand, his heart was cold and his eyes murderous.

He swiftly took out a blood-red pill from his storage ring.

Seeing this, Zhao Shuman ordered: "Zhuyan, use Instant Phoenix Movement and stop him!"

Although he was sure that Zhuo Wuji would lose irrespective of whether he ate that Supreme-Ranked Pill or not but he was reluctant to let him eat it.

Instant Phoenix Movement was a short-range teleportation skill that only owners of Ancient-Ranked Phoenix Physiques can perform.

Using this, in an instant, Xin Zhuyan's figure appeared in front of Zhou Wuji like a ghost. Before he could eat it, her sword flashed.


An arm and a pill flew in the air accompanied by a stream of blood and a violent scream. All of it belonged to Zhou Wuji.

Xin Zhuyan quickly caught the pill in her arm and stored it in her storage ring.

"Xin Zhuyan!" Seeing his last source of survival was also stolen by her, he let out a bloodthirsty howl.

Xin Zhuyan flinched. At the moment, Zhou Wuji looked like a homeless beggar. An order came to her mind and she began dragging his body towards Zhao Shuman.