Chapter 17: End of Zhou Wuji (18+)

"You! It's all you! Who are you! Why are you doing this to me?" Zhou Wuji screamed at Zhao Shuman maniacally and tried to attack him. How could it happen under the eyes of two women? Xin Zhuyan waved her sleeves and like fetters, frozen ice materialized and restrained Zhou Wuji's wrist and ankles, making him fall down face first.

[Ding! The host's slave causes minor damage to protagonist Zhou Wuji's mentality. Stolen +100 Heavenly Luck!]

Looking at his miserable appearance, Zhao Shuman was satisfied. But he wasn't finished with him. After all, he has exactly 1000 Heavenly Luck remaining. How could he kill the sheep before shaving all of its wool?

Spreading out his hand, Zhao Shuman confessed with a laugh: "Well, you guessed it. I am the source of all your troubles. If I wasn't here, you would live a happy life. It's all me. Congrats! But there's no candy for you, unfortunately. I can give you a beautiful show, however."

"Show?" Zhou Wuji was taken aback. What was he talking about now?

He was confused, but only for a moment. When the next moment he saw Meng Xia slowly walking up to Zhao Shuman and then kneeling in front of him, his body began shivering in fear.

"No… don't do this."

Meng Xia unfastened Zhao Shuman's robe and lowered his pants.

"Not in front of me…"

A nine-inch dragon slapped Meng Xia's face. She only hesitated for a moment before putting the bulbous mushroom tip between her soft red lips.

[Ding! The host's slave causes major damage to protagonist Zhou Wuji's mentality. Stolen +250 Heavenly Luck!]

"Ohh!" Zhao Shuman moaned in pleasure. Meng Xia's soft and wet lips felt amazing against his skin. But after seeing that she was stopping only at the tip, he instructed: "Use your tongue and take it inside your mouth."

Hearing him, Meng Xia's face dipped down towards his crotch. The cock slipped past her lips and entered her fiery and wet mouth.

He placed his palm on top of her head full of fiery red hair and guided her patiently. A minute later, she was able to go back and forth without letting her teeth touch him. Her tongue also started working.

She bobbed her head back and forth, pleasing Zhao Shuman with her mouth slavishly.

Xin Zhuyan's face was blushing heavily. She had never thought that Zhao Shuman would be so shameless and cruel. This again changed her perspective of him. Seems like it is better to obey him so as to not invite needless shame upon herself in the future.

'Thank goodness, I am safe.' She heaved a sigh of relief and looked up to find Zhao Shuman looking at her.

Her actions stilled.

As a sense of foreboding started arising inside her mind, Zhao Shuman beckoned her. Against her will, she walked up to him. Seeing the monster that couldn't fit in Meng Xia's hands, her lower body trembled as she remembered what was happening last light.

Zhao Shuman stretched out his hand and caressed her fairy-like countenance. And then, he pushed her shoulders. She slowly kneeled, coming side by side with Meng Xia.

Soon, the scene of two phoenixes joining hands to please a mighty dragon came into realisation.

[Ding! The host's slave causes major damage to protagonist Zhou Wuji's mentality. Stolen +250 Heavenly Luck!]

Zhou Wuji's eyes were already dead at this moment. Seeing the two women he loved serving a man together in such a subservient manner, he felt his heart squeezed tightly. He couldn't even breathe.

Sometimes Xin Zhuyan was top, serving the shaft with her novice movement while Meng Xia suckled on the balls, and at other times, they switched places.

Something they even served side by side! Sliding their sacred tongue on either side of his shaft up and down and at the other times, both nibbled on a ball.

After fifteen minutes of service, their faces were completely flushed, their nostrils were full of manly scent, their forehead was dripping with fragrant sweat and their unblemished chin was smeared with the mixture of precum and saliva. No one would look at them and say that they are saint and core disciples of a holy sect.

The funny thing was that Zhao Shuman has released his control on them five minutes ago. Whatever they did now was out of their own volition.

"Are you enjoying this?"

Zhao Shuman's mocking words snapped Zhuo Wuji out of his reverie. He goes to deny it, but before him, Meng Xia speaks.

"Is this true, Zhou Wuji?" While flicking her tongue underneath his shaft, she asks.

Zhao Shuman had to marvel at the learning speed of these girls. In just ten minutes, their service level was upgraded by a few grades, making him very satisfied. Especially, Meng Xia has already taken lead.

"I…" Zhou Wuji chokes as he speaks. His eyes glistened.

"Oh, you poor soul. Do you know you could've had me do this? You only needed to push me to my knees and I would've devoted myself to you. Yet you couldn't even do that." Meng Xai spoke further, her eyes full of disappointment as she looked at Zhou Wuji.

Her words and disdainful eyes, as if she was looking at an inferior man than she was serving embedded deeply into his heart, it strangled him from all sides. He continues choking, "What… I…"

"This is the result of your indecisiveness." Xin Zhuyan added as she traces Zhao Shuman's behemoth cock from top to bottom using her tongue. "Now watch us used by another man."

"I am coming." In time, Zhao Shuman groaned. His hands gripped Meng Xia's head tightly and he began using her mouth like a pussy, going back and forth with such speed and rhythm that left her gagging and choking at every cycle.

Xin Zhuyan sat aside, watching as Zhao Shuman used Meng Xia's mouth as he wished, knowing full well that the next turn was hers.

Sure enough, he took his cock out of Meng Xia's mouth, making her gasp for breath, and then urged Xin Zhuyan's face forward.

"Are you ready?" He asked. She reluctantly nodded and then he hit home, all the way to the back of her throat.

As he also began fucking her face relentlessly, sparkling tears escaped her clouded eyes. At that moment, she couldn't help but wonder where did things start going wrong? The moment she met him? The moment she choose to interrogate him or the moment greed got better of her?

She contemplated deeply while Zhao Shuman went in and out of her throat rapidly. And just as she was about to come to a conclusion, she heard him groan: "Line up!"

Like the obedient slaves they were, their faces pressed side by side, cheeks to cheeks, with their tongues stretched out as they waited for their master's milk.

"No! Stop!" Zhuo Wuji screamed with unwillingness! He knew that even if he didn't die today, this scene would haunt him forever.

Zhao Shuman groaned. The milk delivery came. No, it rushed out!

An unnatural amount of thick jizz ejected out of Zhao Shuman's pulsing ball, coating the girls' fair countenances in their entirety. They closed their eyes and received the blessings. Their master continued blessing them for over a minute before they had some respite.

[Ding! The host causes irreversible damage to protagonist Zhou Wuji's mentality. Stolen all remaining Heavenly Luck!]

Releasing a deep sigh of satisfaction, both from emptying his balls on the faces of his slaves and from the notification, he pulled his pant and fastened his robe.

"Clean up." He said faintly as he walked passed them, going towards Zhou Wuji.

"So? Did you enjoy the show? I am afraid this is where it ends."

"You… I'll kill you…! I'll kill you…!" Zhou Wuji was reduced to an animal now. He screamed, wailed, and struggled but to no avail.

The women behind him have already looked away, knowing what will happen next.

"Haha! You want to kill me?" Zhao Shuman took out a dagger and squatted down near him. "You won't get the chance to."

He then stabbed the dagger into his neck.

Unimpeded, almost anticlimactically, it went through.