Chapter 23: Taking Meng Xia (18+)

"You are a smart woman; I don't believe you don't know what I want to do." He hovered over her with his arms on either side of her head and said, rolling his eyes.

"As expected." Meng Xia smiled bitterly; she looked somewhat unwilling.

"Can I ask you not to do this?" After a momentary pause, she hopefully asked, her blue eyes looking deeply into him.

"You can't." Zhao Shuman denied it in a stern tone.

Meng Xia continued to look at him briefly before sighing and nodding. "So be it then."

Right after saying so, the minor physical resistance she exerted also faded.

At this moment, she completely surrendered herself to Zhao Shuman.

She wasn't a woman who gave up too quickly; instead, she was someone who knew when to give up.

At this moment, all her escape routes were cut off. She can literally do nothing. She can't kill him, can't escape from here, can't ask others for help, nor can't she get away from him. Hell, even her storage ring was empty. He has taken everything, saying he will return it when she becomes loyal, but she highly doubts his words.

"I like obedient girls." Seeing her resistance fade, Zhao Shuman nodded in satisfaction. Then, under Meng Xia's closing eyes, he kissed her tender lips gently.

However, as time elapsed, the kiss got forceful. Stretching out his tongue, he dived inside her mouth and snared her hot tongue overbearingly.

His heart immediately swayed. Her hot tongue intoxicated him, and the rich aftertaste made him savour the syrup inside her mouth more.

Meng Xia was very quickly completely absorbed in the wonderful feeling of kissing. Yesterday, Zhao Shuman forced dozens of kisses on her, so she wasn't entirely unaccustomed. Following a brief period of passiveness, she hooked his neck and started responding passionately.

Looking at them engrossed in such an intense kiss, a sour feeling emerged from Xin Zhyuan's heart. Just some moments ago, he had filled her womb with his essence, but now he was making out with another woman in front of her…

"Scum…" She whispered angrily.

On the bed, Zhao Shuman and Meng Xia were engaged in a battle of supremacy. Although Meng Xia put up a commendable fight, her experience was meagre compared to Zhao Shuman. Under his nonstop onslaught, she was ultimately defeated.

Zhao Shuman left her mouth alone after some time. He looked down at Meng Xia, whose face was dyed in red colours that matched her scarlet hair, who was panting heavily, and he was overcome with a feeling of satisfaction.

Her body was burning hot, her seductive lips were wet and unusually hot breaths exited from between them, her cheeks were rosy, and her eyes held an inviting look. Again, he bent down. This time he attacked her slender white neck, surprising Meng Xia, who emitted a soft moan.

Smirking slightly, he kissed her nape and sniffed the fragrance of her body. While kissing her intensely, he suddenly bit her, making Meng Xia tremble in delight. She didn't know why but whenever Zhao Shuman treated her rudely, a strange feeling would fill her heart.

As a result, she subconsciously tilted her head, giving Zhao Shuman more clear access to her neck. While sucking on her succulent skin, Zhao Shuman's hands worked on her clothes. It didn't take long before he stripped her naked.

"Flip around," Zhao Shuman ordered after he separated from her after a long while, leaving a bunch of red marks all over her white neck.

Meng Xia bit her lips, twisted her snake-like waist, and raised her full buttocks higher. Then, she looked back at him with an inscrutable gaze. Although convinced, when the time really arrived for her to become a woman, she couldn't help but worry.

Looking at her scarlet hair that fell down her shoulders, her slender back that was as flawless as it could get, her full buttocks that could entice any man, and her alluring eyes, Zhao Shuman admitted that Meng Xia was indeed a blessed woman.

Realising that such a wonderful woman was now his slave, he couldn't describe his excitement.

Extending his claws excitedly, he stroked her smooth back momentarily before focusing on her ass. The soft and squishy buttocks felt incredible to touch, and his fingers sunk into them immediately.


As Zhao Shuman got more excited and used his palms to explore her buttocks, Meng Xia emitted a seductive moan.

"Seems to me like you are beginning to enjoy this…." Zhao Shuman chuckled, his fingers trailing downwards towards her sacred region.

She shuddered as his index finger made contact with her pussy lips. That thin crevice was currently oozing transparent liquid, making her excitement known.

Meng Xia was usually a bold girl, but at the moment, even she couldn't help becoming embarrassed. Not understanding why but the way he hungrily touched her body made her incredibly aroused.

By the time he thoroughly tasted every part of her body, Zhao Shuman's cock was already as hard as an iron bar. He lifted her waist slightly, making her reveal her thin and soaked pussy and prodded his cock's head against the lips, rubbing it up and down to smear it with the overflowing fluids.

"Should I say something memorable at this time?" Zhao Shuman asked with an amused tone while massaging her breasts from behind.

Meng Xia gave him a pair of a resentful eyes in response. "Just do what you want!"

"Well then high and mighty Saint of Shangaan Peak, please forgive me for barging into your territory."

As he announced, he moved his waist slowly, entering Meng Xia's narrow tunnel with his massive cock.

"Ah!" Meng Xia felt the tearing pain as he went past her hymen. She gritted her pearly teeth tightly, unwilling to show a hint of weakness but a painful groan still escaped her mouth.

Zhao Shuman held her boneless waist from both sides and slowly pushed his waist until he hit the depths of her tunnel.

While the searing pain made Meng Xia clutch the bedsheets so tightly that her fingers turned pale, Zhao Shuman closed his eyes and marvelled at how wonderfully her membranes were massaging the entirety of his cock from every direction.

He enjoyed the sensation for about a minute before lifting the trembling body of Meng Xia, making her back stick to his chest as he stood on his knees on top of the bed. With one hand, he massaged her tall and proud peak, and with another, he stroked her stomach where a slight deformity had formed due to his massive cock rampaging inside her.

Then he said, "I am starting now."

Without waiting for her reply, he started moving his waist back and forth quickly. An expression of discomfort surfaced on Meng Xia's face, but she bit her lips and tried to persevere through.

Zhao Shuman felt Meng Xia's pussy was even better than Xin Zhuyan's. She was much more compatible with him when compared to Xin Zhuyan as if their lower body parts were made for each other.

This caused Zhao Shuman, who was still relatively new to sex, to quickly reach the limits. He felt movements in his balls just under five minutes after he had started.

He held her body tightly from behind, bit her neck hard enough to draw blood, and announced, "I am coming."

No surprise, he released his spunk deep inside Meng Xia's pussy the next moment.

At that moment, something strange happened. Their bodies suddenly started glowing with golden lights, and a comfort coursed through their very soul, overwhelming them with pleasure.

All the pain and discomfort Meng Xia felt for a period of time disappeared in thin air, replaced by the pleasure that almost made her go crazy.

"Oh, my god," she couldn't withstand it and came most suddenly. Her limp and pleasured body slammed down against the bed, convulsing intermittently.

As the golden lights converged into their lower bodies, a vast amount of energy grew inside them, which made their cultivation surge.

Meng Xia went from 8th Stage to Peak of Heavenly Master Realm, while Zhao Shuman went from 1st to 4th! The massive leap in strength made all three of them stupefied.

"What happened? Why did your cultivation grew so much?" Xin Zhuyan was the first to get out of the stupor.

Hearing her voice, Zhao Shuman returned to his senses. He wasn't frozen because he felt the increase in their cultivation; it was still within his expectations. What stunned him was the new set of preternatural knowledge inside his brain.

Thanks to his union with Meng Xia, his Ancient Yang Body has started to awaken. But there was a problem he didn't foresee.

After his physique awakened, a massive amount of Yang Qi was released inside his body, which made him indescribably hot. The release was necessary. Otherwise, he may burn from the inside.

This didn't happen with Zhao Wuji, which made him puzzled. What could be the reason?

He decided to think about it later on and focus on saving himself from self-destruction first. Thankfully, he has two perfect beauties here whom he could vent on as much as he wants.

The magma-like hotness bubbling inside his body made his eyes glow golden. He looked at Xin Zhuyan and Meng Xia with those fiery eyes, causing them to back up a bit. At the moment, he appeared a bit scary.

"You, are you alright?" Xin Zhuyan felt that something was wrong, so she asked carefully.

"Shut up and come here." Zhao Shuman commanded, and her body moved before her thoughts, coming close to him.

He dragged her body onto the bed, tore off the lingerie she wore in the meantime and rammed his cock in without mercy.

"Hiss!" Xin Zhuyan cried in pain, but regardless, Zhao Shuman moved his waist back and forth mercilessly.