Chapter 24: Dark Mountain City

Under the influence of a massive amount of uncontrollable Yang Qi, Zhao Shuman morphed into a savage beast, and both the women in front of him became prey.

At first, they didn't understand why he was abruptly treating them so roughly, but over some time, they sensed the massive Yang Qi rampaging inside his body. Being left with no choice, they could only work together to help Zhao Shuman release everything and restore his condition.

When one was out of action, another persevered, while sometimes they both served him together.

For the next few days, his small boudoir became a heavenly hell for Meng Xia and Xin Zhuyan. Sometimes they would scream in pleasure, while sometimes, they begged for mercy.

During this time, Zhao Shuman has no pity for the fairer race. His violent acts left marks all over their creamy body. They tried all sorts of postures, and Zhao Shuman also explored the girls' leftover holes.

Thankfully, Zhao Shuman was conscious enough to set up a barrier; otherwise, the girls' nonstop soft and seductive moans would have alerted everyone in the sect.

Zhao Shuman's eyes fluttered open. He saw Meng Xia and Xin Zhuyan leaning against him from either side, their heavenly bodies naked. This situation was something men of Shangaan Peak wouldn't even dare dream of. The sect's most beautiful and talented girls were sleeping with one man. If others knew this, they would probably jump off the cliff.

He tried to remember what happened, and some broken memories of losing control came into his mind. He sighed and grabbed both girls' buttocks and caressed them slowly.

Their sensitive bodies immediately felt the touch, and they woke up. Meng Xia was the first to open her eyes, followed by Xin Zhuyan. The first thing they did was to look at him resentfully, complaints written all over their faces.

"You can't blame me," Zhao Shuman shrugged his shoulders carelessly, still enjoying their soft butts.

Listening to him, they both gritted their teeth in frustration but could only swallow that bitter feeling. After all that, this is all he has to say?

Probably because he had done nonstop sex for a few days straight, Zhao Shuman was still in the sage mode, so he didn't do anything more than touch their butt and breasts.

After about half an hour of silence in the boudoir, he spoke, "Okay get up now. I will be leaving the sect for a few days so I need both of you women to do something during my absence."

"What do you want us to do?" Both women glanced at each other once before Meng Xia asked.

Without replying, Zhao Shuman waved his arm, and a black and long whip appeared in his hands. It was precisely the Enslavement Whip, something that can raise one's loyalty towards him to 10 directly as long as they are within Heavenly Master Realm.

He handed it over to Meng Xia and then told her about the usability of this weapon. When they heard that it could enslave someone as long as they were hit, they were both in disbelief.

"During the time of absence, Meng Xia your job is to enslave as many women of the sect into slave as possible. Remember I only want beautiful and virgin women. If I see ugly any woman or worse a male, you will bear the consequences." Disregarding their disbelief, he instructed Meng Xia.

Then, he looked at Xin Zhuya, took out two vials with which she couldn't be any more familiar and handed them over to her.

"Your job is to somehow feed them to Lu Xiya and Murong Shuyu."

"What?!" Hearing the names spoken by him, Xin Zhuyan was stunned.

Lu Xiya was the only female besides Xin Zhuyan in the group of eight Core Disciples. But the object of shock wasn't her. It was Murong Shuyu, who was none other than her master, someone who had trained herself for over a decade.

Zhao Shuman was asking her to betray her master. Such a sinful act, obviously, she was unwilling.

"What, what? I am not asking for your opinions; you will do it." Zhao Shuman's tone was unquestionable, making Xin Zhuyan clench her fist tightly.

"Do you have any problems?"

Feeling his voice getting colder, Xin Zhuyan was utterly helpless and had no choice but to shake her head reluctantly at the end.

"Good. Both of you can leave then."

Shortly after, both women left his boudoir in a heavy mood and with an unsteady gait. While Meng Xia didn't speak, she was also inwardly unhappy. After she heard the task he assigned her, she understood his intent. He wants to turn the entire Shangaan Peak into his backyard.

Smiling bitterly, she shook her head. Though she doesn't know where her destiny with Zhao Shuman will take her, she can only move forward now.

She looked at Xin Zhuyan, and seeing her furrowed brows, she said after a moment, "We are feathers of the same birds now, so don't do anything stupid and harm me in the process."

Saying so, she didn't wait for Xin Zhuyan to respond and flew away alone.

Inside the boudoir, Zhao Shuman pondered long and hard why he suddenly lost control when Ancient Yang Body awakened but couldn't really come up with a concrete reason. In the end, he concluded that maybe it was because he wasn't the natural inheritor of this physique.

Not thinking any longer, he wore a new outfit and left his place. He went straight to Mission Hall and picked a relatively simple mission that gave him the chance to visit Dark Mountain City.

The last time he went down the mountain, it was only for one night, so no one in the sect questioned him, but now he was going to leave for over a week, so he needed some excuse; that's why he took over a mission.

After taking the mission, he didn't delay and went down the mountain. There was a small town at the foot of the mountain. He went and boarded one of the carriages travelling to Dark Mountain City.

The journey took a total of three days and two nights. He entered Dark Mountain City on the third night through the main entrance.

It was the first time Zhao Shuman came to a big city in this world. Although the buildings here weren't the same as in a metropolitical city on Earth, the vibe was more or less the same. People looked extremely busy, and the roads were packed with all sorts of stores.

Dark Mountain City was in Yan Empire, but this place wasn't under their jurisdictions. It was one of the largest and most prosperous cities, almost rivalling the majestic Capital City.

A mysterious woman controlled this city. As someone familiar with the plot of this world, Zhao Shuman knew who this mysterious woman was, but this trip's purpose wasn't hers.

It wasn't that he was not interested in enslaving her; it was just that he was pitifully weak in front of her. Thus, he could only leave her alone for now.

Since the sun had already fallen, he figured that starting tomorrow would be the best. He was also slightly fatigued from the three-day-long journey.

Choose a good-looking hotel, he retired for the night.