Myriad Gods

Xash's realm was a lustrous open field that stretched infinite, containing huts housing the souls of his greatest lizard warriors since time immemorial not far from where he is standing. 

Paralleling the lush fields where his lizard folk followers settled in the mortal world. 

The lizard God with maroon skin wore a grey tribal battle skirt while his upper garment solely consisted of a sublime brown pashmina shawl. His attire reflected his sagaciousness with some ferocity hidden underneath. Dwarfing his subjects in size, he could be mistaken for a  bipedal dragon if it wasn't for the fact that Gods are innately colossal entities. 

"Why did you call for me, Xash?" 

The voice coming from right behind him belonged to another god. Her waterfall braided hair was verdant green in color along with her splendid tunic. A bow in her left hand while a shortsword rests in her waist. Signifying her nature as a huntress. Artemis. 

Xash offers Artemis a smile, "You'll see soon enough."

Suddenly, an abyssal portal opens up before them, from the fowl portent a baleful Goddess emerged. Her lower half was that of a spider, the only thing covering her breasts was her white unkempt hair. Power, cruelty and beauty all collided to form one malevolent Goddess. Lolth. 

"You meddling shitstains!" Lolth made no effort to hide her fury as she glared at the two other Gods. "First you foiled my plan of pitting Ellamir against her sister, now you messed up my opportunity to match my champion against her daughter! You will both pay!" 

Lolth's bloodlust was so great that it  condensed into a ripple that shot outwards. Mortals hit by it would no doubt perish on the spot, but to her fellow Gods, it was but an easily shrugged tantrum. 

Artemis snickered. Lolth might fancy herself powerful but the Goddess of the hunt would love to put that might of hers to the test. 

"Name your price." Artemis retrieved an arrow from her quiver and readied it on her bow. 

Lolth's lips arced into a maddened glee, emboldened by her fellow Goddess willing to throw down. "Both of your lives!"

Xash swayed her hand to Artemis, gesturing her to calm down. Artemis heeded out of respect for her friend, and besides, they are in his realm after all. 

"You will have your entertainment soon enough, Lolth. Ellamir would still clash with her mother." Xash declared with utmost certainty. 

Divining is one of Xash's specialty. His power to peer into the future rivaled only by the celestial entities that bordered on Godhood, the beings that reside in Arcana cards. 

"So that's it? Am I supposed to go back to my realm and pretend that you both didn't disrespect me!?"

"You call that disrespect? Here's an actual one. If you don't leave I'm going to plunge one of my arrows into your eye socket. Trust me, they never miss their mark. While we're at it, let's talk about how useless you are to your subjects. Imagine being a Goddess so inept that my follower only had to show one of yours care for her to abandon your ass completely."

"Fuck you, you green whore! I'm going to make sure that Amazon dies in horrific agony! She may have escaped dying once, but death isn't going to allow her to escape it a second time!"

Artemis readies her bow once more, "Fuck you, spider cunt! Mark my words, tear those two apart and Ellamir would find a way to ascend into Godhood just so she could kill you." 

"That's enough from both of you!" The very ground trembled with Xash's shout. "Lolth, even you must be aware that it is the height of folly to fight us both. Would you really risk it all and miss out on such a play so sadistic and enthralling? I am sure Ellamir and Zorla's fight would be a sight to behold."

Being the crazy bitch that she is, Lolth was indeed willing to risk everything mere moments ago. The only Goddess insane enough to fight another God in his very own realm.

"This isn't over, Xash. And you!" Lolth gives Artemis one last glare. "You've been a thorn in my side for far too long! I will have your head mounted in my realm for this, mark my words!"

Lolth failed to put even a tinge of fear in Artemis. Other Gods might be scared to risk their immortality, but what kind of a patron Goddess would she be if only her warrior subjects enjoyed the thrill of mortal combat?

With Lolth gone, Xash sighed in relief. 

"Is that why you called me in here? To stand in as your guard?" Artemis asked.

"I can defend myself just fine. She would have gone to your realm next if she didn't find you here."

"Let me guess, we fought to the death?" Artemis wouldn't have minded if Lolth did. If she was crazy enough to fight her in her own realm then it would only spell the spider's demise.

"An astute supposition. What gave it away? Was it your, hmmm, let me just remember what they call it.  Ah yes, was it the rage-boner that you both have for each other?" 

"Xash, don't start with me. If that's all you need me for then I better get going."

"Merely a jest. Stay for a bit, Medusa is about to drop by any second now. She's not deranged like Lolth, but…she could be as passionate when angered."

Xash had taken it upon himself to mediate between the myriad Gods whenever he could. They all need to combine their strength in case 'he' returns. 


"Give me 5 more of those bracelets, lizard! No, give me 10!"

Antani's previous bracelet broke, the power hidden within it completely expended when she resurrected. 

Thus, Ellamir was currently accosting the red skinned lizard in his stall. With Stefano healing her wounds, it only took a good night's rest for her to get back up on her feet.

"No can do, years of draconic enchantment were needed to infuse it with power. Simply put, I don't have one anymore."

"I don't care! Give me 10…no, give me 20 more!"

Ellamir's childish refusal to budge gave Antani secondhand embarrassment, with a sigh she dragged Ellamir by the shoulder away from the lizard folk. 

"The man already said he doesn't have one of those bracelets. Besides, we don't need it anymore. You have your drider armor now, you'll protect me, won't you? Miss big bad drider. " Antani's smile was teasing. 

"Oh shut up, of course that's a given. I just…I just don't want to lose you again. You had no idea how much it hurt."

Ellamir's confession stung Antani a bit. She had been careless. If it wasn't for the mysterious divine forces at work she wouldn't have been able to lock arms with Ellamir like they are now. 

"You won't lose me, never again." 

Antani might have just been saying it to soothe her worries, but the Amazon truly feels that they are now bound by fate. Her resurrection through the bracelet that Antani gave her was enough proof. 


The couple then made their way into the Guild master's office. The Grand wizard observed the two who sat in front of his desk while stroking his magnificent beard.

"And you're saying that Antani had been brought back from the dead?" 

"It's true, you don't believe me do you?" Ellamir surmised it by their guild master's tone. However, it was brought about by his inquisitive nature, not from disbelief at her tale.

"I do believe you. The fact of the matter is, Gods do not offer resurrections for free. Perhaps they are expecting something from Antani." The grand wizard questions the Amazon, "Do you have any idea what that might be?"

"I honestly have no clue." Antani outright stated. Her combat prowess might be phenomenal but she didn't think it was enough to warrant their attention. "By the way, if you're going to punish Ellamir for killing that assassin, punish me instead. I could've stopped Ellamir from killing the gorgon if she didn't catch me off guard."

An assassin the Gorgon might have been, she was still an adventurer, some sort of action must be done in order to avoid souring the relationship between both guilds. The removal of the parties involved is the first one that comes to mind.  

"You don't get to have a say in this. I'm the one who killed the Gorgon." Ellamir coldly glanced at the Amazon sitting right next to her. 

The irritation immediately became apparent in Antani's face along with her tone. "Where do you get the audacity!? I don't have a say in it!? We literally fought her together!"

"Don't raise your voice at me, I'm doing this for you! Try to understand!"

"Yeah? Well I'm only doing it for myself, I would love to get stripped of my adventurer rank for no apparent reason!"

The Grand wizard moved on from stroking his beard to stroking his forehead when the lovers started arguing in front of him. "This is not couples therapy! Stop bickering, you buffoons!"

"Stay out of this you old fart!" Ellamir reprimanded their very own Guild master before continuing their argument, Antani was certainly correct about her audaciousness. 

"Bicker in front me, eh? Call me an old fart, eh?" Guild master Caduceus' mug twists into a mischievous grin. A grin that could only imply that he is up to no good, with the obstinate couple in front of him as his target. 

He wasn't initially planning on punishing the two since he already sent Althea together with Yulia to take care of the situation with the Warijan guild, but that has changed now. 

With a wave of each hand, magical circles were illuminated underneath the couple's chair, quickly receding seconds after. 

The couple stopped their arguing and gave their guild master puzzled looks. What the hell did he just do? 

"What the fuck was that?" The dark elf questioned. 

"Your penance. Worry not, it shall only last for about a week! Wahahaha!" 

Antani was equally as confused, "What will?"

The guild master's reply came as a sly smile. He stood up from his chair and engulfed himself in a magical light that teleported him to a place unbeknownst to the couple.

"Shitty wizard." Ellamir grumbled as the grand wizard up and vanished without properly answering them. 

"Whew, I guess this means there is no punishment for us both?"

Ellamir smirked, "If you want to get punished that badly then I could take care of it for you. Just you wait until we get home"

With nobody else around Antani decided to indulge Ellamir a little bit. Whatever kinky thoughts that Ellamir conjured, Antani would match. Two peas in a pod. 

Antani straddled Ellamir in her chair, staring at Ellamir with bedroom eyes and a coquettish grin. Her hands rested at the back of Ellamir's hair. "How would you punish me then? Go on, tell me."

Close enough to feel each other's breath, Ellamir could feel the lust surging within her chest. 

"I could tell you, but that might ruin the fun. How about I show it to you instead?"

With the tension between them rising, the deep kiss that happened next was an inevitable outcome. 

Their tongues slid into each other's mouths. The fact that they're having a place someplace they definitely should not only added to the thrill. 

Luckily, the Guild master already made a preventive measure only moments prior. 

As their massage of tongues continued, Ellamir felt something hard poking her stomach. At the same time, her member that should have been rock hard by now didn't react one bit. 

They both peeled off. 

Something was not right. 

When Antani traced the source of her discomfort, her jaw almost dropped, she was pitching a massive tent. She immediately groped Ellamir's nether to confirm her theory.

The Amazon was utterly dumbstruck at the bizarro turn of events. 

"Ellamir, I think I have your dick!"