Antani's Masterstroke

"Can you give 'it' back to her and restore 'mine'?"

In front of the Druid's stall, Antani didn't want to announce the topic of their conversation to any passers by. It is a busy market after all.

The Druid maiden scratched her head, tilting her cervine horn in confusion. She had already tried everything she could but it was all for naught.

"I apologize but I can't, whoever did this was a magician - nay, a wizard most exceptional. In a sense, he made it so that the spell won't be tampered with but for it to have that quality it would automatically fade within its set time limit."

"What do you mean you can't give me my dick back!? This is your spell!" 

As expected of Ellamir, her subtlety was that of a banshee. Her loud outburst turned heads into their direction.

Antani then pinched Ellamir's side. "Right, announce it for everyone to hear." The Amazon exhaled deeply. "Let's just leave it be for now, it's just one week."

"No! I'm not leaving this stall until she gives me back my di…until she gives me back what's mine!"

"I can give you another one, but I won't recommend it since your new one might mash together with your former once it returns. It would be wise to heed your companion." The Druid suggested.

The terrifying image of two mangled dicks that popped in Ellamir's mind was enough to give her shivers.

"Tsk. Antani, let's go. I'm going to murder that shitty wizard the next time I see him!"


Later that evening.

"What are you reading?" Antani questioned as she slid right next to Ellamir who was reading in bed.

"It's about Julien d'Aubigny, an astounding woman who burnt down a convent and dueled 3 men by the sword just so she could be with her beloved duchess."

Antani wasn't so sure about the arson part but she did find the dueling part admirable.

"Well, she has nothing against me. I fought all of your mother's slaves just so you would would notice me."

Even if it was just a small spark, jealousy is still jealousy and the thought of Antani competing with a fictional character for Ellamir's attention amused her so. 

The dark elf closed her book, giving Antani a homely smile. "Are you trying to compete with a fictional character?"

"I might be."

Ellamir booped Antani's nose, "Don't worry, you are the second most outstanding woman I know. No one will ever take your place, fictional or not."

Antani already has an idea of who is the first.

The Amazon gets on top of Ellamir, pinning both wrists of her bedside lover. 

"Second, huh? Don't get cheeky with me just because you have your drider armor now. You're still vulnerable underneath me like this."

"Oh no, a rabid amazon has me pinned, won't somebody please help?" Ellamir's feigned terror contained a hint of invitation.

Meanwhile, Antani's temporary 'equipment' down there stands in attention once her focus shifted to the smile on Ellamir's soft lips. It hadn't been a day since she acquired it and it was already calling for Antani to make use of it. To consume Ellamir in her entirety.

Like what Ellamir had done to her. 

Antani's demeanor contorted into a lascivious one, she stands up and removes all her clothing underneath. "You know what to do."

The Guild master was right in calling it penance. 

The huge dick that she was staring at used to belong to her, but now it obeyed a different master, albeit temporarily. Ellamir wasn't even sure if it's going to fit in her snatch. 

The dark elf knew it wasn't her most distinguished hour, it was her eagerness to please Antani that drove her down to her knees, her face right in front of Antani's towering member. 

"I just want you to know, I'm feeling absolutely embarrassed right now." Ellamir stated before they enacted on their carnal desires. 

Slowly, Antani's phallus enters Ellamir's mouth. The grotesque spreading to fill the pristine.

Deep in Antani's loins, the fires of lust escalate, hotter by the second. And yet, it is not enough.

She wants everything that Ellamir has to offer. 

The amazon's fetters tear. Antani's hands reached the back of Ellamir's head and began to thrust. Ellamir's brows crossed, signaling distress but the dark elf didn't dare pull away, she would see through the ordeal for Antani. Such resolve made Antani bite her lip. The amazon takes full advantage of her partner's ambivalence as she pushes past teeth and tongue all the way down to Ellamir's throat. 

The savagery of Antani's actions compelled her to reach her apex. 


An mischievous grin formed on Antani's lips. 

The dark elf pulled free, "What is it?"

Antani's answer was an eruption of lust, a lustful attack aimed at the center of Ellamir's face.

Ellamir reflexively tried to jerk away but Antani's hand held her in place. The warm milky fluid rains upon Ellamir, trying to paint her entire face white. Antani was astonished at the quantity and thickness that came from her. 

Ellamir accepts Antani's spunk. Her face being turned milky white, she obediently waited with her eye closed as Antani debased her. 

Within seconds, Antani was spent, her masterstroke glared at her with annoyance.

"You lecherous beast!" Ellamir shouted.

The sight of a pissed off Ellamir down on her knees with Antani's white taint all over the dark elf's face was something Antani wanted to forever immortalize. How she regrets not learning how to paint.

Antani retrieved a piece of cloth, cleaning up after her mess. The amazon giggled as she wiped her baby batter off of Ellamir's annoyed face and even those that got sprinkled into her hair.

"Tsk. You are so lucky I love you." Ellamir closed her eye once more, letting Antani clean her face.

"Aww, I love you too! I mean the proof was on your face moments ago."

"I'm going to remember this!"

Antani grinned, "You better."

Ellamir thought that she was going to get a moment of respite since Antani already blew her load. But that wasn't the case. 

Antani waved a vial in front of Ellamir. It was the very same vitality potion.

"How did you get that!?"

"Oh, I just put two and two together after we visited the druid earlier. I told you I'm going to even out our score."

With a quick gulp Antani downed the contents of the vial. Seconds later she could feel the potion already taking its effect, her newly acquired sword, forged in the flames of lust - had risen to slay the dark elf. 

The look of panic was apparent in Ellamir as Antani gazed at her with hungry eyes. 

"Antani, w-why don't we talk about this first?"

Both naked as a jaybird, Ellamir found herself getting carried and held by the ass while Antani stood, Ellamir's legs instinctively coiled around the amazon.

The disparity between their frames becoming more discernible, It was like Ellamir's slender frame was made to be held by Antani's toned physique, evident by how Antani effortlessly propped up Ellamir.

Ellamir wasted no time whimpering when Antani slowly entered her tight hole. Antani paused for a bit, giving the dark elf ample time to adjust to the massive intruder about to pound her insides.

Antani's hips swayed.

Ellamir wrapped her arms around Antani tighter as she accepted the amazon's vigorous rhythm, it even got to the point that her nails started to dig Antani's back. 

The lustful daze Ellamir's face expressed was something Antani considered to be more potent than any aphrodisiac, filling Antani with determination to drive Ellamir closer to the edge.

"That look suits you well, my dirty little dark elf." Antani teased even as she herself panted, gripping Ellamir's ass harder.

"Aah! Just shut up and… Aah!... keep fucking me!"

Ellamir was too overwhelmed to look Antani straight in the eyes, choosing to dive into Antani's shoulder instead. Had she known that it would cause more humiliation for her, she would have reconsidered.

As Ellamir's pointy ear was laid in front of her, Antani lightly nibbled on it. Eliciting a vulgar shriek from Ellamir. Ordinarily it was merely sensitive to give tingles down your spine, but during the heat of passion it could be downright classified as an erogenous zone.

After minutes of getting railed senselessly, Ellamir climaxed hard as her final moan blanketed their entire bedroom, her nether muscles clenched as if to milk her lover dry.

Ellamir's constriction was what finished off Antani as she blasted Ellamir's inside with her thick leftover spunk.

The couple basked in the afterglow. Ellamir's thoughts drifted to how her penance might not be so horrible after all, in fact, she found it to be very pleasurable.

"Hey, you can get off now." Antani instructed.

"I don't want to. Carry me so we could lay on the bed like this."

"Really? Fine, you lazy ass."

If somebody told Ellamir a few months ago that she was going to end up on top of Antani as they cuddled in bed, not only would she laugh at their face, she would have most definitely executed them on the spot. 

"I know what you're going to say next, I'll allow it. Our score is even now." Ellamir was right on the mark. 

Antani could only giggle as she played with Ellamir's hair. 

"Pft, I'll allow it? You sound so high and mighty for someone moaning her lungs out earlier. I think I already know how I'm going to make full use of this 'equipment', oh do I have a lot of plans for you."

Not only was Ellamir curious, but she was also a little mortified that their current score might not remain even for long. "What plans?" 

"I'm not telling, you just keep quaking in your boots, miss big bad drider."


Author's Note :

Hello, dear reader!

I just wrote the first chapter of an erotic yuri cultivation novel. I was originally planning it to be an exclusive when I eventually open up my Patreon after vol.1 but since this novel would be free all the way, I figured why not put my new one out there and just let readers enjoy it for free as well. I'll just have to think of other rewards.

Unlike this one where Antani and Ellamir are faithful to each other, the female lead over there will have a harem. It's still in its infancy so it isn't as polished yet but I will try my best to make it entertaining.

Since my main focus is still in this novel, that one would most likely update once a week.

Anyways, please check it out if you like cultivation novels with a twist of yuri!

It's called "Rise of the Ice Empress[GL]"