
Deep within the usual forest where Antani would go to train, there is a waterfall. Its waters were crystal blue, as it was illuminated by the moonlight.

The rushing body of water was unmistakably cold, but it was no match for the lustful warmth of two passionate lovers, torridly kissing each other. 

The only reason that Antani didn't want to do it in this place, despite Ellamir's insistence of its romantic aspect, was because she's seen others flock here to refresh themselves and take a swim. But a deal was a deal and an Amazon never goes back on her words. Thus, she came up with an idea, why not skinnydip come midnight when they have the place all to themselves?

Antani's hands caressed the back of her lover's head, Ellamir pulled her close by the waist, all while their tongues thrashed against each other, tasting the other's sweetness along with it. 

Despite the frosty temperature of the water, Antani could feel Ellamir's stiff rod was unperturbed as it was already poking at her, as if begging to be let in. 

With their racy foreplay kiss concluding, Antani wrapped her legs around her partner, easily so because of the water's buoyancy. Ellamir entered Antani's depths, eliciting a soft whimper from the Amazon. 

No words were shared, only lustful stares as Ellamir bucked her hips with wild abandon, making a splish splash of lewdness with every thrust. Sex on a waterfall was a whole different sensation than on land, the coldness crashing against their entwined bodies was invigorating.

Soon, Ellamir could feel herself over the edge, driven more so when Antani flashed her a mischievous grin, suddenly leaning in close to nibble at her sensitive ear. 

As she orgasmed, a moan echoed through the tranquil forest as Ellamir twitched inside of her lover. 


Laying a mat near the waterfall's bank, Antani was now behind Ellamir, drying her lover's hair with a towel. 

"So, sex by the waterfall, was it as enjoyable as you thought it would be?" 

Antani questioned as she meticulously made sure to dry Ellamir's locks. 

A soft smile found its way on Ellamir's lips, "Why wouldn't it be? You're here with me." 

And before she knew it, Antani's whole weight assailed her, making her fall sideways as the Amazon embraced her. Sometimes, Ellamir's words would make Antani all giddy inside, her only response being to hug her adorable dark elf as hard as she could. She was touchy like that, but Ellamir didn't seem to mind. With the exception being now.

"Hey, I still haven't dried your hair! No hugging until I've done so, get off of me!"

As much as Antani wanted nothing more than to bury Ellamir within her arms, the sensation of her wet and heavy hair was too bothersome to ignore. Antani relented and sat cross legged, letting her lover return the courtesy.

"Your Aeon, won't you let me use it?"

Ellamir smirked as she tended to her lover's hair, the answer to Antani's question was undoubtedly yes. But if it had been the other way around, Antani would definitely pull her leg first before giving her honest answer.

"Should I? I thought you said you're not going to spar with me anymore?"

"You know I was only kidding when I said that, right? Come on, just let me touch it, please!"

With but a single glance, Antani had surmised that Ellamir's blade was of the finest fold.

Any swordmaster would agree that the blade is but a mere tool, that a true master could lay waste on his opponents with only a stick. But what if two masters faced each other and are of equal skill? One could argue that there is a lot to consider rather than simply defaulting to the sword, but truth be told, Antani only wanted to wield Ellamir's essence in her very hands.

Hearing her lover plead like a child made Ellamir want to tease her more, but at the same time she also wanted to brag, for Antani to praise how divine the crystallization of her soul is.

"Ugh, fine. You're so lucky I love you." Despite Ellamir's grumbling, you could see it in her face that she was indeed excited to show off.

Now that her hair was done, Antani turned around to face her lover who was already in the process of bringing about her Aeon.

Both of her hands laid, shadows outpured from Ellamir and coalesced in front of her chest, taking the shape of an obsidian sword. Despite its darkness it never shared the malevolence of her drider armor, as if she knew that Antani would wield her Aeon, never wanting her lover to bear the hatred and balefulness that came from Lolth - that alone was hers to shoulder. 

"Go on, grab it."

Despite Ellamir's insistence, the fact that Antani was about to touch a piece of her soul made her a tad bit embarrassed. 

The same could be said for Antani, for her,  the whole situation felt more intimate than the passionate kiss they shared earlier. 

Antani grabbed the hilt and immediately she could tell, it was an unexplainable emotion, but the gist of it was that the sword welcomed her touch. Her heart raced from excitement as she wanted to test the sword's mettle right away.

Walking up to a nearby tree, Antani raised her sword up and closed her eyes. The obsidian metal glimmered under the moonlight, in her hands was the compact version of the Drider armor's destructive power.

Antani's eyes opened. In a single second, she let loose ten clean slashes from different angles, each of them cleaving through the tree with ease. Having no need to infuse the blade with mana, she augmented her arms instead.

The forest's quiet was interrupted by the falling lumber's thud.

With a slow clap from Ellamir, admiring her lover's skill, the sword dissipated into shadows, leaving Antani befuddled. 

"How did you like my Aeon?"

"I love it, but I wasn't done testing it! Bring it out again!"

It would be amiss not to tease Antani, with how she looked like a kid robbed of her favorite toy, but Ellamir had a different plan. She will let her play with her Aeon tomorrow as much as she wants, but for now…

"Only my sword? You wound me. Come, make amends by cuddling me." Ellamir coyly smiled as she tapped on the mat behind her. 

"Now when did I ever say that?" Antani made her way to her lover, wrapping her within her gentle embrace. "There, is this enough proof of where my love lies?" 

More than enough. Ellamir felt nothing but bliss as she was enveloped in Antani's arms. She leaned back, just so she could snuggle. Another moment that she wished to become eternal.

"No, it's not enough. You have to cuddle me all night, only then will I consider it ."

"You cheeky woman!" Antani laughed at her lover's voracity. She might not be willing to hold her all night, she would still do it for as long as she can. Ah, now would be the perfect time to swing Ellamir's words back at her. 

A tender smile formed on Antani's lips.

"You're so lucky I love you."