Author's Announcement

Hello, Thank you very much for reading this story of mine! As you can see by the ending, there's still a lot more that hasn't been touched upon, Yulia's backstory, Antani's tribe and her inevitable clash against her half-frost giant sister. I am reserving it all for the second volume which I am planning to continue soon. Maybe in a week as I am taking a short break.

What's that? I forgot about Gloria's origins? I will let you in on a little secret, Gloria was only supposed to be a dungeon encounter, but I liked her character so much that I decided to make her a mainstay for the party lol. I will try to write an arc for her in the future as well.

Another thing that my brain has been whispering to me is that, 'Wouldn't it be nice if Yazmin and Althea fell in love with one another?', literally after their fight! My brain is weird like that. I am still trying to work out the tales I want to tell for the second volume, if I can't decide then I might just write them all.

This is my first shot at writing a novel. I am not a native english speaker and I had my start at writing with erotic short stories, which was only about last year. Because of that, I was afraid that this novel of mine might not gain traction, but seeing a lot of people reading it is enough to make me happy and for me to continue telling my story.

I strained myself to write every night because I wanted to improve, I envied the authors who could write beautifully until it went to the point that I almost gave up because I judged my own writing to be not up to snuff with what they are creating.

And then, I realized maybe I just need to pour my heart out. Maybe I would be able to write as beautiful as them if I did.

In a way, this first volume is a reminder for me, I do have what it takes to write and finish a book. Just let the readers decide if they can find the beauty that you've poured into it.

On to my final announcement. As I have mentioned before, I am opening a Patreon soon. Since I am a reader as well, I enjoy reading stuff for free, I will not be paywalling this and my other story until each of them reach their own conclusion. Nothing will be behind a paywall except for the discord that I am planning. That's it.

Again, I would like to thank you for being with me as I reach the first pit stop of my writing journey. Cheers!