Prologue : Zorla's Punishment

Zorla opened her eyes to find herself inside her own torture chamber. Her irises shimmered crimson as her dark vision penetrated the absolute darkness, making her surroundings as clear as day. 

Chains cuffed both of her wrists, suspending them mid air, supporting the mad queen upright. 

Instead of panic, a twisted grin was plastered on her face for it is no mystery who is the culprit that did this to her. 

Without warning, the tip of a whip breaking the speed of sound, lashed her exposed back. The immense pain that it brought made her scream at the top of her lungs.

It didn't take too long for her to regain her smirk in spite of the pain, however. So that was the reason her captor deprived her of clothing. Every part of her skin was laid bare for her tormentor's vicious lashings. 

"You worthless cunt, I didn't name you my champion just for you to lose against your whelp of a daughter!" 

Another lashing ladened with fury struck her back, turning her smirk into a scream of agony. 

Yet that same smirk of hers found its way on her lips once again as she talked back at her torturer. 

"That was a good show, if I must say. She proved that she would be a fine replacement for me one day. If only she wasn't so attached to that Amazon. Falling in love with a slave? Kyahahaha! And I thought I was crazy."

The whip cracked and inflicted another three rounds of lashing, Zorla's flayed skin burned in agony as blood dripped from her back, flowing from wound to wound. 

"You are merely a Queen, I am your Goddess! I decide whether a show is good or not! Not you! And what replacement!? My influence with Ellamir has completely faded, while I can't even make a connection with that other daughter of yours because she is as soft as cotton! That wretched womb of yours birthed pawns that I can't even move!"

Mad cackling echoed in the torture room, one that should have belonged to a torturer rather than the one bound in chains. 

Nothing in Lolth's sentence constituted as a jest, enraging her even further. The Goddess threw her whip on the ground, went in front of Zorla and slapped her so hard that it knocked the cackling out of her. 

"You think that's funny!?" Lolth was seething. She had shrunk herself to normal height, her gigantic drider physique abandoned for that of a regular vivacious dark elf. She had done so in order to make her delivery of pain more personal.  

Zorla licked her lips, as if relishing the wounds on her back and at the sight of the cruel but gorgeous Goddess before her, equally in the nude. 

It seems Lolth had messed with her champion too much. For her torment now had no effect.

Possessing a mind so broken, her only response was to plaster another mocking grin. 

"It is absolutely comical, my Goddess! Can't you see, you don't need to play with my daughters since you already have me!" Zorla declared in jubilation, yet hate still churned inside her heart. 

Zorla could hide it no longer. She wanted to fuck Lolth. She wanted to kill Lolth. 

The target of her twisted affection could only sneer. In this dream vivid enough to be considered a reality, Lolth was the wicked architect, she could weave whatever deviousness she could think of. 

And it just so happened that Zorla's daughter had given her a touch of inspiration. 

As Lolth willed it, her slit had completely transformed into a phallus, one that is bigger than Ellamir's which in itself could already be considered hung. The pridefulness of a Goddess and all that. 

"Had you killed Ellamir, I would've rewarded you by being gentle." Lolth lifted Zorla's legs as she prepared to inflict her worst to her champion. 

Gods and Goddesses have desires, and with it, lust. But they couldn't just bed anyone. Wouldn't. To those deities that indulged in the flesh of mortals, their personal preference would be someone of higher standing, fitting to lay with the highest beings in existence. Kings. Queens. Saints. Heroes. 

While most of them are pious who wouldn't even consider the thought and would rather focus on diligently doing their job of overlooking their followers, Lolth wasn't one of them. After all, the depravity of the dark elves originated from her. A vile Goddess through and through. 

"You, Gentle!? What's next, are you going to tell your subjects to start handing out flowers to every race we enslaved?" Zorla's mockery had earned her another slap. 

"If you don't shut your mouth I'm going to make sure you'll regret it."

"Or what, you're going to get rough!? Don't threaten me with a good time, my dear Goddess."

As if to make true with her threats, Lolth suddenly impaled her champion. Only to find out that she was in for a surprise, a rather slippery one at that. 

Lolth's face warped in anger and bewilderment, "Wha- You're fucking wet!" Did she consider her lashings as foreplay!?

"And so is water, dear Goddess.  Now hurry along and violate me, or is your massive dick inside me just for show? Kyahahaha!"

Vexed to no end, Lolth grumbled out loud before swinging her hips in a maddened frenzy, absolutely disregarding her partner's pleasure and focusing solely only on her own. 

Unfortunately for her, Zorla liked it rough.

The mad queen bit her lip so hard that it started to bleed, all while her sex was being pounded. 

She loved the sensation of Lolth's huge rod filling her up to the brim as it moved in and out with fury. 

"You like that!? You filthy whore of a Queen!" Lolth screamed as her hips relentlessly swayed, her fingers digging into her partner's thighs. 

 "Yeeees! Is that all the hatred you can give to me!? Harder!"

Fueled by primal lust for each other's bodies, they fucked a without a single shred of affection, all while burning with anger deep inside. A hate fuck in its truest sense. 

As Zorla felt her incoming release, she tried her best to break free from the chains. The closer it approached, the more desperate she grew until her wrists started to bleed. She reckoned she might as well combine her two desires; she wanted orgasm while choking Lolth to death. 

Since her effort was all for naught, she surrendered to the sordid pleasure that assailed her wounded body. Her pussy clenched in response as she felt Lolth's rod spasm inside of her. 

Lolth pulled out, remnants of her disdain oozed out from Zorla's snatch. 

The malevolent Goddess smirked at the debased form of her champion. All the Queens before her, she had broken. But Zorla was different. In truth she was like her Ellamir, vicious but still possessed remnants of purity in her heart. That's why Lolth had to snuff her innocence out.. 

A tainted phoenix, her purity massacred by Lolth, and from the ashes, a twisted mind arose. 

After catching her breath, Zorla matched her Goddess' smirk with her own. 

"We should do that again sometimes."

"We will do it again when the mood strikes me."

"And what's it going to take to get you in the mood again? Do you want me to travel to Elaria and kill my daughter? I'm not interested in going after them anymore but I would do it if that's what it takes for you to ravage me again."

"No. That's enough embarrassment from you. Lay low for now and stop meddling with that accursed daughter of yours."

Xash had warned Lolth. Although she was still livid at his meddling, the seer's credibility is one that he valued above all. He was never one to spread false predictions, even when it would benefit him. He prophesied that Zorla would die at the hands of her own daughter if she continued her attempt of taking the Amazon's life. Thus, she heeded his warning.

Does that mean that Lolth cares for Zorla?

The Goddess scoffed at the notion. She reasoned to herself that she wasn't attached to Zorla or anything. She didn't want to do away with an exquisite specimen like Zorla and It would require a lot of effort to mold another Queen into her liking. Especially since both of Zorla's spawn are useless to her. 

"Farewell…for now, Zorla." 

After the Goddess said her goodbye, Zorla woke up in her bed from the rapturous dream with a maddened grin, drunk on the sensation of pain and pleasure. Just thinking about it was enough to get her wet. The next time she meets that daughter of hers, she must thank Ellamir for enraging Lolth so much that the Goddess wanted to fill her hole with hate. 

She couldn't wait for Lolth to fuck her again. 


Inside of Augustia's workshop, team Valhalla was currently waiting for Yulia's armor to get repaired. 


A sudden sneeze from Ellamir. She wondered, who could've been thinking about her? 

Her lover was still perusing the interesting trinkets about. Ellamir's lips curled into a smile, it must have been her dear sister. 

A hand suddenly wrapped around Antani's left waist as Ellamir went to her side. 

"What are you looking at?" 

Ellamir was curious to know what had snared Antani's attention for her to stare at it long enough. 

"Let me guess, if I told you you're planning to buy it for me? You don't have to shower me with gifts just to show that you love me, you know." 

A playful rebuke from Antani. She could not fault Ellamir, for the reason was somewhat similar as to why Antani wanted to coddle and spoil her. The Amazon was aware that she was Ellamir's first relationship, and although Antani herself only had one before Ellamir, she didn't need to be told that excessive materialism is an obvious detriment. 

A few heartfelt gifts here and there wouldn't hurt, like the Gold necklace from before that Antani had kept and now regarded as a treasure. The only excess that  Antani approved of, was their love for one another. 

"You're soon going to be your tribe's queen, but right now, you are mine." Ellamir raised Antani's hand so she could plant a kiss into it. "Consider my gifts as your royal tribute. So tell me, which one is it that caught your eye?"

Amid the stand cluttered with artifacts made by Augustia, there are two matching rings. It was a plain obsidian ring with a crimson tint. Its design wasn't something that could be considered fine jewelry, but its colors reminded her of Ellamir. And how it would look good on both of them. 

So, Ellamir wanted to overindulge her once more? Antani's competitive spirit flared, not if she could help it first!

The Amazon took Ellamir's hand from her waist and laid it in a way where the ring finger would easily accept what Antani was about to put into it. 

Antani had said that she still wasn't ready to be tied down and have a family. That she still had her dream to chase. That much is true, but that doesn't mean that she didn't harbor the desire in her heart to spend the rest of her life with the woman whose hand she held. 

Too stunned to even act, Ellamir could only gasp as Antani took a ring from the stand and slowly slid it into her ring finger. 

As it fit into the base of her finger, Ellamir tried to vocalize how glad she was only for the words to be stuck in her throat. She was literally choking from joy.  

Ellamir snapped from her jubilation. And grabbed Antani's left hand in righteous anger. Does Antani think that she's the only one who can dole out such happiness!? Ellamir must make her lover experience it too!

With a solemn smile, Antani accepted the proof of Ellamir's love as it slid into the base of her finger, the gesture made her feel the full brunt of her lover's sincerity. Since their fertility festival is about to commence in a few months, after everything they went through, she was starting to come around at the idea of bearing Ellamir's daughter.  

As they were about to seal their moment with a kiss, a livid Augustia spoke. 

"You two! Take off that ring, right now!"

Had it been the old Ellamir she would have answered Augustia with rudeness, threats even. But any friend of Yulia is someone she would treat with respect, she owed her that much for her help in clearing up her name and solely by the virtue of being a good friend.. 

"We will pay for it, name your price. Dwarf."

"Ring's not for sale! That's an experimental communication device!"

Yulia emerged, her armor once again pristine, offering her take, "Then why not let the lovebirds keep it? Just have them report on its effectiveness, like Gloria's wheelchair."

"Don't butt in while I'm still mad at ya! The gallant armor I made for you was all dented and charred again! What, do yer powers let ya open a portal into the mouth of a volcano so ya could swim in it!?"

The dwarf's comment on her bathing in fire made Yulia chuckle. As if to placate her friend by compliments, Yulia put her hand below, around the dwarf's shoulder. 

"Something like that. Unlike last time, however,  I kept it in one piece. Don't you think I deserve a bit of credit for that? Besides, not only are you one hell of an artificer, you're also one of the best blacksmiths here in Elaria, repairing armor for you should be easy peasy."

"The next time ya wreck my armor again I'm going to triple their damn plates! Yer mobility be damned!" Augustia was about to storm off when Antani had stopped her to ask about the price of the rings. "Oh the ring, I changed my mind. I'll let ya keep it but ya have to report to me on its performance. Just give it some mana and ya will be able to communicate even if the other one is on the other side of the continent."

Had Augustia knew that these two would be inseparable, she might not have reconsidered. 

That may well be, they might still find a use for such device in the future.